1. For those frustrated that there aren't any court cases against the Washington elite, here is a Hillary Headache: An indictment has been filed against Clinton, Lynch, Reid, Comey etc in court. This is in regards to the murder of Lavoy Finicum.
3. Congress had been informed as far back as the 1980’s that the deep state was using threats and intimidation via the Federal Land Management Agencies. They did nothing. #Uranium1#DemocraticRussianCollusion#Treason#RICO#Murder
1. There seems to be a lot of battle fatigue and division in the #QAnon community. If Q never posted again, we have more than enough to do battle. Reread the drops. We have 6 months worth of rich knowledge to explore/research/post/educate others.
2. Many are just learning. Maybe it would be helpful and bring #unity to the community for us to share what we've learned. What are your favorite Q crumbs? Feel free to post here and repost to spread the word.
What about Q #570 1/21/18 The Sixteen Year Plan To Destroy America?
3. What if cures for many diseases like cancer already exist, but Big Pharma is keeping them secret to gain $$$ in grants, donations, research etc.