WHOIS records indicate it belongs to "X XYZ" who lives on "joker joker" street in China.
While the clearly fake WHOIS data may seem like a dead end, the same email address (goodluck610@foxmail.com) was used to register five other domains. It's likely you'd find malicious activity tied to these as well. One of the domains references less-fake information.
For now we'll stick with the facts at hand: @sandiegozoo's website compromised to run #Coinhive
Domain used to inject the malware: vuuwd.com
Current hosting provider: @QuadraNet
Domain registrar: @Namecheap
Looking at the historical DNS records on @securitytrails we find vuuwd.com was recently involved in Monero (XMR) mining operations. So it seems fitting to continue the trend with today's cryptojacking incident using #Coinhive.