If you read but one chapter of this informative report, go straight to "#AI#acquisitions#challenges." The chapter discusses 8 major #hurdles/#obstacles that need to be tackled if #DoD – or any other #MoD!!! – wants to successfully use #AI
III. "No independent entity in the commercial sector or inside government is charged with #validating#AI system performance and #enforcing#safety standards." – Consider the #certification challenge with current defense systems and compare this to #AI!
IV. Existing #procurement procedures are "not agile enough for past-paced software systems like AI". Consider this:
a. DoD Instruction 5000.02 on acquisition requires about 91 months from initial analyses to #IOC
b. Commercial companies typically develop AI software in 6-9 months
VII. "The #culture within the defense sector itself may create an #impediment to #AI#integration. (...) Members of project #MAVEN have reported a resistance to change b/c the #disruption that comes with #AI integration does not provide intuitive benefit." LET THIS SINK IN!
VIII. There might be a #lack of #conceptual#creativity as DoD could "simply use #AI to improve existing processes instead of #capitalizing on the tech's potential to produce a more significant benefit on the battlefield."
Mit #3OS#ThirdOffset hiess es, innovative #Tech für Verteidigung werde immer stärker kommerziell getrieben. Jetzt wird wieder betont, dass die zivile Wirtschaft von Spin Offs der #mil#Tech profitiert. Wird das Rad wieder zurückgedreht oder war #3OS – in DEU – nie Ernst gemeint?
iRobot, dessen Warrior abgebildet ist, hat seine Sicherheits- und Verteidigungssparte bereits 2016 abgestossen. Ist wie die erwähnte #Google Kontroverse um #Maven ein Beispiel, dass kommerzielle Unternehmer ambivalente Partner für Verteidigung sind media.irobot.com/2016-02-04-iRo…