And as I usually like to say, if you are interested in joining the conversation or in asking questions, please simply tweet at me or use #CigaretteSmoking, and I will definitely get to your question once I see them.
This hopefully will be a thread we all find educative.
So what is a Cigarette?
It’s essentially a narrow cylinder containing mostly tobacco that has been rolled into a thin paper primarily for smoking. The product is then sprayed with nicotine gotten from tobacco scraps.
No matter how you smoke it, tobacco is VERY dangerous for you. There are NO safe substances in any tobacco products, from acetone and tar to nicotine and carbon monoxide.
The substances you inhale don’t just affect your lungs. They ruin the whole body.
It is said that 1 person dies every 6seconds worldwide.
America reports that cigarettes is the LEADING cause of avoidable deaths, killing about 480,000 people every year.
UK reports 100,000 deaths due to cigarettes.
I do not have the exact figures for Nigeria, but if the countries that have the best medical facilities like America and Britain are all lamenting over 100,000 lives cut short EVERY YEAR due to #CigaretteSmoking,
what do you really think are our chances in Nigeria?
Pls let’s be clear on one thing, dear friends.
Tobacco smoke is incredibly harmful to your health. There’s NO safe way to smoke. Replacing your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, shisha or hookah WILL NOT help you avoid the many confirmed health complications.
It is said that each cigarette stick shortens your life by 11 minutes. Usually one pack has 20-25 sticks, so taking one pack will shorten your life by about 4 hours.
So all u need is to take six packs to cut your life short by one day.
And many people do this without knowing.
Inhaled cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemical compounds, including terrible chemicals like arsenic, formaldehyde, cyanide, lead, nicotine, carbon monoxide, acrolein, and other poisonous substances.
Cigarette smoke contains Nicotine which is sadly an addictive substance.
This is why it is quite difficult to stop smoking once you start, because the nicotine is a stimulant which gives a feel-good feeling that the brain then demands for more of.
Hence the addiction.
This is the reason why even in the hot sun, you will find someone sweating profusely but still smoking a cigarette.
He’s not trying to be warm, the place is warm already.
He’s simply addicted to smoking and he won’t feel alright until and unless he smokes.
Before I go into details, here’s a graphical chart showing the damages that #CigaretteSmoking is capable of doing all over the body.
Estimates show that cigarette smokers have up to 4 times higher risk of developing a stroke ahead of non smokers.
They have 25 times more risk of developing lung cancer ahead of non smokers.
#CigaretteSmoking has too many demerits that it’s an habit not to ever try at all.
#Cigarette smoking damages the heart and blood vessels by making them thick and narrower.
This can cause high blood pressure, clot formation in the brain or chest, strokes and long term disability, heart attack and a sudden “seemingly unexplainable” death.
This is no jokes.
Moving to the lungs, #CigaretteSmoking is known to cause long term nonreversible problems:
-emphysema, the destruction of the air sacs
-chronic bronchitis, permanent inflammation of the airway lining
-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
-lung cancer (90% of cases)
Still on the lungs, #CigaretteSmoking can also worsen or prolong the symptoms of a person who already has chest problems such as asthma, or respiratory tract infections such as the common cold.
You just notice that for you a “simple catarrh” always becomes a serious problem.
Now to #CigaretteSmoking and cancer,
It can cause cancer almost anywhere in your body 😢 😢
Blood (AML)
Colon and rectum
Oropharynx (includes parts of the throat, tongue, soft palate, and the tonsils)
#CigaretteSmoking also increases the risk of dying from cancer (and other diseases) in cancer patients and even in survivors.
As a matter of fact, the CDC says
“If nobody smoked, one of every three cancer deaths in the United States would not happen”
It’s that serious.
Smoking destroys nearly every organ and ruins a person’s overall health.
Smoking can make it harder for a woman to become pregnant.
It can also negatively affect her baby’s health during pregnancy and after birth.
Many used their smoking to ruin innocent unborn babies.
Pregnant women must NEVER smoke cigarettes.
Smoking causes:
-Preterm (early) delivery
-Stillbirth (death of the baby before birth)
-Low birth weight (tiny baby)
-Ectopic pregnancy (a potentially life threatening condition where pregnancy is outside the womb)
#CigaretteSmoking is known to increase risk of orofacial and cleft lip problems in new born babies.
Why should a pregnant woman ever smoke?
Why do something that will only end up ruining your health and destroying an innocent unborn child?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (skin cancer),
Fungal nail infection,
Bald head,
Grey hair,
Loss of hair.
Talking of Sexual Related Issues:
Nicotine affects blood flow to the genitals of men and women. For men, this can decrease sexual performance. For women, this can cause sexual disappointment by decreasing lubrication and the ability to reach orgasm.
Pls note.
#CigaretteSmoking can affects the quality of a man’s sperm, thereby making it difficult for him to have a child.
So those guys who say “My pull out game is on point 💯 “
Well, maybe you were just shooting blanks all the time 🤔
Weak tooth and gums
Tooth loss
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Just overall decline in general health
The bottom line is that smoking is a very unhealthy and dangerous habit in almost every way you look at it.
But there is good news.
If you QUIT (not reduce) smoking, your risks for all these medical problems begins to drop significantly.
And generally, the longer you stayed OFF cigarettes, the better for you. For instance within 2-5 years of quitting, risk of stroke drops hugely.
So how can I stop smoking?
There are different treatment options.
The best treatment for you will depend on your personal preference, your age, whether you're pregnant or breastfeeding and any medical conditions you have.
Best bet is to speak with a doctor or your GP.
There are Nicotine patches, gums and inhalers which are all offered as forms of Nicotine replace treatment for those who want to stop smoking.
There are Smoking Cessation Clinics and Support Groups which are generally quite helpful.
(Not sure if we have in Nigeria though)
But generally, it’s easier and more achievable that you will stop if you talk to someone (a doctor or a therapist) who can then help you through the long but worthwhile journey away from the very dangerous habit of #CigaretteSmoking.
It won’t be easy.
But it is worth it.
Thanks for your time.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for retweeting for many others to also read.
Let’s get the message out.
We can have a better and a healthier world, if we all do the little we can, from our little corners round the globe.
Thanks again.
Have a great day ahead.
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For people who can’t be bothered about all the permutations and technicalities of which genotypes should (or should not) marry, this is ALL the genotype advice you need in one sentence:
IF your genotype is not AA, marry an AA partner.
That’s your best bet.
End of advice.
Or better still,
Regardless of what your genotype is,
Marry an AA partner.
Irrespective of the permutations and your own genotype, an AA partner is your best option.
I hope that’s simple enough.
Thanks for your time.
Now retweet for others to be aware.
And quite obviously, even if you are AA yourself, your best option is to marry an AA partner.
So bottom line, for everyone out there,
Regardless of your genotype,
Your best option is to marry an AA partner.
An AA partner is the best genotype to combine with.
However you see it.
In the following tweets I will address an issue which I’ve heard two similar stories about and I have had to apologise to the people involved and also offer a form of ‘explanation’ on behalf of the doctors involved.
Please read this story and hopefully we all learn. #Chaperone
Case 1: A man in his 40s went to a hospital and saw a young female doctor because he’s been having more frequent urination and waking up at night a lot to urinate.
The lady asked to check his prostate by putting her fingers in his anus, and he felt very awkward. #Chaperone
He claimed (may not be true) the lady basically just told him “You need to pull your trousers and I need to check your prostate by putting my finger in your anus” and didn’t offer him any form of witness to make the procedure comfortable for him.
But he had it done.
I have lived in UK a few years now and NEVER has my bank ever charged me one penny for bank transfer.
I’m sorry. But that 52 naira 50kobo that Nigerian banks deduct per transaction, what exactly is it for?
Why is no one speaking out against this blatant fraud?
Next is the fraudulent “Card Maintenance Fees” by our Nigerian banks. Please how are you maintaining a card that lives in my wallet?
I have about 3-4 UK Bank Cards here. Both credit cards and debit cards.
I have NEVER paid any such thing as a “Card Maintenance Fee”.
The Nigerian Banking Sector is an unfortunately over-bloated industry that thrives on systemically entrenched policies that terribly defrauds us Nigerians and lives on cheating the average citizen of the hard earned money that is entrusted in their care to help save and invest.
I firmly believe the Medical And Dental Council of Nigeria needs to start punishing PUBLICLY medical malpractice.
A country where medical professionals can do what they like with NO FEAR of consequences or jail time or licenses withdrawn is a dangerous country for its citizens.
There’s a healthy level of caution that needs to be in every medical professional. You must approach our job with the FULL understanding that your actions and our decisions can be investigated and will be investigated should anything go wrong.
This has to be clear.
Medical professionals deal with human lives, and not something that is easily replaceable should it get lost.
One of the many ways to step up the standard of professionalism and quality of care from health workers is to make it clear there will be punishment for malpractice.
Someone sent me a copy of trash that has been spreading round on WhatsApp groups and I think I should address it. You may have been unlucky to see it in one way or the other.
But here I’ve posted it.
“If you have sex with a man, his DNA lives in you forever”
Then it goes ahead to talk about an imaginary research that has NO names of researchers and NO journals stated where it was published. This is a red flag. Shows you it is scam.
A simple way to recognise #FakeNews is the total absence of verifiable sources of information posted.
“Anytime you have sex with a man you become one with that man (spiritually too) and carry the man’s DNA”
This is an unfortunate mixture of bias with silly nonsense. There’s NO scientific research that is interested in “spiritual” joining of people thru sex. Whatever that means.
To boys who tell ladies they are having very severe stomach pains from not having sex:
Your day of reckoning has come 😂😂
That line is an ABSOLUTE lie 😂😂
No man ever gets severe acute stomach ache from not having sex.
And NO, not having sex has NO LONG TERM DAMAGES to a man.
I understand as a part of some imaginary bro code, I shouldn’t put this information out there 😂😂😂
But I’m sorry, I’m just a messenger doing the work of the Lord 😂
The story that a man will be having very severe stomach ache that can only be relieved by sex is a total lie 🌚
What some men term as “blue balls” is actually a feeling of sexual frustration and dull discomfort due to fluid congestion when a man gets really aroused sexually.
It’s a normal restlessness and discomfort that goes with sexual release- it’s NOT a life threatening situation.