Last night approx. 90 people, mainly from the Jewish com. went to see a film - ‘An Israeli Love Story’ @dukesatkomedia in Brighton. What happened both outside the venue & inside left the mainly elderly audience asking if it was safe to leave once the film was finished. 1/
This was #Brighton/#Hove, a City of Sanctuary, liberal, tolerant, diverse. But not for all it’s residents! Over the last number of years we have increasingly been intimidated & bullied by those hiding behind their ‘pro-Palestinian’ agenda.
They have used every possibly opportunity to shout & scream at anything with even the most tenuous link to Israel. Not just politics or politicians, but shops, dance performances and last night, a film.
The Jewish community of #Brighton and #Hove is varied in its political beliefs. Most hold no animosity towards Palestinians and support a two-state solution offering dignity & security for all. But being pro-Palestinian does mean you need to be anti-Israel....
They chanted ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ - this calls directly for the destruction of the State of Israel. They yelled ‘child killers’ at 70 year-old Jewish residents of Brighton who just wanted to watch a film.
Amazingly, the Jewish community in Brighton holds no responsibility for the actions of the Israeli government, nor do we have any sway over the situation in the Middle East.
We do expect to be afforded the same respect, dignity and protection of any other minority community in the city. We expect to be able to go and see a film without being screamed at or having women stand up inside a theatre yelling to disrupt a performance.
We understand that the situation in the Middle East is complex for many to understand. But that should not affect the community safety of a minority group here in our city. Elderly people went to see a film. They didn’t make a political statement.
They didnt go into the Komedia shouting hateful slogans about Palestinian. It is not acceptable in this liberal, tolerant city of ours that members of our community should have to think about wether it is safe for them to see a film because of the political agenda of others. 10/
The Macpherson Report defined a racist incident as ‘any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.’ What happened last night was racism!
There will be a second film at the @dukesatkomedia on Thursday evening as part of the @seretfilfest. Many of those who attended last night have said they will not be attending Thursday’s showing because they are too scared. (I repeat; They Are Too Scared To Attend!!)
We would urge all our friends, all people of good conscience, to join us, not to stand against anyone else, but to support the local Jewish community. We cannot allow members of the Jewish community to be intimidated in this way. #EnoughIsEnough
On Sunday Jewish families will sit down together across the U.K. to celebrate #RoshHashana.
A few things the haters need to know:
We have done so, in the same way, for hundreds of years. We have sat in our British homes, in our British streets, in our British towns and cities celebrating a Jewish holiday without ever fearing for our future
Now, thanks to the genie that Corbyn and his acolytes have let out the bottle, sadly, the conversation will not be solely about food, weather, family and jobs.
There will be another element that none of us want to be talking about!
Hey @LBC, you've just posted the heart breaking clip of 'Mandy from Edgware' in tears on the @MaajidNawaz. She clearly feared for her future as a proud Jew & Zionist here in the U.K.
These are some of the comments from under the post!
Here's the latest ones! They all seem to be on a similiar theme!
Just in case you weren't aware @LBC, it is of course all your fault!