1. Wow! #QAnon, just after midnight, mentioned 2 NYPD officers murdered in context of Weiner's laptop "insurance files". We thought one was NYC Officer Miosotis Familia. @POTUS gives speech hours later while #Q starts new drops. Guess who's family's there?
2. I'm almost too stunned to write further. #QAnon did not name Familia in last night's drop. Instead I/we used process of elimination through anons proffering candidates to make best guess. #Q confirms by name after @POTUS speech w #Familia family there! Wow!
6. #QAnon suggests the re-instatement of #Bharara into the NY system as AG is a "fight to reinstall the roadblock" to justice in NY. #PreetBharara's US atty position's been filled by Richard Donoghue who's background includes military justice. justice.gov/usao-edny/meet…#Q
7. #QAnon: Our forefathers knew this day would come, finding ourselves amidst EVIL and CORRUPTION everywhere. But,
We Fight!
We, The
8. In context of an anon referencing #PreetBharara's complicity, #QAnon notes many guilty are running for office as preemptive means to claim they are being targeted for political reasons. #Q
9. #QAnon refers to @POTUS' speech that 'We will protect those who protect us' by directing DOJ "to do everything in its power to defend the lives of American law enforcement."
Would SESSIONS still be AG if DEEP STATE?
Critical thinking dismisses fictional clickbait claims. #Q
10. #QAnon connects #NXIVM's Allison Mack's arrest and interrogation with ex-AG Schneiderman resignation. "Eyes Wide Open.. next.. Watch CA. #Q" ?
1. #QAnon North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear testing site, located inside a mountain near the border with China, has been the site of all 6 of the country's nuclear tests. The dismantling of the facility began in May, but till now observers have not been allowed in to verify. #Q
3. #QAnon: All lovey-dovey says #TrollRex. Being with {Rosenstein] on the plane "will be very nice". Reporter, "Do you have any plans to fire [RR]"? "No, I don't." #Q
1. #QAnon:
"There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance."
"We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth.." #Q
2. #QAnon One of Hillary campaign's top lawyers, former DOJ atty, Michael Sussman, provided DNC election #SpyGate "Russian hacking" prop directly to FBI's top lawyer, J Baker. Yet, FBI told us they didn't know it was from DNC & kept FISA judges ignorant of same in court. #Q
3. #QAnon: Baker, FBI's top lawyer's directly under Comey secretly receiving frm Sussman 1 of Clinton campaign's top lawyers DNC CrowdStrike "analysis" that a thumb-drive-speed trxfer of DNC e-mails's a "Russian hack", so to spy on Trump campaign.#Q
1. #QAnon Justice K now sits on the Highest Court in the Land!! What a great day!! Law & Order & the U.S. Constitution have now been safeguarded.
It was our last chance to peacefully save it. Just think if HRC'd won & we had SC appointments w a 'Corrupt' tilt, e.g., L Lynch. #Q
2. #QAnon again points to this video that makes more wonderfully optimistic sense every time I see it!! #Q
3. #QAnon Now comes the real PAIN, the real TRUTH.
They want US divided by race, religion, culture. class, and political affiliation, because, divided we are weak.
But together we are strong! #WWG1WGA!
1. #QAnon "Sen. Murkowski, R-Alaska, 1 of 4 undecided key senators, voted against advancing Kavanaugh in a procedural vote. That doesn't necessarily mean those senators will vote same way in a final vote, the timing of which has yet to be announced." cbsnews.com/live-news/bret…#Q
2. #QAnon "A picture is worth a thousand words.
See evil in the face of Feinstein?
See fear & emotion in the face of Murkowski?"
Rush called this "Alien vs Sigourney Weaver" Feinstein has leverage on Murkowski, but phones are always listening.
3. #QAnon FISA DECLASsification'll reveal US coup attempt. Loretta Lynch'd Veselnitskaya enter country to set up #SpyGate#RussiaHoax. FISAs approved for Manafort, Papadopoulos, Page, Flynn'll show how UK & Aus (& NZ?) assisted. #Q
3. #QAnon My oh my!
Is it a coincidence that Sessions is meeting Huber the day prior to being subpoenaed to bring Congress the #SpyGate docs, the same day as the "POTUS_ALERT"?
What sealed Grand Jury indictment info must 1st be vetted? judiciary.house.gov/wp-content/upl…📁 #Q