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Jul 21st 2018
Hi guys. This is how we to hurt the Kremlin today and strike a blow for Russian women. Whey you see them say “Free Maria Butina” or refer to any of the other women FSB agents, copy paste this:

#Путинсутенер #PutinPimp

Try to trend it.
If not, just try to respond to all their photos with Free Maria Butina” or #FreeMariaButina with

#Путинсутенер #PutinPimp - just the English one if you can’t copy paste the Russian. @putinRF

The @KremlinRussia_E forced Maria Butina to bed countless disgusting men
#Путинсутенер #PutinPimp

Vladimir Putin - pimping out the daughters of 🇷🇺 Russia to the West. Women of #Россия, @PutinRF makes female FSB agents whores. Why is United Russia making your women prostitutes! #FreeMariaButina Tell Putin - respect Russian women! Путин сутенер!
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