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Jul 1st 2018
Happy Sunday! I know it's strange to have no #30DayMusicChallenge today, but I do have a bonus day to wrap the whole thing up. I'll post tomorrow.
HOWEVER, there IS a #MusicSermon today! And I changed some sermons around bc I think ya'll need a live one after this bs week. ⛪️
I'll open doors of the church around 8:30/sunset.
In the meantime, the #MusicSermon ministry has been *very* busy in June, and some of it got lost in the music challenge posts. Catch up w/ a special non-sermon, all-update edition of the Church Bulletin….
Aight guys, it's cool enough for me to venture out and get some food real quick, then we'll get started with tonight's #MusicSermon.
Please prepare your hearts, minds and ears.
You may wanna get a snack, too...tonight might be kinda long. ⛪️
Ushers, you may start seating.
Read 63 tweets
Jun 17th 2018
Happy Father’s Day, ya’ll!
There is a #MusicSermon today! It’ll probably be around 7:30ish. I’ll give ya’ll a 2hr heads up. #PleaseGovernYourselvesAccordingly ⛪️
It's a gorgeous day, so I know a lot of ya'll probably aren't gonna be stationary until later, so we'll open the doors of the church around 8 for tonight's #MusicSermon. I'm going to pause the #30DayMusicChallenge RT's until then to give ushers time to prepare the sanctuary. ⛪️
*Steps into pulpit*
*Sips water*
*Adjusts mic*
*Opens text*

Happy Sunday, family. And Happy Father's Day to all our Dads in the congregation!

Last week, we started talking about under-appreciated families in soul music, starting with the DeBarges.…
Read 44 tweets

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