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Dec 29th 2017
1/ For those new to Bisq and looking to catch up quickly, here’s a list of recent podcasts, talks and papers about what we're up to. Enjoy!
2/ #HCPP17 talk at @paralelni_polis in Prague (slides only, video soon):
3/ #HCPP17 @WorldCryptoNet interview (15 min):
Read 19 tweets
Dec 27th 2017
Fascinant et effrayant exposé sur le(s) système(s) de crédits sociaux mis en place en Chine pour noter les gens. #34C3
Ce système calcule un score pour chaque participant, en fonction de données commerciales (réseaux sociaux, historiques achats) & officielles (documents judiciaires…). Exemple : partagez un article de l’agence de presse officielle, votre score augmente. #34C3
C’est un projet ancien (2005), annoncé très officiellement (2012) par le Parti (@lemondefr en parlait ici :…) qui exploite les mécanismes du jeu (score, comparaison avec les amis), ce qui en fait un très puissant instrument de contrôle social. #34C3
Read 6 tweets
Dec 26th 2017
The guy who violently assaulted me last year is allowed to come to #34C3. I was notified about it on Christmas Eve when I was at the buildup.
Aggravated assault here stands for hurting me and strangling me several times till I couldn't breathe. I did not see it coming, and I did not fight back.
And I reported that to #34C3 on August 31 requesting a safe event. I made all my documents available upon request.
#34C3 still admitted him because in this situation "we do not really know what happened" even after providing official documents regarding the event.
Read 10 tweets

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