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Oct 5th 2018
Thanks to CMs who voted for C2 [TF Version of #a2PoliceOversight Ordinance] @ #a2council @A2Ackerman @ChuckWarp @Eaton4Council @AnneBannister5 and of course @sumi4aa for leading the opposition to @MayorTaylorA2's ordinance.
Seems to me there is still room for work on the proposed ordinance and its role[s] within the city, the community. #a2council #a2policeoversight
I have also noted elsewhere on social media, with the exception of Sumi...
...wondering where is the opposition leadership? Why hasn't a charter amendment been proposed? Why hasn't Eaton used labor connections to *educate* his AAPD police union colleagues? And hey, pretty sure I am not the only one who has these questions. #a2council #a2policeoversight
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Jul 26th 2018
Query thread about police staffing levels: #a2council #A2policeoversight **Could any of @EatonForMayor's supporters [or the man himself], explain to me and others how his "proactive policing" model will make Black and Latinx residents safer?**
[I should note, the police oversight commission is meant to create a safer living environment for Black and Latinx, and poor people/ ppl with mental health challenges, who are disproportionally targets of police action in A2] #a2council #A2policeoversight
*Because the folks I talk to who identify as Latinx and Black, want fewer interactions with police, not more.*

*Additionally, what is the justification for growing the police department when crime trends, esp violent crimes are trending downward?* #a2council #A2policeoversight
Read 5 tweets

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