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Oct 2nd 2018
"Force will be met with force"!

“CIA killed both,Shastri & Dr. Homi Bhabha in 1966 Jan”.
-Robert Crowley. CIA-Director of plans, an interview with Gregory Douglas who was asked to publish it Only after his Death!…
Could Crowley’s claim be a fabricated one?
*Just two weeks apart,these 2 unnatural deaths occurred outside India!
* #LalBahadurShashtri had defeated US ally🇵🇰,had refused to shut down India's nuclear program!
*His being in the USSR provided CIA an opportunity to poison him?
*The most powerful agency in the🌍 in 60s,CIA used to routinely assassinate unfriendly foreign leaders!
* An ally of🇮🇳,would the Russians kill #LalBahadurShastri ?
*A political nobody, Indira Gandhi became the PM!
*Could then,the assassination
not be authorized by US President?
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