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Oct 4th 2018
Explosive Report Details Chinese Infiltration Of Apple, Amazon And The CIA | Zero Hedge #ChineseInfiltration Of #Apple, #Amazon⁠ ⁠ And The #CIA |…
One week ago @POTUS stood up at a meeting of UN Security Council and accused #China of attempting to tamper with US elections. In his speech @realDonaldTrump claimed #China was working to undermine the Republicans, warning that “it’s not just #Russia its #ChinaAndRussia
Most notably, in addition to efforts designed to sway US elections, #China’s intelligence community, orchestrated a pervasive infiltration of servers used to power everything from MRI machines, to the drones used by the #CIA and #Army
Read 10 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
Here is our prediction for how Apple will support reading NFC tags in iOS 12. This theory was developed after much research of publicly available information. Please follow along and ask any questions.

#apple #iOS12 #NFC #ConnectedThings
If you haven't been following, Apple added an NFC controller to the iPhone 7 to enable Apple Pay (contactless payments). It wasn't until iOS 11 that support for reading NFC tags was added. That was a huge deal for the NFC industry.…
However there are some significant limitations in iOS 11 for NFC tags. The most significant of which is that (1) a 3rd party app is required and (2) the user experience requires an explicit user interaction to read NFC tags. More in link here...…
Read 21 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
🇨🇳When you're REALLY concerned
about RUSSIAN interference,
but employ a CHINESE SPY for 20 years
#Spyeinstein #DianneFeinstein
Chinese Spy employed by Dianne Feinstein for 20 years was NOT a "driver" as she stated. Russell LEWE was an office manager who routinely met with Ambassadors.
#MAGA #QAnon #Spyeinstein
#Dobbs .@LouDobbs
#MAGA #Spyeinstein #democrats #QAnon #Dobbs…
Read 6 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
Autre info #Apple : j’ai pu rencontrer une responsable macOS Mojave qui m’a confirmé que c’était un comportement attendu qu’une image en HEIC ne soit plus convertie en jpg au moment d’un Airdrop. L’iPhone estime que le Mac sait la décoder.
Affinity Photos est prêt et Photoshop mis à jour également. Le pb vient quand vous voulez uploader sur un CMS/back office sans retouche (ça nous arrive souvent en salon par exemple). Il faudrait que Wordpress & co intègre un convertisseur auto à la volée.
Pour l’instant j’utilise ça
Read 3 tweets
Feb 11th 2018
There was a Time -When Dr. Rabindranath Tagore used to endorse Soap in Advertisements 🤔 Circa 1922
When Room in Taj - Mumbai was available for Rs.6/-
( Picture Via #OldIndianAds )
When Indian Tourism Advertisement used to feature street from Lahore 😌!! Circa 1935
( Picture Via #OldIndianAds )
Read 21 tweets

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