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Sep 19th 2018
There's been so much hype about #Zanzibar, but at the same time, a few people weren't particularly thrilled. Had to go find out for myself ,so some friends and I planned a trip. What I think? Top rating for beaches, good food, so much to see, history. Read this thread... #Travel
From #DaresSalaam, you have the options of flying or going by ferry to #Zanzibar. On the other hand, you could fly directly there. We spent a few days in Dar, then we went by cost $35 per person for economy and $50 per person for VIP. We travelled in the VIP section.
It takes 1hr30mins to get to Zanzibar by ferry. It could take longer when it's turbulent. The hotel we stayed in was an hour away from stone town. We stayed in Nungwi which is North of Zanzibar. #Travel #Africa #Tanzania #holidays
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