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May 15th 2018
#QAlert 5/15/18 This will be my THREAD for all of #Q’s posts for Tuesday May 15, 2018. #1776, Enjoy the show, find the 2 [187]’d #NYPD detectives mid-year and more!

Let’s Go!

@POTUS #Qanon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #EnjoyTheShow #ImwithQ #TheRainMakers
#QAlert 5/15/18 Post 1369 #Q labeled this post ##1776 and quoted a paragraph about destructive gov’t. Then links to a damning Erik Prince audio interview. MUST LISTEN!
We Fight!
@POTUS #Qanon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #EnjoyTheShow #ImwithQ #TheRainMakers
#QAlert 5/15/18 Post 1370

Why was Preet Bharara fired?
Why was the NY AG just removed?
Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?

[More below]👇🏻

@POTUS #Qanon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #EnjoyTheShow #ImwithQ #TheRainMakers
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