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(1) Liam is either ignorant or grossly misinformed.

"#GangStalking" is street slang for state-organized terrorism run through #ThreatFusionCenters under the guise of "legitimate" counter-terrorism ops.

It is funded by the #DOJ & #Pentagon & is referred to as a ....
(2) #CMO or "Civilian Military Op" by the US Military itself.

In reality, "Gang Stalking" is a sophisticated, tech-enhanced targeting strategy utilized by the US Gov against anyone that the #DeepState and its agency minions have marked as potential "dissidents" AKA "terrorists."
(3) This extrajudicial targeting protocol is an AI-driven amalgamation of tactics derived from a variety of sources including the #Stasi, #KGB & China's anti-Falun Gong global targeting teams.

The goal of these operations is to subtly terrorize and traumatize the target(s).
Read 15 tweets
Selected list of #indictments and #sentencings
Aug 15-22, 2018
1. Ricky Johnston from Las Vegas admitted to receiving over 600 images of toddlers & children engaged in sexually explicit conduct. He was sentenced to 144 months in federal prison.

#childpornography #childsexabuse #RickyJohnston #projectsafechildhood…
2. Operation Darkness Falls results in arrest one of the most prolific dark net drug dealers in the world.
Matthew & Holly Roberts used the darknet marketplace to distribute #fentanyl #oxycodone #heroin #meth & other drugs.

#darknet #silkroad #alphabay…
Read 31 tweets
Selected list of #indictments and #sentencings
Week of July 30, 2018
1. Las Cruces Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Child Pornography Charges.

#childpornography #projectsafechildhood #ICAC #NewMexico…
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#NXIVM unlocks Worlds
lets go beyond the headlines
Who is the #ArizonaMafia ?
It's bigger than you imagine
Main Source: Frank Parlato Jr
#Qanon #Qarmy #FletchLives
Just Days ago, "famed internet businessman Jeffery Peterson" contacted Frank Parlato Jr and publicly came forward with claims against #NXIVM that go beyond the localized activity in Albany, NY.…
3 He has also joined Twitter and has been sharing evidence. @realJeffreyP
Read 119 tweets
Selected list of #indictments and #sentencings
July 12, 13, 2018
1. Former Border Patrol Agent Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Distribute 4ANPP Used in the Manufacturing of Fentanyl

#BorderPatrol #fentanyl #4anpp #drugtrafficking #SanYsidro #mexico…
2. Phony “Prince” Charged with Committing Child Sex Offenses

#DavidMilliner #childpornography #childabuse #childsexabuse…
Read 19 tweets
Selected list of #indictments for June 27, June 28, and June 29, 2018
1. First Nationwide Undercover Operation Targeting Darknet Vendors Results in Arrests of More Than 35 Individuals Selling Illicit Goods and the Seizure of Weapons, Drugs and More Than $23.6 Million

#darknet #drugtrafficking #weaponstrafficking…
2. Multiple convictions in federal sex trafficking cases

#childsextrafficking #indianapolis #indiana…
Read 40 tweets
🚧 1.Let's take a little trip down memory lane @NancyPelosi @SenSchumer @SenGillibrand because it appears as though you may have a memory problem. In 2014 there were children in cages, 80% of which weren't even receiving adequate food and water #AbolishICE #WomenDisobey
2. 2014 Brian Williams reported on 52k children cramped into small facilities and while "taking children from Mothers" is never said listen closely when they say ADULTS are deported, kids stay? @NBCNews knows this and it was @RepMcCaul (R) that was worried #KeepFamiliesTogether
3. The @ACLU wrote to the Obama Admin in 2014 complaining children, including infants were starved, kept in "freezers" and sexually abused they included 116 confessions from children. #KeepFamiliesTogether…
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#MS13 is Hussein's Army...that's why the #Traitors lobby for open borders. Threatening rheotric ramping up against Patriots #WWG1WGA #DemocraticParty & #GOPe #RINO
MS_13 (2 187'd nearby) phones unlock command & control.
ETA (estimated).
It has begun.
This is Obama's legacy...stealing tax payers $/open boders, Catch & Release = slow death & destruction of America
The Family Tree for Loop Capital= funding & importing the ultimate hit squad "Catch & Release"#MS13
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Selected list of #indictments for June 7, 2018
1. Joint Federal State and Local Operation Across Puget Sound Targets Violent Drug Trafficking Organization.
More than 35 Arrested in a series of cases aimed at reducing drug and gang violence in Seattle.
#seattle #drugtrafficking #weaponstrafficking…
2. Former Charity Executive Pleads Guilty to Bribery and Embezzlement Scheme.
Cranford was an executive at Preferred Family Healthcare, a nonprofit corporation. He also operated three lobbying firms.
#bribery #embezzlement #Arkansas…
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1) Thread:
Folks seem to have a tough time recognizing @realDonaldTrump's accomplishments. Educate the left:

* Negotiating #FairTrade deals (we're currently down @ $800bill yearly on trade deficits)

*Forcing UN allies to pay fair share

*Record # of jobs created
* 3.8% #UnemploymentRate - Lowest since 1969, 49 years

*Lowest black & hispanic unemployment in US history

*Highest home ownership rates for black & hispanic Americans

*Reduced unnecessary fed govt jobs by 24k so far, shrinking massive fed & returning power to states
* Returning Education to states! Federal Dept of Education was created in 1979. US was ranked 1st globally in Math & Science. Since fed govt took over education, we're now ranked a shameful 28th globally

*Funded NASA after 7 years of dormancy
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Thread. Assorted #indictments and sentences. May 21, 2018 and May 22, 2018
1. Grosse Pointe Park Man Sentenced on Fraud Scheme Involving Distribution of Infectious Human Remains…
2. Alleged Mafia Soldier Pleads Guilty to Attempted Tax Evasion
#cosanostra @caponelives…
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1. #QAnon just now cites his Apr 9 drop asserting trust in Sessions, Wray, Pompeo, Horowitz, and Huber. #OIG report has now gone to DOJ for review for release soon. #Q
#CrossfireHurricane indeed!
2. #QAnon makes a timely citation of Apr 2 drop "for history books": #Huber's appted Utah US Atty by BHO, resigned Mar 2017, reappt'ed interim US Atty by Sessions & @POTUS nominates him Utah US Attorney Jun 2017. Cleared. Criminal investigation since. #Q…
3. #QAnon responds to anon's sharing tweet of #Pompeo parody acct. "The hard part for us is having to wait for the 'public' to 'know' what we've known for a very long time." #Q's drops make us dig for info & work together to help awaken fellow Americans deceived by #Clown media.
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#QAlert 5/15/18 This will be my THREAD for all of #Q’s posts for Tuesday May 15, 2018. #1776, Enjoy the show, find the 2 [187]’d #NYPD detectives mid-year and more!

Let’s Go!

@POTUS #Qanon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #EnjoyTheShow #ImwithQ #TheRainMakers
#QAlert 5/15/18 Post 1369 #Q labeled this post ##1776 and quoted a paragraph about destructive gov’t. Then links to a damning Erik Prince audio interview. MUST LISTEN!
We Fight!
@POTUS #Qanon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #EnjoyTheShow #ImwithQ #TheRainMakers
#QAlert 5/15/18 Post 1370

Why was Preet Bharara fired?
Why was the NY AG just removed?
Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?

[More below]👇🏻

@POTUS #Qanon #QArmy #WWG1WGA #EnjoyTheShow #ImwithQ #TheRainMakers
Read 24 tweets
Today I prepared a beautiful 6-year-old girl in a pink hat for an #asylum interview.

ME: Do you want to go back to El Salvador?

CLIENT [eyes wide]: No!

ME: Why not?

CLIENT [looking down at table]: Because of the bad people.

She'll be deported before her 10th birthday.
That tweet above is pretty much verbatim what she'll be saying on Monday; her father will provide the rest. He'll tell the interviewer about the threats of kidnapping & murder, and what gangs do to children of people they extort if they can't escape. She will not receive asylum.
The case will be referred back to an immigration judge, who will find that she & her family have not suffered persecution based on any grounds that the law can recognize. By the time of her hearing, AG Sessions will have personally removed any doubt of the law around this point.
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2. #QAnon states "It was not supposed to be revealed yet that @POTUS is not under criminal investigation" #Q speaks of a "Traitor", and speaks of "HUSSEIN control, HUSSEIN "STATE SECRETS" mentioning "Awan", "AMERICA FOR SALE", and President Trump's reference to "Cheatin' Obama".
3. #QAnon reveals much that suddenly makes sense about the phony Mueller investigation. He points out something painfully obvious but NEVER pointed out on #ClownMedia: There has been "No investigation into WikiLeaks receipt of information"! Relying on #CrowdStrike!!!???
Read 39 tweets
Donald J. Trump was elected to be @POTUS
He promised to put #AmericaFirst!
14mos later we have....
•100 percent vote by UN Security Council to sanction North Korea.
•41 percent decline in illegal southern border crossings
2) #AmericaFirst
•97,482 illegal immigrant arrests, 70 percent convicted of additional crimes, 52,169 expelled

•Adopted a resolute policy on Afghanistan

•Advocated for practical tertiary education

•Appointed an Education Secretary who is correcting abuses of Title IX
3) #AmericaFirst
•Appointed an Interior Secretary to improve forest management and expand users of public lands

•Approved the Keystone pipeline

•Called for international support of Iranian protesters
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1/ #QAnon

Major drops. This particular one is juicy, implying:
- Mueller = #WhiteHat going after the traitorous coup. #Manafort & #Page were plants.
- #Traitor leaked #Trump not the target...was not supposed to be revealed.
- DNC was leaked, not hacked.…
2/ Other key implications on the April 4 drop:
- No effort made by any agency to confirm #Crowdstrike claim of DNC hack. This strongly implies intel agencies were "in on it."
- #SethRich murderd by #MS13 (implied before).
- Recent arrest of "non US" this reference to Alex van der Zwaan (Dutch)?
- Growing Russia threat appears to be effort by #DeepState to maintain power through fear.
- Obama SOLD OUT the US...ties into intel and #Awan.
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1) Ready for a new #FalseFlag event? Here goes.

In about a week, approx. 1,500 (and growing) #CentralAmericans, most from #Honduras are ignoring #immigration checkpoints, military bases, and #police in an organized march toward the #USA #border.

#QAnon @POTUS #BorderWall
2) Despite their being in #Mexico without authorization, no one has made any effort to stop them. Organized by "a group of volunteers called Pueblos Sin Fronteras" (People Without Borders). Yeah right. #Fake and #staged.

#NWO #openborders #Soros #FalseFlag #QAnon #BuildTheWall
3) They're calling it a caravan, intended to help migrants safely reach the United States, bypassing not only authorities who would seek to deport them, but #gangs and #cartels who are known to assault vulnerable migrants. This is the lie being fed. What's the #truth?
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1) The boards are being shilled pretty hard today w people questioning #QanonPosts. I'd like to interrupt your normally scheduled programming with the following:

The #swamp is being drained. See the list of accomplishments below, corruption at this scale takes time. #QAnon
2) There was a massive roundup of #Saudi elites, including Al-Waleed bin Talal, notable for his endless meddling in #US affairs and membership in the #cabal. All were neutered.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState
3) #ISIS is on it's last breath. Why? #Saudi purge? Who else funds ISIS? See how fast they disappeared once their funding was cut? Imagine the intricate planning needed to cut those strings.
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While watching President Trump deliver #SOTU, and as I started to feel the groundswell of pride in our great Country, a poem by T.S. Eliot came to mind.


To be more precise, the poem came to mind while watching the shameful behavior of the #DemocraticParty leadership and members of the #CongressionalBlackCaucus.


The poem came to mind while watching Rep. Luis Gutierrez .@RepGutierrez, Democrat representing 4th District of Illinois and member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus walk out of #SOTU.
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1. #QAnon's drops can require some time for personal analysis and input from the many good people digging. Here's my summary of key intel from the last week+ (1/19 - 1/27) of #Q drops. For Twitter efficiency, I will provide the direct link to the related posts as I review.
2. Chuckie Schumer was put on notice by #POTUS that his role in #Treason is known. Did you notice how # Schumer sulked away to the corner after his failed shutdown effort?…
3. Read this whole #Q post as it has so much meaning. "Will Sessions drop the Hammer?" HAMMER refers to the very secretive NSA spying program. The same tools used to spy on #Trump will be their undoing.…
Read 62 tweets
"#ChuckAndNancy" #LimousineLiberals #Politics -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Genevieve Wood: Schumer Shutdown Makes Clear Democrats’ Real Priorities…

#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Soros #SJW #Antifa #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event…
| #tcot #PJNET
Read 107 tweets
1) Today's story is called The Brink.

They never thought she'd lose, now we understand the #NWO plan to destroy America, see 1991 Bush I vid. Obama took over the process from Bush II and embarked on an 8 year wrecking ball. #QAnon #GreatAwakening @POTUS
2) For years rogue operatives have been getting installed. Shadow government/#DeepState. All centers of #Government. Controlled by the wealthiest on the planet, most rogue was the CIA. Goal was complete control to dismantle. Check Out Barry's Book: Post American World #QAnon
3) The systematic leaking of classified intel was everywhere, so was exposure of #military assets. Instead if de-funding military (bad optics), you starve thru corruption. Notice #Mattis has a massive audit of DOD? Think why.……
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1) Here is a story of why we think #WeHaveTheMemo

See Q post below.

#DOJ, one is the investigation of the DNC breach and the #SteeleDossier. The #DNC was breached by #SethRich who sent the data to #Wikileaks. Highest levels made aware. Think big.

@POTUS #ReleaseTheMemo
2) #Google funded Crowdstrike w $100m. Brennan/Clapper used Crowdstrike thru Google to find leaker. #DNC finds out it's #SethRich. Q wrote: (SR 187)(MS 13 (2) 187). Example made of Seth, murdered by 2 #MS13 members, which were themselves killed a few blocks away. #WeHaveTheMemo
3) #DebbieWassermanSchultz shuts down #SethRich investigation. "Failed robbery attempt". Q says: F-I/D-J ASSIST - the #FBI and #DOJ assist in cleaning it up. Q then says "INSURANCE" - referring to Strzok texts.
Read 11 tweets

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