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Google+, you burst on to the #socialmedia scene like a comet. A rubbish comet in a fermement of amazing comets but a comet nonetheless. As others said you were wonderful & important, selling their services on the back of you, I said you were rubbish. I take my share of the blame.
As you became a wasteground, we continued to see the charlatans say you were a vital part of the #socialmedia spend. You weren't. #Search was always more important - along with the other social networks. #Google does so many things so amazingly well but this was never one of them
But it seems to be that you lived your life like a candle in the wind,
slowly going nowhere while the Twitter gleamed
And I would have liked to know you
But you were just too bad
Your candle burned out long before
The budget ever did.

#RIP #GooglePlus
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#auspol MP @StuartRobertMP charged taxpayers up to $2,800 a month for his home internet bills. He also spent $16,880 of taxpayers' money on "personalised letterhead stationery". PS: he has blocked me just like Bishop, Morriscum and others.…
#auspol MP @StuartRobertMP also flogging $5800 per person tours to Israel.… He's an Evangelical just like PM Morriscum (his wife is a church pastor). Also ex-army. And seems to be abusing secrecy powers...
#auspol MP @StuartRobertMP in March demanded parliament apologize for not helping Jews in WWII:… Even the Council of Australian Jewry said he was wrong: Australian took 15,000 Jewish refugees! Now he's Assistant Treasurer!
Read 16 tweets
1. #Antitrust Sherman Act
Antitrust Clayton Act
Antitrust Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914.

#Google , #Twitter and #Facebook violate all 3 Laws.
they must be broken-up and shattered.

remember United States vs. Rockefeller's Standard Oil - 1911
2. "United States Antitrust Law is a collection of Federal and State Government Laws that regulates the conduct and organization of business corporations to promote fair competition."
3. "The Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice, State governments and private parties may bring actions in the Courts to enforce the #Antitrust Laws."
Read 7 tweets
I IMPLORE you all to Please for the LOVE of Privacy & Safety STOP USING #GOOGLE - view the article on many other great alternatives, We must all Protect ourselves & STOP letting the #Communist China Google continue to access our private data… #FUGOOGLE
took me sometime but I deleted Google, working on removing Chrome and all google related aps from all my devices 👋 i just dumped 💩gmail 😀👍
Read 3 tweets
El 4 de septiembre #Google cumplió oficialmente 20 años. He creado este "pequeño" hilo con claves y anécdotas de los inicios de Google y cómo se convirtió en el buscador más importante del mundo.

Espero que sea de interés para SEOs y no SEOs -->
1996. Larry Page se está doctorando en Computer Science en Stanford y busca tema para su tesis mientras surfea por internet. La web es una masa de páginas enlazadas entre sí, pero sin ninguna jerarquía. Page idea un sistema para ponerlas en orden, similar a la citación académica.
El análisis de citaciones se usa en el sistema académico desde los años 60, para calcular la importancia de un ensayo científico. Cuanto más lo citan otros trabajos, más importante. Y en eso se basa el PageRank, el algoritmo original de Google para rankear documentos.
Read 44 tweets
Hi @Google. Why won’t your iOS keyboard let me be great?
The spellcheck was awesome once. It knew context clues. It knew when I meant if or of. What happened?
I do a search and need to repeat it second later? I used to be able to click the phrase when I went back to search.

Now it’s sometimes-y.
Read 8 tweets
Is this your official comment, @Google? Do you have a comment on the content/questions (in thread) below?
Q's for @Google @GoogleDevExpert
Can you confirm that Mikey Dickerson and Todd Y. Park routed election data through the White House during the Obama administration?
Is this system still functional?
Who operates and/or operated this US Digital Service? VJarrett?
Wikileaks release: June 29th, 2014 - 'Urgent Call' from Robby Mook to John #Podesta
Read 15 tweets…
"At least seven senior Facebook executives have announced their departures this year."
Nothing to See Here.

Sergey Brin - GOOG [Founder][BORN IN MOSCOW]
was married to…
Anne Wojcicki - 23andme [Founder]
was brother-in-law to…
Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube

Read between the lines.

Read 4 tweets
Am I the only one who finds Canada's donation to Clinton foundation hilarious?
And even more so The Broffman (#NXIVM ) - Truedeau connections?
And what about the Trudeau links to pedophila and the people he had 'offed'?
Let me know when you Canadians get justice!
Waiting for the attacks in 3...2...1...
or am I ONLY lying when it comes to #Trump and #Theplan?
Say, #DoubleStandards much?
#Truth? You guys don't want the truth. Y'all want echo chambers to agree with you and praise you for following 'your leader.
Follow the leader. dont ask
P.S. This something I've been working on as well (with solid facts and all)…

As well as every other claim I just made…

& the #Google version:…
Read 3 tweets
Fellow #Entrepreneurs, let's begin our #GlobalEChats on #healthcare and #technology!

RT and follow us to keep updated on our weekly topics as well to interact with only the latest of #startup news.
So 79% of you believe that in spite of exponential #technology advancement, humans are irreplaceable in healthcare and will continue to be its frontliners.

Let's also discuss #AI and #robots in healthcare 😁
But first, how has #tech change the face of #healthcare. Let's take a trip down memory lane!

Some of the #robotics you see in healthcare today range from the electronic thermometer to crucial #life support.
Read 9 tweets
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 8/29/18 00:02 Q replies to drop re. why POTUS is pushing FBI/DOJ!! “What if a paper-trail exists…
PDB via No Such Agency?
HUSSEIN made aware w/ no action?
Why did POTUS refuse 'select' PDBs during transition?
Who knew?
Threat assessment.
Adm Rogers?
2. “Why did HUSSEIN + HRC + ADMIN + Staff + … use private emails to communicate?
Was HRC the only one to use unsecured server(s)?” #QAnon #ServersBringDownTheHouse #WeHaveTheServers @realDonaldTrump
3. If access was granted re: HRC private server(s) can you assume access was granted re: House server(s) re: AWAN?
AWAN>Pakistani Intelligence?
Huma>Muslim Brotherhood?
Matters of NAT SEC. #QAnon #ServersBringDownTheHouse #WeHaveTheServers @realDonaldTrump
Read 59 tweets
#JaredCohen was mentioned by #QAnon “Newly released #HRC emails, published on Wikileaks show Cohen head of Google Jigsaw has been acting as a secret agent for the state department turning the world’s most powerful tech company into a private arm of the US intelligence services.”
“A secret government spy using Google data and resources to build spying tools to help the US State Department encourage regime change in Syria.

Pretty cool!”
Read 3 tweets
I am taking daily screen shots of my Gofundme page ea. posting on @LinkedIn The viewing stats don't increase while both posts it's between do & the most recent (in recent activity) has 0 views, yet it's the 1st post, while generic posts following it increase in views @DarrellIssa
😠Can't win for losing when all popular social media sites are #DeepState #PedoProtectors💥 @FTC @realDonaldTrump @DarrellIssa
"LinkedIn doesn’t want you to know when they're censoring you… which is why I can still see it. At least #Facebook & #Twitter tell you they're shutting your content down." Quote👇… #YouTube #Google #LinkedIn #Censorship @realDonaldTrump @FTC @DarrellIssa
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#Google takes the blame for #Aadhaar #UIDAI fiasco, while @UIDAI acts innocent! #UIDAImystery @google…
. @UIDAI claimed that 'It is clarified that, #UIDAI has not asked or communicated to any manufacturer or service provider for providing any such facility whatsoever'
#Google has assured its fix in the next few weeks! If you are wondering how #iPhone users reported the no. showing up in their contacts, it's likely coz they synced their contacts with a #Gmail account that already had the said contact added to its list #UIDAImystery
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Arrived in SFO, time for a coffee and then head to the hotel. Crashing out at Marriott Courtyard on 2nd St courtesy of #Google. Flight was courtesy of #Serverless conference. Thank you.
These days, almost my entire schedule of travel involves jumping from one conference to another courtesy of numerous conference organisers. Thank you all, otherwise I'd never leave Kent.
X : Aren't you concerned this might influence your independence of thought?
Me : Not at all. I do warn people that I'm going to say what I think regardless. Some conferences are brave e.g. I've done a few "Devops is the new legacy" at DevOps events.
Read 3 tweets
Let me give you a #TruthSummary for every corporate media story for the last week and for the next 2 weeks bar some new unforseen crisis:
1. There are no such thing as #TrumpTariffs
Art 1 sec 2 cl 3 delegates that power to Congress
Trump Tariffs are a fiction created by illegal legislation and false policies
Media, pundits, & politicians need to shut up about Trump Tariffs & start talkg about #CongressionalTariffs
2. #Kavanaugh will not be the "death of womens rights" no matter what @SenFeinstein says. Kavanaugh will not be king and for goodness sakes, supports #Obamacare!!
Read 14 tweets
Qualche considerazione a caldo (a tiepido) sul caso #Google #Android-#Commissione.

1) La Commissione ha comminato a Google un'ammenda di 4,34 miliardi di euri. Si tratta della multa più alta nella storia dell'antitrust mondiale e quasi doppia il precedente record: la multa di 2,42 miliardi di euri inflitta nel 2017 dalla Commissione... a Google.
2) L'entità della sanzione – che la Commissione avrebbe potuto fissare fino a un massimo di 9,45 miliardi, ma gli analisti stimavano intorno ai 2,5 miliardi – spiega molto della portata del caso. Il futuro politoc del commissario Vestager sarà definito dal caso (dai casi) Google.
Read 19 tweets
Mit #3OS #ThirdOffset hiess es, innovative #Tech für Verteidigung werde immer stärker kommerziell getrieben. Jetzt wird wieder betont, dass die zivile Wirtschaft von Spin Offs der #mil #Tech profitiert. Wird das Rad wieder zurückgedreht oder war #3OS – in DEU – nie Ernst gemeint?
iRobot, dessen Warrior abgebildet ist, hat seine Sicherheits- und Verteidigungssparte bereits 2016 abgestossen. Ist wie die erwähnte #Google Kontroverse um #Maven ein Beispiel, dass kommerzielle Unternehmer ambivalente Partner für Verteidigung sind…
Read 7 tweets
İnternetten ek gelir sağlamak isteyen birçok insan var. Geçmişte blogum üzerinde de paylaştığım para kazandıran uygulamalardan ve sistemlerden bahsetmemi ister misiniz? #Flood
1- Flood başlamadan önce bu konuya lütfen göz atın. Çocukların güvenliği için önemli birkaç adım attık. Umarım planlarımızı gerçekleştirebiliriz.

2- İnternetten para kazanmak mı istiyorsunuz? Bunun için en önemli kuruluşlardan birisi Yandex'in ''Toloka'' adını verdiği sistem. Mobil uygulamaları da mevcut. Size sorular soruyor ve bazı konularda yardımcı olmanızı istiyor. Tabi paranızı da hemen ödüyor. #Yandex #Toloka
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Erişime engellenen sitelere girmenin birçok farklı yolu var. Genel olarak bizler hep DNS ve VPN'den bahsettik. Peki diğeleri neler? #Flood!
1- Erişime engellenmiş sitelere acil girmeniz gerekli ve hiçbir şey yapamıyor musunuz? O zaman Google Cache yardımınıza yetişiyor. Nasıl mı? #GoogleCache #Erişim
2- #Google'a girmek istediğiniz siteyi yazın ve ''önbellek'' sekmesini açıp tıklayın. Siteye erişebilirsiniz.

Örnek: #Wikileaks erişimi! #Google #İnternet #SansüreHayır

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If you think #QAnon is a #conspiracy after reading this post then you are probably brainwashed and should continue on following @CNN

2791 KNOWN CEO's have resigned since Sept. 2017

Names, company, reason, sources all listed :

29,000 Sealed Indigtments as of 4/30/18

I believe it is up to about 34,000 now.

#Gitmo Mass arrests coming.

@realDonaldTrump #usa

Human Trafficking including children.

Here you can read monthly newsletters from the Attorney Generals Office.
#Google Human trafficking (news)

Every week 100's of victims are saved and mass arrests made.
Read 10 tweets
#NewQ ALERT!!!! 🚨🚨🚨
"This is the English version of the video "trailer" that President Donald J. Trump showed Chairman Kim Jong Un during their historic summit on 6/12/18."

Jun 12 2018 11:08:47EST
"No. 100
Dark to Light.
1:07 [Marker]

Do you believe in coincidences?
"Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit?
He did not have his updated phone number.
(3) NK Generals [released] closed the pathway for bad actors.
Post 1465
Jun 12 2018 12:02:24 (EST)

Reminds me of "Elian's Revenge" by Leikeli47:
Read 105 tweets

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