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Sep 2nd 2018
"I'm afraid to discuss my business ideas because I'm afraid someone will steal them. What do I do, Shadeed?"

Good question. Here are 7 ways that you can protect your #business ideas.


#smallbusiness #startup #smb
Protect your business idea #1
Non-disclosure agreements. (NDA)

What is a NDA?

A legally enforceable contract that binds confidentiality
between a person holding information with the person who
is receiving it.

You sign NDA before you tell the details.
Protect your Business Ideas: #2
Trademark your Name

What is a trademark, Shadeed?
A symbol or words that are legally filed to represent a product or company.

Where do I file my trademark?
Apply online here:

Read 10 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
Fellow #Entrepreneurs, let's begin our #GlobalEChats on #healthcare and #technology!

RT and follow us to keep updated on our weekly topics as well to interact with only the latest of #startup news.
So 79% of you believe that in spite of exponential #technology advancement, humans are irreplaceable in healthcare and will continue to be its frontliners.

Let's also discuss #AI and #robots in healthcare 😁
But first, how has #tech change the face of #healthcare. Let's take a trip down memory lane!

Some of the #robotics you see in healthcare today range from the electronic thermometer to crucial #life support.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
0/ Thread. Having spent some time with @Nicolas_Colin on his new book HEDGE about #tech, #entrepreneurship, social #policy and the future of the Safety Net, I'm sharing some things that stuck with me, and why HEDGE is one for the ☀️📚📝 #readinglist…
1/ @Nicolas_Colin is thought-provoking not least because of his vantage point - graduated from the French ENA, worked at the top of the French civil service, set up his own company, and invests in startups all over 🇪🇺 with @_TheFamily
2/ Im not one for party politics, and HEDGE isn't about that. It's a book that speaks to the zeitgeist of the #techlash and ways for #startup #founders and #politicians to think about smart, sensible policies to build an inclusive Safety Net 2.0 📖
Read 14 tweets
Aug 10th 2018
Does AUSA Moira Kim Penza, prosecutor in the fed. #NXIVM #RICO criminal racketeering case, realize that her indictments of #NXIVM leader, Keith Raniere aka "Vanguard," last March, may have affected the outcome of the 2018 Mexican Presidential Election? #ArizonaMafia #Democrats
Moira Kim Penza is 1 of the main prosecutors in the federal #NXIVM #RICO criminal case. A #RICO case is very serious; it is 1 of the most complex types of prosecutions the U.S. Government can initiate. Moira's boss is Richard P. Donoghue, U.S. Atty for the Eastern District of NY.
Penza is a smart lawyer. According to publicly available information, she studied at Cornell Law School, a private Ivy League University located in Ithaca, New York. Cornell was ranked the #13 law school in America, out of 203 law schools, by U.S. News & World Report, in 2018.
Read 117 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
Hello, everyone and welcome back to our weekly #GEMChats! This week, we'll discuss the results of the poll on whether #celebrities make successful #entrepreneurs!

Let's begin, shall we?

#startup #womenentrepreneur #business #showbiz
So recently @KylieJenner sparked a heated debate on how celebrities are successful at entrepreneurship when she was announced to become the youngest self-made #billionaire ever.…

Some feel strongly that she only dethroned #MarkZuckerberg from that position because she is part of the #Kardashian and her #entrepreneurial venture has multi-level of safety net and it allows her to #scaleup at an exponential rate.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
>>About Frank Parlato of Some people have asked me if I am a friend of Frank Parlato, a newspaper owner and blogger who first first broke the story of women being forcibly branded as part of the #NXIVM cult. In response, I must clarify details about this.
In fact, I am not an established "friend" of Frank Parlato, who is the publisher of, and The Niagara Reporter weekly newspaper. Frank is someone who I spoke with by telephone, about three weeks ago, who I respect very much. I will explain why. #NXIVM
Frank Parlato, as far as I was able to ascertain, is a well known publicist and journalist who has worked on political campaigns. I read that Frank spent years fighting to expose Keith Raniere, who is accused of branding and enslaving female followers of his organization, #NXIVM.
Read 56 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
It's #YorkshireDay! Yes it is. What better way to celebrate than a MASSIVE thread that I'm calling the 'Entirely-anecdotal-Kane-Fulton-#Yorkshire-Startup-Tech-Power-List-100!' These talented folk have been a joy to work with and are doing awesome things in our county. Let's go!
100. @officialtaras Taras Lanchev - An absolute startup champion who has overseen Startup Weekend in Leeds, exited his cryto tee shirt business Cryto Daddy and is now working on a meeting scheduling app called Focus.
99. @GlobalDigitalWK Global Digital Week's James Munn. Former president of Leeds @UniversityLeeds Enterprise Society, James helps out by mentoring at events such as Startup Weekend, has exited his own startups and gets involved in superb initiatives such as the current Pitch Pot.
Read 105 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
Let's discuss this thread in this week's #GEMChats for #entrepreneurs. What are some common mistakes that #startups, especially #fashion startups make that makes them less viable?
Let's breakdown the mistakes into sections of a business. These sections can take form within the Operational, Connectivity and Knowledge aspect of the #startup business. #entrepreneurship #womenentrepreneur

So let's discuss this. Feel free to mention us and let's talk!
Firstly, Knowledge.

Studies have found that 3 out of 4 #startups fail. Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) reported that fashion is one of the most difficult industries.

The lack of knowledge prior to starting and while running a #fashion startup can be a costly mistake.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
Let's discuss this topic for this week's #GEMChats on #entrepreneurs and #entrepreneurship.

This week's topic is #Venture #Capitals and what is funding like for #womenentrepreneurs!

Please follow us, RT, reply and Like our #thread to discuss this topic.
In June 2017, @HarvardBiz published an article questioning the discrepancy in VC funding for #entrepreneurs of different genders.

In the US, #female entrepreneurs own 38% of the businesses in the country yet receive only about 2% of all venture funding in the whole country!
Some of you answered the poll that the reason for this phenomenon is that there is a lack of female VCs.

The #data however speaks otherwise; the number of female VCs has increased to 7% from 3% in 2014 and yet the funding gap has only increased.

Why does this happen?
Read 12 tweets
Jul 9th 2018
This is a good tweet about the idiocy and classism that permeates #startup culture. I have some thoughts.
In Startup Land, if you're not leveraging technology or "solving a problem," you're not allowed to be part of the club.

If you're not coming to the table with an entirely original idea (no matter how dumb), then good luck finding support.
This approach is harmful because it invalidates most entrepreneurship and it ignores a huge swath of the U.S. economy.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 7th 2018
[Tweetstorm] What's the TAM Chasm? A #SaaS #startup story

Early stage founders typically get thrown for a loop when they're asked for their TAM. Here's two ways to think about it that both make sense, but not really for the same person at the same time!
Let's say you're a domain expert - 10-15 years in manufacturing sw for auto ancillary units. You know the end users, you've done pre-sales, deployment, you know what their problems are, you even know how to solve some

You decide to startup to solve one of the problems Yay!
The founders of your company hate to see you leave, but also know you're a go-getter. They agree to support you with angel investment, and access to customers. You find a few friends who're hitting a glass ceiling, and want out of mid-mgmt, and into an exciting startup.
Read 21 tweets
Jul 3rd 2018

#PillPack #Acquisition:

Hi #entrepreneur #startup: One of the best businesses to start - building up the best #distribution pipeline and providing awesome #CustomerExperience .

#Technology #ideas

If your someone else is building the distribution network with awesome #CustomerExperience in your space then be very scared - Ask the Hollywood studios about Netflix and Amazon Prime

#Amazon #Technology #PillPack #acquisition #entrepreneur #startups

Amazon to buy (for $1bn) online pharmacy @PillPack which ships prescriptions around the US, and overnight.

Under threat: $400 billion pharmacy business. @Walmart @Walgreens @cvspharmacy stocks dropped.

#Amazon #Technology #PillPack #acquisition #entrepreneur #startup
Read 6 tweets
Jun 27th 2018
Let's discuss the results of our #businesspoll for this week's #GEMChats! #Entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs, let's talk!

"7 Things That Business School Taught Wrongly About Entrepreneurship"

#thread #startup #discussion on @seanwise's Inc article.
1. You Need #Money To Start A Business

Many founders/entrepreneurs often get taught the misconception that investors are the first step in setting up!

Today, the method has changed and so should you! In the rise of startups, following the Lean Startup method is the norm now.
By building a prototype, testing your products to early adopters and then funding through crowdsourcing and family/friends, a successful product will attract VCs and investors to invest without needing to chase after them.

VCs are more focused on scaleups on existing products.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 3rd 2018
Banyak banget yang nanya, ngerjain startup tu asik ya? Gw share dikit ya ilmu gw di per-startup-an selama 13 tahun terakhir. Bakal panjang ya jadi sabar-sabar ngikutinnya
Gw yakin banyak banget di sini yang ngebayangin jadi kaya Mark Zuckerberg gara-gara nonton the social network. Bikin startup tidak seindah itu, apalagi jaman sekarang, PENUH PENDERITAAN. Iya lo ga salah baca. PENUH PENDERITAAN. Tapi bukan berarti ga asik kok sob nanti lo liat
Pengalaman startup pertama gw dimulai tahun 2005. Startup pertama gw adalah sebuat software house. Jaman itu masih ngenes lah. Kenapa ngenes? Itu jamannya masih kalo lo di bidang IT harus bisa jadi superman yang bisa segala macem dan dibayar serendah mungkin
Read 175 tweets
May 30th 2018
Having a rich investor buy into our business ideas to fund the growth of our empires is a dream for many startup founders.
For the rest of us, we have to wake up and fund our own businesses.
Review this thread for practical tips for Bootstrapping your business.

What is Bootstrapping?
The Small Business Encyclopedia defines it as: Financing your company's startup and growth with the assistance of or input from others.

I define it as: Building a business with out of pocket financing w/out the guidance of a parent company.
Bootstrapping Strategy #1
Know your operating costs and expenses. Ruthlessly manage unnecessary expenses.
If your partners are money-motivated, it is important to form an agreement to delay gratification. Run a lean ship in order to stay afloat.
Read 9 tweets
May 22nd 2018
1/ It takes people, tools and execution to create a new product and bring it to life. Here’s a shoutout to a few products and services that have been tremendously helpful to @MarieProkopets and I as we’ve built @usefyi 🙏.
2/ We used @typeform to create a half dozen surveys that helped us learn everything we possibly could about how people use documents. These surveys helped us learn what problems to solve with @usefyi. @DOkuniev and @robert22munoz, you two have built a beautiful, useful product!
3/ @Calendly helped us easily schedule meetings for @usefyi customer interviews so we had less back and forth emails about finding the best time and best way to chat.
Read 11 tweets
May 15th 2018
1/ Which is the world's most valuable #unicorn ?

A: Uber
B: Airbnb
C: SpaceX
D: Ummm ... none of the above

Read on ...

#valuation #privatecompanies #mobilepayments #fintech #ecommerce #strategy #startup #founders #entrepreneur
2/ At $150bn valuation @AntFinancial Services Group, which was spun out from #Alibaba in 2014, and one which owns China’s biggest payments app, #Alipay, is the biggest #unicorn in the world.
3/ Drivers of Ant Financial's $150bn valuation:

1: Size of #mobilepayments market in #China : ($13 trillion - 61.8% transactions globally)
2: Growth
3: 700 MM smartphone users
4: 76% of of those made a mobile PoS purchase in 2017
5: Penetration: street vendors accept m-payments
Read 5 tweets
May 12th 2018
1/ #FlipkartWalmartDeal is a bit unfortunate for an Indian the #startup (and the #founder) who had chance to be India's Alibaba (and Jack Ma ).
2/ Yes, an awesome deal for #founder & #investors.

400x for Accel Partners & Tiger Global's initial investment.

Softbank wld get 1.5x for $2.5bn within a year.
3/ Could they have become $200 B business on their own, with the original team?

Would Indian market alone have supported the kind of growth Alibaba experienced/ing?
Read 8 tweets
Apr 11th 2018
Read 25 tweets
Mar 17th 2018
The Go-Getter’s Guide to Creating Your Own Luck In Your Business & Your Career

☘️#StPatricksDay2018 ☘️
#SMB #CRM #Networking
#startupgrind #entrepreneur


Luck ☘️ is associated with being in the right place at the right time.

In your business, this is known as “proper positioning”.

👉🏾Get crystal clear about what you specialize in
👉🏾Get clear about the audience you serve
👉🏾What result do you deliver?
#SMB #StPatricksDay
The biggest mistake that new businesses make is the desire to deliver all things for all people

Proper positioning results in standing out due to hyper focus

When you lessen your competition you increase your luck by being available for opportunity.

#SMB #StPatricksDay
Read 7 tweets
Mar 14th 2018
Why do your friends hesitate to support your ideas and your business?

These are details you need to understand about friendship that will save you time and heartbreak on your path as a Creator.

Based on a true story.

(Thread) #SMB
Success in small business requires the conscious cooperation of other people to succeed. We naturally rely upon the direct support of our immediate peer group.

There are 3 types of friends.
Only 1 type has the capacity to support your evolution.
Let’s go deeper.
The first type of friends you develop are your Rite of Passage friends.
You meet during moments of transformation. During times of stress, the mind seeks familiarity & comfort.
Common interaction points:
Bootcamp, Freshmen year of college, high school athletics, church choir
Read 16 tweets
Oct 5th 2017
Qui participe au #hackinghealth ? Un #thread sur les profils pour vous aider à trouver votre place dans une équipe…
Vous êtes #dev : #web développeur/se,, expert.e TIC...
et vous voulez hacker la santé 🏴‍☠️
Vous êtes #designer : expert.e #innovation par les usages, ergonome, créatif... Vous aidez l'appropriation d'un service ou d'un produit 😍
Read 19 tweets
Jul 29th 2017
"De l'information au piège à clics" paru dans le @mdiplo d'août. La soumission des journalistes à l'idéologie du tout-marché #Àdérouler
Konbini, Melty ou BuzzFeed sont l'avant-garde en matière de conditions de travail "à la #startup" : précarité maquillée de #fun #cool
La publicité, déjà fond de commerce, remonte à la surface, la tendance n'est plus seulement suivie mais inventée de toutes pièce #marketing
Read 4 tweets
Jun 26th 2017
What. The. Fuck.

Someone, please explain this to us ASAP cuz we're very very very lost.

A pie chart of wood swatches
Can someone explain this framework?
Read 49 tweets

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