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Aug 7, 2018 56 tweets 43 min read Read on X
>>About Frank Parlato of Some people have asked me if I am a friend of Frank Parlato, a newspaper owner and blogger who first first broke the story of women being forcibly branded as part of the #NXIVM cult. In response, I must clarify details about this.
In fact, I am not an established "friend" of Frank Parlato, who is the publisher of, and The Niagara Reporter weekly newspaper. Frank is someone who I spoke with by telephone, about three weeks ago, who I respect very much. I will explain why. #NXIVM
Frank Parlato, as far as I was able to ascertain, is a well known publicist and journalist who has worked on political campaigns. I read that Frank spent years fighting to expose Keith Raniere, who is accused of branding and enslaving female followers of his organization, #NXIVM.
Keith Raniere, aka "Vanguard," leader of the #NXIVM cult, once employed Frank Parlato as the group’s publicist. It was during this time that Raniere presented Parlato with a list of "enemies" that the #NXIVM cult intended to target with abusive litigation & fake criminal charges.
According to reports that I read online, when Parlato found himself out of favor with "Vanguard," (for reasons beyond the scope of this Twitter message) 2 of the alleged cult’s financial supporters, Clare and Sara Bronfman, may have helped 2 target & bully Parlato himself. #NXIVM
As the #NXIVM arrests & prosecution were announced, I noticed that several of my former friends & colleagues had ties 2 the #NXIVM case, including Emiliano Salinas, Dennis Burke, and a group of senior #Democrat political figures who were known in D.C. as the #ArizonaMafia. #TRUTH
I found it interesting that Frank Parlato had suffered years of threats, #bullying, & abusive litigation, in a similar way I had, after I did not join the Mexico branch of the #NXIVM organization, by virtue of my past friendship with #NXIVM Mexico leader, Emiliano Salinas. #TRUTH
I found it interesting, that I was targeted by a Government organization, in my case, the corrupt Arizona Corporation Commission, after I did not join #NXIVM Mexico. Frank Parlato was targeted by the Government, with #FAKE charges, after he had disagreements with #NXIVM. #TRUTH
It found it interesting & perhaps more than coincidental, that both Frank Parlato and myself had been targeted by #Corrupt Government interests, & subjected to #bullying, threats & abusive litigation, after not complying with wishes of key persons associated with the #NXIVM cult.
It is true that I had nothing to do with #NXIVM in Albany, New York. The only possible connection to #NXIVM I had, was thru Mr. Emiliano Salinas, who became a investor in my Internet #startup company, Mobile Corp., in 2014. However, upon reading, many things began to make sense.
It was 2014 when Emiliano Salinas mentioned #NXIVM to me. I had met w/him in Mexico City, and he became in investor in Mobile Corp. I did not think about it much at the time. #NXIVM did not interest me. I never joined. After that, my frmr. frnd Marco Lopez, brought it up again.
After not complying w/r to join #NXIVM Mexico, my world began 2 be taken apart. My friends were distanced from me, & I was targeted w/a overreaching investigation by an agency that has been called "the most corrupt Government agency in Arizona," the AZ Corporation Commission.
I did not understand this. I did not connect it to Emiliano Salinas's prior invitation to join #NXIVM, at the time. I could not understand why the Arizona Corp. Commission refused to settle their civil investigation, even when we offered to pay t/FULL AMOUNT in question. #TRUTH
I had never been through such a thing. In my life, had never been found guilty of anything bad. Was once fired from my own company, Quepasa, in 1999 by a CEO that I hired, but it was little more than dumb corporate maneuvering; I later returned to fix & run that company in 2002.
I noticed that after the #Corrupt investigation & case by the #Corrupt Arizona Corp. Commission in 2015, my frmr. colleague, #FastNFurious U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, planted a dumb #HitPiece article in the AZ Republic newpaper on Dec. 14, 2017. I did not understand, at the time.
The #FAKE claims made in the dumb #HitPiece news article planted in the AZ Republic by Attorney Dennis Burke, on December 14, 2017, are disproven by a video I published a few days ago. The video can be viewed at the following link--->>>… #Corruption #TRUTH
I had noticed that after frmr. #FastNFurious U.S. Atty Dennis Burke planted the #FAKE #HitPiece news article 12/14/2017 in the AZ Republic, he proceeded to constantly edit my Wikipedia article, 2 move the #HitPiece up 2 the top of the article, apparently with hope 2 discredit me
I could not understand why all of this seemed so important, so urgent, to my former #ArizonaMafia friends, who had completely stopped talking 2 me at that point, with no real explanation. They started telling everyone we knew, that I was a "con man," which is a ridiculous claim.
"con man" seems like a ridiculous claim, for me, with 0 criminal convictions in my history. I am the former CEO of a well known Nasdaq company, Quepasa, w/raised >$200 million dollars, with 0 regulatory problems. Dennis Burke says the history is 2 old 2 matter. I disagree. #TRUTH
And so I noticed that Frank Parlato had been targeted w/abusive litigation, bullying, & FAKE criminal charges, by ppl. w/ties to the #NXIVM cult, in a similar way that I had been targeted w/a #Corrupt investigation by a #Corrupt Gov't agency & bullied, after I did not join #NXIVM
A difference is, I have been targeted, #bullied, #harrased & sbj. 2 abusive litigation, at a different level than Frank Parlato, by interests that might come from the same #NXIVM leadership. Parlato was targeted & harassed from Albany. I was apparently targeted frm #NXIVM Mexico.
Many of the ways Parlato & I have been #harassed , #bullied, investigated, & sbj. 2 abusive #litigation, are similar. Except, in my case, I was #harassed for years, by ppl. like frmr. #FastNFurious U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, & Alan Bersin, who was a Rhodes Scholar w/Bill Clinton
And so considering similarities, began 2 question, how far do connections & psbl. nexus w/#NXIVM associated ppl. really go. A startling #TRUTH begins 2 emerge, when U consider ppl. like frmr. Secret Service Dir. Mark Sullivan, was brought 2 court 2 appear 4 "Vanguard" of #NXIVM.
Frmr. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan, is connected 2 frmr. #FastNFurious U.S. Attorney, Dennis Burke. Burke has been representing Seagram's heiress & #NXIVM financier Clare Bronfman, behind the scenes, trying 2 be invisible. Burke is friends w/Emiliano Salinas of #NXIVM.
My frmr. #Arizona boss & frmr. Sec. of U.S. Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, recently appeared 2 endorse the "puppet" candidate 4 the #Mexican Presidency, of Emiliano's father, #CarlosSalinas, in the same month Keith Raniere was arrested for #NXIVM…
My frmr. bst friend & honorary "brother," Marco Lopez, who is frmr. Chief of Staff/U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), started acting like a lunatic. He said if I spoke of #CarlosSalinas, my "entire family" w/be assassinated, and me 2. I had never known Marco 2 act this way
Frmr #FastNFurious U.S. Attorney, Dennis Burke, was also acting strange & like a #loser. 1st he planted dumb #HitPiece newsppr. article on Dec. 14 2017 in AZ Republic. Then I noticed Burke desperately editing my Wikipedia page, always moving the #HitPiece 2 the top again & again
So w/my former group of #ArizonaMafia friends obviously involved w/frmr. Pres. of #Mexico, #CarlosSalinas thru Emiliano Salinas of #NXIVM, & threats, harassment & abusive litigation, I contacted Frank Parlato 2 discuss his suffering w/#NXIVM & my recent similar experiences #TRUTH
But the fact remains, I had never spoken w/Frank Parlato b4 I called him to discuss & compare notes about similar abuses & harassment, FAKE criminal charges & accusations threatened or initiated apt. as a result of not complying w/demands of strong-arm #NXIVM tied personalities
After speaking with Frank Parlato, he a story on his blog, reasonably accurate considering the phn call we previously had. So Parlato told my story for 1st time, similar as he broke stories about others who suffered w/ppl. tied 2 the strange #NXIVM cult…
If not perfect, mny of the things Parlato reported on his blog, r true. It is true I was threatened. It is true my frmr. #ArizonaMafia #Democrat frnds appear 2 have ties 2 the #NXIVM cult. Is true I have been afraid & at remote loc. It is also true we do not understand everything
I have stated 2 my new friends @ Twitter that the #NXIVM case & situation are significant enough, I will be extra careful 2 report with extreme accuracy. I am not a journalist. Frank Parlato is a journalist. I am a 45 year old comp. nerd. I do not claim 2 be anything more #TRUTH
It is true that I was very good frnds. w/inner circle of Janet Napolitano's #ArizonaMafia #Democrat political ops & ppl. 4/more than 10 years. It is true that many appear 2 have some kind of ties 2 ppl. around the #NXIVM case, including Alan Bersin, Bill Clinton's frmr. roommate
I do not knw what all of it means, but it is obv. & true that many of them & key #Democrats are now connected w/frmr. President of #Mexico, #CarlosSalinas. My frmr. bst frnd Marco Lopez, clearly tld me he was wkg w/#CarlosSalinas and I would attest 2 same in court of law #TRUTH
Again, 2 be clear. What I have been publishing recently on my Twitter feed is a conv. that asks many questions. I do not make such a spectacle for any other main reason than 2 raise awareness of vry impt. things that I feel my fellow 🇺🇸American Citizens🇺🇸 might want 2 know
As the founder of the 1st large Hispanic & Spanish language Internet community in the history of the U.S., Quepasa, (now known as MeetMe) I spent a lot of time in my history in #Mexico & around key #Democrat figures in ways that non-Spanish speaking Americans might not understand
I do not mean 2 sound corny or 2 sound cliche but I honestly felt it was my duty as an 🇺🇸American Citizen🇺🇸 2 sound the alarm bell that there seems 2 have been some VERY STRANGE stuff that has been happening with #Democrats around frmr. Pres. of #Mexico, #CarlosSalinas #TRUTH
I do not think there are many politically and $$-disinterested U.S. Citizens who have been exposed 2 the depth of experience & time around the specific circumstances described & highlighted by recent hypothetical disc. re #Democrats, #Mexico, #NXIVM, #FastNFurious, #SkyBridgeAZ
I will be the first one to admit that much of my writing is hypothetical & does not lead 2 conclusive proof of anything illegal. #TRUTH In order 2 maintain credibility, I must write w/same professionalism as Frank Parlato who is actually a journalist, b/c I am not a journalist
While being honest about the speculative nature of my writing, I must also be honest about my feelings. I can tell U that my frmr. #ArizonaMafia frnds have been acting ->VERY STRANGE 4 a long time now, and started 2 get extra strange when Marco Lopez connected w/#CarlosSalinas
Am I wrong about the connection between Marco Lopez & #CarlosSalinas? No way. That connection is a fact & I would swear 2 same in a court of law. Attached is a recent picture of Marco Lopez w/Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas, current leader of the #Mexican PRI political party
Is Frank Parlato wrong that Emiliano Salinas, son of former President of #Mexico, #CarlosSalinas was the leader of #NXIVM Mexico? Absolutely not. That is a published, verified fact, & much of #Mexico is going crazy right now, trying 2 figure out why & what it means #ArizonaMafia
Does any1 really believe at this pnt that the man Frank Parlato identified as "Vanguard," who seems 2 be a putz who played voleyball until 1am w/his 20+ women, was the true leader of #NXIVM? These ppl. may have tried 2 meddle in Gov't of Libya thru #NXIVM.…
I could be totally wrong, but as someone who understands #Mexico, the "human fright experiments" done by #NXIVM in Albany, seem like #Mexican cartel psyops. Ask any1 who understands #crime & #Mexico, they will tell U same thing.… #Corruption #Democrats
I know it will make them very angry, even outraged, but t/circumstances around #NXIVM & the definitive ties of my frmr. #ArizonaMafia #Democrat friends 2 key #NXIVM figures, require me 2 sound alarm bell 2 my fellow 🇺🇸 American Citizens b/c there are SERIOUS questions here ppl.
Could I be completely, totally wrong about all of this? Sure. I must be honest. Yes, I could be wrong. It would not be the 1st time. Maybe I am crazy. You know what? I actually hope I am wrong. I do not want to be #suicided by #CarlosSalinas or added 2 the #ClintonBodyCount
But speaking abt. being #suicided, in what I hope was only a EXTREMELY STRANGE coincidence, 1 of my frmr. friends, Paul Lopez, was found BURNED 2 DEATH, in a pkg. lot in btwn my old house & cur. house of Marco Lopez, in Phoenix right when I started 2 talk…
And so now U understand more, why when I say, I *COULD* be wrong about all of this, I actually *HOPE* I am wrong. I do not want 2 disparage any1, I am not a negative minded person. I honestly do not want 2 believe that all of this bad stuff could b/happening w/so much #Corruption
But considering all of this thread, now that U better understand, TRY to unsee this picture. It is my frmr boss, Janet Napolitano, frmr. Sec. of Homeland Security of U.S., meeting w/#CarlosSalinas "puppet" candidate for Mex. Presidency, same month Vanguard of #NXIVM was arrested.
We must ask ourselves, even if we have no proof of anything illegal, as responsible 🇺🇸American Citizens🇺🇸, WHY, in the world, was the frmr. Sec. of Homeland Security, mtg. with a "puppet" candidate 4 #Mexican Presidency, when he was already accused of money laundering? WHY???
The #NXIVM case was recently filed as a Federal RICO, or Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, 1 of the most serious types of #criminal cases that can exist in #USA, & involves accusations of money laundering & human trafficking. Is there a connection? What do U think?
It is a matter of PUBLIC RECORD that my frmr. #ArizonaMafia #Democrat friends, brought out the former Director of the UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE, Mark Sullivan, 2 appear in Federal court 4 the "Vanguard" himself, Keith Raniere. Again, ppl., ->TRY 2 UNSEE THIS VERY WEIRD IMAGE!!
2 continue, some1 tld me tht my frmr. best friend, Marco Lopez, can now actually MOVE AROUND THE MEXICAN ARMY or at least participate, due 2/Marco's ties w/frmr. Pres. of #Mexico, #CarlosSalinas. Is that really true? I don't know. Sure looks strange!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? #WTH
It is a PUBLISHED FACT tht my frmr. best friend Marco Lopez, just finished a 2+ year plan, to build #SkyBridgeAZ, the 1st transpt. hub in #USA, tht combines U.S. & Mex. Customs officers, IN THE SAME FACILITY. I did a Twitter survey & >90% of U believe it is a "recipe 4 disaster."
Of course, Marco Lopez & the #ArizonaMafia, claim that #SkyBridgeAZ is a completely legitimate project which has been developed for the enhancing E-commerce shipments to #Mexico, and so, I could be completely wrong with my conspiracy theories abt. #SkyBridgeAZ, also. #TRUTH
So, I have many more thoughts & much more info about all of this. I have been clear that much of it is 100% speculative & I might be wrong. I do not coordinate articles with Frank Parlato, he is his own journalist & I respect him very much. What I write is from me only. Thank U.

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Sep 11, 2018
On Sept. 11, 2001, everyone watched in horror as our country was attacked. Here is a story about a friend who died on 9/11 as an #American hero. I first met John years ago, we had both trained and worked in the business of corporate finance out of #NYC. John was a good man.
After working his way through the difficult first years many new executives face as they battle to make a career for themselves on Wall Street, John had worked at several firms with positions of increasing responsibility. It was difficult for him, because John was a nice guy.
By 2000, John had won enough battles to earn respect on Wall Street. He had become Managing Director of boutique investment firm Sandler O'Neill, focused on mergers & acquisitions of regional banks. John worked from his office on the 104th floor of One World Trade Center in #NYC.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 30, 2018
In an astonishing development related to the #NXIVM cult case, a video has surfaced where the mysterious & powerful frmr Pres. of #Mexico, #CarlosSalinas, can be seen DANCING like a happy, nice man, near his son #EmilianoSalinas who has been under investigation. Why do you think?
In the current #NXIVM #RICO case, Emiliano Salinas, son of frmr. #Mexico President #CarlosSalinas, has been under investigation. The father, #CarlosSalinas, is considered by many to be the ultimate power broker in #Mexican politics. He is rarely seen. This video has now surfaced.
The video of #EmilianoSalinas dancing near his father, frmr. #Mexico President #CarlosSalinas, is all over the #Mexican press & media all of a sudden. The feeling is that frmr. #Mexico President #CarlosSalinas ALLOWED this video to be taken of him dancing with his son. But why?
Read 33 tweets
Aug 29, 2018
Nothing to see here folks, just a picture of #Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey with Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas, niece of frmr #Mexico Pres. #CarlosSalinas, who recently took over the #neoliberal #Mexican PRI political party, widely considered 2 be the most #Corrupt in #Mexico. #NXIVM
This is a picture of my former colleague & good friend of 10+ years, Marco Lopez, who is Napolitano's #ArizonaMafia nmd. member #4, with Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas, neice of former Mexico Pres. Carlos Salinas. The picture was posted publicly on Marco's Twitter page for a while.
In this picture, my frmr. colleague Marco Lopez, who is Napolitano's #ArizonaMafia nmd. member #4, is talking to his good friend, #Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, in #Mexico last year. Surely, Marco was telling the Gov. that #SkyBridgeAZ will only ship e-commerce goods t/f #Arizona.
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Aug 24, 2018
Hi, #MAGA friends. Some time ago, I was at an event where I spoke with former U.S. Senator Jon Corzine. There were several key #Democrats present at the event who were discussing an issue that had not been prevalent in the media, but I realized that day was a serious concern.
I heard Corzine speaking about risks in the financial derivatives market in a way that was extremely concerning. Figures who were present that afternoon were speaking about "our" interests and Wall Street, and that the American people really had no idea how big. . .
. .that the American people really had no idea how big complex derivatives contracts were, that were being carried by financial firms in ways that Americans could not understand, and that #Obama people had authored regulations in a way that allowed Wall Street to game the system.
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Aug 23, 2018
Hi, #MAGA friends! By now U probably know that @realJeffreyP (RIGHT side of pic) is a tech #entrepreneur/started the 1st publicly-traded Social Network in #USA history. It's true! I joined #WalkAway 2 support Pres. #TRUMP b/c I realized certain of my own colleagues were #Corrupt
Not knowing where 2 turn, I realized that Pres. #TRUMP is not #crazy like my #Democrat friends said. My eyes were OPENED & now support DT & am PROUD of OUR PRESIDENT. Some time ago when I was with top #Democrats, Nancy Pelosi told me something EXTREMELY DISTURBING & I will share
It was late one afternoon/evening at a VIP private reception for top party donors, only certain #Democrats had been invited. We were among friends & colleagues in an environment where several top #Democrats were sharing information about recent events & developments
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Aug 14, 2018
Many of my followers know that I have been sharing previously unknown information about #Democrats & the #NXIVM cult, in particular, frmr. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's #ArizonaMafia strong-arm of the U.S. #Democratic party. In the #ArizonaMafia, members have different roles.
In the #ArizonaMafia, named mbr. #2 is frmr. #FastNFurious U.S. Atty, Dennis Burke. Burke is a liar. In 2011, Burke famously resigned from his post in disgrace after being called a liar by DOJ Deputy Atty General James Cole. Dennis Burke is the hatchet man of the #ArizonaMafia.
As hatchet man of the #ArizonaMafia, Burke has been tasked with stressful responsibilities. He may have even been tasked with destroying my character. On 12/14/2017, the AZ Republic ran a #HitPiece article about me, orchestrated by Burke & full of #LIES:…
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