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Explosive Report Details Chinese Infiltration Of Apple, Amazon And The CIA | Zero Hedge #ChineseInfiltration Of #Apple, #Amazon⁠ ⁠ And The #CIA |

One week ago @POTUS stood up at a meeting of UN Security Council and accused #China of attempting to tamper with US elections. In his speech @realDonaldTrump claimed #China was working to undermine the Republicans, warning that “it’s not just #Russia its #ChinaAndRussia
Most notably, in addition to efforts designed to sway US elections, #China’s intelligence community, orchestrated a pervasive infiltration of servers used to power everything from MRI machines, to the drones used by the #CIA and #Army
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D'accord, vous l'avez bien cherché : je vais vous faire une histoire toute illustrée et chatoyante du #wax, ce tissu que (selon ce que #RokhayaDiallo a dit au #Feministival) les « blanches » n'auraient pas le droit de porter sans culpabiliser

[thread] —
3, 2, 1 : petit voyage dans le temps et nous voilà en 1637, quand la Compagnie néerlandaise des Indes occidentales s'empara du port d'Elmina sur la CÎte d'Or (aujourd'hui #Ghana), détenu depuis 1471 par les Portugais.
À Elmina il n'y avait pas de wax, mais de l'or, de la maniguette et des esclaves, beaucoup d'esclaves.
Les puissants Ashantis, qui gardaient le contrĂŽle sur l’intĂ©rieur des terres, vendent aux hollandais leurs prisonniers, surtout d'ethnie Fanti.
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Michael Bromwich:

Also reps #McCabe
Left his firm 2 rep Ford
Was DOJ Inspector General '93 - '99
Was #Obama's pick to lead offshore drilling regulation
Picked by #SNDY (Preet Bharara) as antitrust compliance monitor for Apple
Apple objected to his high rates
Critical of #Trump
And here he was, tweeting this Bloomberg article about prosecutors declaring "War" against President #Trump back in August.

I hope @realDonaldTrump sees what is going on here. 👇

Ahh, crap, I was dyslexic with #SNDY. It should be #SDNY.*
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Let’s talk about @medeabenjamin of @Codepink who attempted to disrupt a @HudsonInstitute session hosting U.S. Special Envoy Brian Hook.
To practice fair journalism, here’s the video.
Here’s some interesting link between @medeabenjamin & #Iran’s regime.

This image shows her being interviewed by Iran’s state-run IRIB TV inside Iran with a headscarf.

She is described as a “Writer & political activist from the U.S.”
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Ca rappelle Ă  certains Ă©gards la controverse #Joeleplombier il y a dix ans aux #EtatsUnis. Mais #Obama n'Ă©tait alors qu'en campagne et l'horticulteur du prĂ©sident #Macron semble ĂȘtre 1 vĂ©ritable John Doe, quand Joe le plombier avait des arriĂšre-pensĂ©es politiques. RT+
2) Comme #JoeLePlombier, la sĂ©quence #Macron/horticulteur pose des questions lancinantes sur la reprĂ©sentation politique. Tout d'abord, ce legs monarchique trĂšs français oĂč le "prince" ouvre son palais et chacun vient quĂ©rir 1 miracle thaumaturge: qui 1 emploi, qui 1 conseil...
3)...en quoi 1 chef de l'Etat pourrait-il accorder 1 emploi (ou pas) à n'importe quel citoyen? Pourquoi ne pas s'en remettre plutÎt aux normes bureaucratiques et aux fonctionnaires qualifiés pour cela qu'il est justement chargé de guider et organiser?
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I had my TV paused & caught #CraigMelvin’s interview w/ #AndyCard who gave #Obama credit for saving us from economic collapse but then had the audacity to credit W for what Obama did?

Craig: it was your job to call a foul when Andy tried to rewrite history!
@KatyTurNBC @MSNBC . @AliVelshi @KatyTurNBC @MSNBC Unlike #CraigMelvin, Katy took #MattSchlapp head on. Matt’s another pathetic excusist trying to mop up after #Trump’s lie-a-thons. Trying to convince us Trump is something he’s never been. Honest? Thoughtful? Qualified? Face facts Matt: you’re...1
...knee deep in the most dishonest, immoral, reckless, traitorous & dangerous administration this country has ever seen. One way or another, Trump is going down. And if you don’t get off the ship, you’re going down with it. Good luck Matt. Hope you have a good lawyer./2
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What does an Indonesia Muslim / Socialist Cult, Chicago, Fuddy, Hawaii, Kenya, Murder, a communist and Lucifer all have in common?
Who is Obama really?

Dark to Light.
Here is the truth.
'Barack Obama’
translates to
“Lightning from Heaven”

“And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” (Luke 10: 18 KJV 

Obama's slogan
"Yes we can"
Played backwords =

Barack Obama held his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

He designed his podium altar after the 

Temple of Pergamon 
(The Seat of Satan)
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OBAMA should be more mindful when accusing Trump about the press & leaks:

1. It is common knowledge among journalists that the #Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all former presidents combined. But few admit this truth.
2. The Committee to Protect Journalists released its first comprehensive report on US press freedom.

They discovered that the Obama administration’s policies have undermined the role of the press in three fundamental ways.
3. First, the government’s war on leaks has not only intimidated whistleblowers, it has ensnared journalists.
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Kind of a big deal.
#ObamaSpeaks "you never saw me attack the press"
#Obama prosecuted 9 cases involving whistle blowers (versus 3 by every previous admin). He made one journalist a co-conspirator in a criminal case for his reporting and he issued subpoenas to several reporters to force them to reveal sources.
The Obama administration spent a record $36.2 million in its final year in office on legal costs defending its refusal to turn over federal records under the Freedom of Information Act.

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Super #thread d'@annecorpet à dérouler sur le retour fracassant d'#Obama dans l'arÚne politique contre #Trump. La charge est virulente et sans appel, je n'ai pas souvenir d'1 telle violence entre ancien président et celui en exercice. RT+1
2) Le seul exemple récent avant #Trump qui me vient d'1 chicaya d'ampleur entre ancien président US et celui en poste: Carter/Reagan en 1982-84. Mais Carter, président battu aprÚs 1 mandat, passait pour 1 sore loser. Pas #Obama et sa puissance rhétorique.

3) Sur ce retour d'#Obama en force, sinon, toujours la mĂȘme analyse.
Pile: il sait toujours faire passer son message et dramatiser les enjeux. Il a lacéré #Trump.
Face: comment se fait-il que la seule voix audible des démocrates 2 ans aprÚs soit Obama?
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.@BarackObama at University of Illinois kicks off midterm campaign for Democrats and America’s future: Democracy should have no permanent ruling class. Citizens determine our course & our character. This moment is different. Consequences of sitting on the sidelines are dire. VOTE
Obama: Trump’s the symptom not the cause. Each time we pull ourselves closer to our ideals, of inalienable rights & responsibilities, the status quo pushes back. Sometimes the backlash is genuine. More often it’s manufactured by those who use fear to keep their power & privilege.
Obama schools students on the roots of today’s divisions & inequality: The politics of fear—pitting one group against another—is an old playbook. In a healthy democracy, it doesn’t work. When there’s a vacuum—we don’t vote, take our basic rights for granted, demagogues take hold.
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Anyone who missed the piece earlier on @BBCr4today about #refugees on #lesbos please know there are many thousands of people crammed in appalling conditions into a camp intended for 2000, violence, little sanitation, NGOs reporting conditions to authorities but nothing changes.
In Cox's Bazaar #refugee camp in Bangladesh for #Rohingya people who have fled Myanmar there are nearly a million people living in 26 Sq. Km.

One in four of the population of Lebanon is a Syrian #refugee. They are not in camps but living in limbo. 6 million people inside #Syria are Internally Displaced People (IDPs), forced to flee because of the conflict. 6 million more Syrians are refugees outside Syria
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 Neither Hillary nor Obama disclosed these massive conflicts of interest & media biases to the American public while they ran our government.
it just keeps getting uglier #ClintonFoundation #Obama #MockingbirdMedia
way more than coincidences. These are #NWO #Globalists who live in another world outside of the U.S. Constitution, ethics, decency, morals and respect for their fellow human beings.
 Ms. Clinton $250,000 worth of IAC shares
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President Trump waved his magic wand again and it produced the United States, Mexico trade Agreement. Another win! #KAG #MAGA #NAFTA #MexicoTradeDeal #Obama
Obama rather enjoyed our economy stagnating and he and is bougie friends having the upper hand.
He went into office a poor man and came out a multi-millionaire. Only in liberal politics.
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Hi, #MAGA friends. Some time ago, I was at an event where I spoke with former U.S. Senator Jon Corzine. There were several key #Democrats present at the event who were discussing an issue that had not been prevalent in the media, but I realized that day was a serious concern.
I heard Corzine speaking about risks in the financial derivatives market in a way that was extremely concerning. Figures who were present that afternoon were speaking about "our" interests and Wall Street, and that the American people really had no idea how big. . .
. .that the American people really had no idea how big complex derivatives contracts were, that were being carried by financial firms in ways that Americans could not understand, and that #Obama people had authored regulations in a way that allowed Wall Street to game the system.
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Matin oĂč chacun ici se gausse de #FoxNews car on y apprend que les #EtatsUnis ont gagnĂ© la guerre contre le Japon communiste () ou que le Danemark est 1 dictature socialiste(
).Oui mais #FoxNews triomphe Ă  l'Ăšre #Trump, alors pourquoi?
2) Car les faits: #FoxNews (et sa déclinaison FoxBusiness) écrase la concurrence des chaßnes info. 66 trimestres consécutifs de meilleure audience cumulée, et au 2nd trimestre 2018, sur le prime-time (20h-23h), presque le triple de l'audience de @cnn.

3) Cette domination de #FoxNews s'explique d'abord par la préscience en 1996 de son fondateur Roger Ailes, ancien conseiller média de #Nixon, qu'il existait dans la population US 1 méfiance grandissante envers 1 information perçue comme biaisée en faveur de la gauche libérale...
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THREAD: by now, many of you have seen posts or articles re: @defcon’s @VotingVillageDC, and the ease with which machines and websites were attacked and exploited. And now, THIS is happening....#unhackthevote #infosec #ElectionSecurity
For YEARS, advocates of election integrity have been pointing out these issues. This isn’t new. After 2000, the Help America Vote Act was passed to modernize our elections, first proposed by Robert Ney (R-OH). Signed into law by George W. Bush. So much for this theory:
At the same time, Bush’s @TheJusticeDept began an investigation into alleged #VoterFraud. Guess what it turned up? No masses of non-citizens voting, nothing that could come close to altering an election.

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Trump appointed what appears to be Hillary Clinton's long-lost sadistic psychopath sister to head the CIA.

Tell me more about how different he is, and how he's going to #Draintheswamp any day now.
These are the things we should be pissed about. Not fictitious red-scare fantasies cooked up in the bowels of GCHQ and the FBI. #Russiagate #NeoMcCarthyism
Again: #Trump is too easy to take pot-shots at, & everyone in the establishment does it anyway. However, they do so for all the wrong reasons, and this type of action - appointing #Haspel to head #CIA - is demonstrable, tangible evidence that he is no more change than #Obama was.
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1-I need to look into what triggers shills to come to my account and why. Because when they do, they all seem to concentrate in the same posts and have (allgegdly) no connection to each other.
What's more, #memes seem to trigger them and not posts per se.
& specific #hashtags
2- @CIA and other shills are DICKS. you know why? Cos you are all morons enough to come at the same time and concentrate in the same FUCKING post?
Are you seriously that dumb?
I don't need a degree to teach u the basics of stealth and concealment,but apparently you need a lesson
3-So here is the lessons:
-If you want to seem genuine, you need to come at me at different times and concentrating on different posts.
-If you all come at me at once (pretending not to know each other) and talking about the same post, I know are all FUCKING SHILLS

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Fascinating & damning deep-dive into the mess that followed #Assad’s Sarin attack in E. #Ghouta in August '13.

@BarackObama’s “cold feet” & distance, #Putin’s political “games” & @Ed_Miliband being “actively unhelpful.”

= Delays guaranteed no action.

@BarackObama @Ed_Miliband #pt: Exasperated at how distant #Obama had seemed & how difficult it was to connect with him by phone, the UK’s PM #Cameron said:

- "The next time I ask to talk to the president about chemical weapons attacks, tell me to turn over on my sun lounger and go to sleep.” #Syria
@BarackObama @Ed_Miliband #pt: After briefly expressing support for UK military action in #Syria, @Ed_Miliband's turn to party politics to slow/prevent action left PM #Cameron’s office furious, to say the least:

- “No 10 & the Foreign Office think Ed Miliband is a f****** c*** & a copper-bottomed s***.”
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This is why you don't see me comment on Trump much. It's pointless and buys into the establishment charade. It's not because I secretly like him or his policies. It's because I am fully aware that he doesn't ultimately matter. The people actually running policy are not Trump.
I learned this while watching Obama turn into dronebomber-in-chief.

Followed by the seamless transition between #Obama working with the #Saudis to commit #genocide in #Yemen, and #Trump selling billions in arms to #SaudiArabia & helping to continue said genocide.
More on this vein of thought, here:

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Does AUSA Moira Kim Penza, prosecutor in the fed. #NXIVM #RICO criminal racketeering case, realize that her indictments of #NXIVM leader, Keith Raniere aka "Vanguard," last March, may have affected the outcome of the 2018 Mexican Presidential Election? #ArizonaMafia #Democrats
Moira Kim Penza is 1 of the main prosecutors in the federal #NXIVM #RICO criminal case. A #RICO case is very serious; it is 1 of the most complex types of prosecutions the U.S. Government can initiate. Moira's boss is Richard P. Donoghue, U.S. Atty for the Eastern District of NY.
Penza is a smart lawyer. According to publicly available information, she studied at Cornell Law School, a private Ivy League University located in Ithaca, New York. Cornell was ranked the #13 law school in America, out of 203 law schools, by U.S. News & World Report, in 2018.
Read 117 tweets
Wisst Ihr, was mich echt nervt?

Diese Experten-Tipps, wer warum ernstgenommen werden soll.

Wann nimmt jemand mich und meine Angst vor rechten Hooligans, Nazis und Rassisten ernst?

Die Ängste der Wut-und-BesorgtbĂŒrger werden seit Jahren gewĂŒrdigt und diskutiert.
Wir wissen, #obama, #dankemerkel, #feuilleton, #linke, #intellektuelle, #özil und alle -außer den Rassisten- sind Schuld am Rassismus.
Alle -außer den AfD-WĂ€hlern- sind Schuld an der AfD.
Wissen wir jezze. Danke.

Wann können wir dann endlich dazu ĂŒbergehen, ernst zu nehmen, dass ich Angst davor habe, dass mein Sohn erleben muss, dass seine besten Freund Demir, Yannis & Olu rassistisch beschimpft werden?
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