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1/ #QAnon

Ask WHY did #QAnon make more and more visible appearances at rallies for #POTUS...culminating with #Trump pointing directly to the #Q cutout on the July 31st rally...only to virtually disappear at subsequent #Trump rallies?

2/ What happened within 24 hours of #Q making such a visible appearance, on national TV (at least #FoxNews) at the July 31 rally?

The #LyingSycophantMedia responded in force, LIKE CLOCKWORK, w/a massive, coordinated assault, as if the #LSM had all read the same 4 am narrative.
3/ To give a sense of how much our #MockingBirdMedia is controlled and coordinated, look at this...all the stories, and all the same, posted within 24 hours of #Q being prominently shown at a #TrumpRally.

Q predicted the #MSM push to come the next day:…
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#Republicans #Kavanaugh confirmation vote is scheduled for this week.

Me: "looking at the timing of the late reveal of this sexual assault by the #Democrats
How #Democrats Voters feel.
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#Montana @SenatorTester has campaigned as a "big hunting proponent," sending out mailers to voters that show him on his farm with his gun in hand. (1)
“As we gear up for hunting season, Montanans know that hunting isn’t just a sport – it feeds our families, and it creates lifelong memories with our kids and grandkids,” Tester says in the campaign flier. (2)
“Montanans are lucky to have some of the best access, longest seasons and greatest hunting in the world.” (3)
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Someone has clearly lost it! @DebraMessing Get off the meds you lunatic! @SusanSarandon
Debra Messing tells fellow actress Susan Sarandon to 'shut the f--- up' over Trump #FoxNews
"HRC IS NOT ripping children away from parents seeking asylum"... You may want to rethink this....……
Do you actually know wth is going on?…
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@SenWhitehouse Senator do you understand what it means when judges claim to be 'originalists'? They mean they want the Constitution to be exactly as it was originally written w/o all later amendments. They only want rich, powerful, land owning, white men to vote. They want to take America 1/
@SenWhitehouse Back to Colonial times. They claim to love the Constitution so much, yet want to intertwine religious laws instead of civil laws in our daily lives, ie, Christian Sharia Law. I don't understand why Democrats aren't screaming from the rooftops about this. Everyone but trump 2/
@SenWhitehouse Is a member of Council for National Policy, a hate group posing as Christians per @splcenter. They hate LGBTQ, Muslims, liberals, POC, & want women to be seen not heard. They're Dominionists. Sarah Palin was their entry into mainstream GOP politics. They want christofascist 3/
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“Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway told CNN in an interview that Trump believes it’s “somebody in national security” and said she doesn’t think it is a White House official.” Trump eyes 'four or five' people who may be behind anonymous NYT article #FoxNews
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#Maga rally Montana.
(Video at end)

Guy puts on sticker.
Points to sticker.

Security remves 3 ppl


#QArmy #thursdaythoughts #FridayFeeling #WWG1WGA
@AngPiazza @prayingmedic @seanhannity #FoxNews
This is him later with sticker on and pointing to it

They are acting very strange through the whole event.

The sticker seems to be a sticker for

Democratic Socialism

Take your pick.
All the same, just different names

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@KimStrassel needs to explain her sources for this story

Bruce Ohr warned FBI that Steele had credibility problems. The bureau forged ahead anyway #FoxNews
@KimStrassel this article seems to be a favorable write up re: the events involving Bruce Ohr.
@KimStrassel "Congressional sources tell me that Mr. Ohr revealed Tuesday that he verbally warned the FBI that its source had a credibility problem, alerting the bureau to Mr. Steele’s leanings and motives."

But, what of Mr. Ohr's political leanings and possible bias?
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So what Trump accomplishment is so AMAZING this weekend/today that THREE Mueller Investigation cases get so much Press time? Is it the deporting a NAZI no other President could do?

Ex-Trump aide Michael Flynn's sentencing delayed, once again #FoxNews
Is it the fact they found out the Ukrainian Attorney that met with Trump Jr was on staff for an Obama Administration crony who donated & worked in HRC campaign?
Is it the fact Bruce Ohr (Married to Fushion GPS’s Nellie Ohr) was chatting it up with Christopher Steele discussing how concerned they were of being caught after Comey was fired?
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Well, Rahm is right. Obama said the same thing to blacks when he was running for president. Only difference Obama was liked. Rahm isn't. Rahm Emanuel under increasing fire for linking Chicago violence and morals in minority neighborhoods #FoxNews
The liberal social culture of the left has caused the lack of morals in many black households. History will show blacks are in general conservatives but liberal programs creating dependency and taking away pride has killed it. #WalkAway
Blacks would do so much better if they #WalkAway from the Democratic plantation of oppression and dependency.
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Matin où chacun ici se gausse de #FoxNews car on y apprend que les #EtatsUnis ont gagné la guerre contre le Japon communiste () ou que le Danemark est 1 dictature socialiste(…).Oui mais #FoxNews triomphe à l'ère #Trump, alors pourquoi?
2) Car les faits: #FoxNews (et sa déclinaison FoxBusiness) écrase la concurrence des chaînes info. 66 trimestres consécutifs de meilleure audience cumulée, et au 2nd trimestre 2018, sur le prime-time (20h-23h), presque le triple de l'audience de @cnn.…
3) Cette domination de #FoxNews s'explique d'abord par la préscience en 1996 de son fondateur Roger Ailes, ancien conseiller média de #Nixon, qu'il existait dans la population US 1 méfiance grandissante envers 1 information perçue comme biaisée en faveur de la gauche libérale...
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Man arrested at 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings: documents #FoxNews
Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam, also named Siraj Wahhaj, who was named by prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the New York Post reported.
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⚠️It's time for a little Seth Rich Thread... Let's get up to speed.

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
As I get going with this, this morning, you'll see some old and some new. I have many new followers, and they all need brought up to speed. We have lots of New tangible information, but most people won't bring themselves to read the reports on our website by @hannibalmoot
1) Seth Rich was the Director of New Voter Registration for the Democratic party (DNC). He was not just a regular DNC Staffer as the mainstream media, DNC, and others will lead you to believe.
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It's a criminal offence to falsifying a legal instrument. But if the #MetPolice / #LBRUT do it, then there is not even an investigation. 12 years of silence. Evidence to prove it -

#skynews #lbc #theresamay #uk #bbcnews #coverup #c4news #worldnews #ukgov
Welcome to the #Metpolice who also changed & falsified my arrest details. Have a look at the evidence here as it's all easy to prove & that's why it's never addressed

#R4today #corruption #coverup #leadership #values #corevalues #bbcnews #skynews #itvnews
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#President @realDonaldTrump's words, whether you accept his apology and his explanation, do not comport with his actions and his foreign policy toward #Russia. He has been one of the hardest presidents on Russia in recent memory.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion
Where was the outrage when @BarackObama told Medvedev to inform #Putin "After my election I have more flexibility,"? I think much of the outrage being expressed- especially by #Republicans- is politically motivated.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion #Russia
However, what @realDonaldTrump said was not right. It DID undermine our #IntelligenceCommunity, and it was a mistake. He has since corrected it and walked it back.

#Trump #HelsinkiSummit #Collusion #Russia #Putin
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#BREAKING:When a reporter at the #TrumpPutinSummit, with the whole world watching, asked #Trump whether he believed U.S. Intel or #Putin's denial of election meddling, #Trump SHOCKINGLY sided with #Putin. WHOA!!

#TheResistance #TreasonSummit #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews #bbcnews
#BREAKING:Thats it folks. #Trump's right hand man Sen.@tedcruz who is also a MAJOR #Putin SYMPATHIZER has to be VOTED OUT this fall. Texas deserves a PATRIOTIC Senator-- @BetoORourke!!

#TheResistance #TreasonSummit #TedCruz #BetoForSenate #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews #bbcnews
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I had to get a little space around the murder of five humans who happen to be in the news biz. Killed for doing a job that is vital to American values. A job that has been under constant assault by #Trump & his propaganda team masquerading as a news channel, #FoxNews /1
I normally tweet off the cuff, cynical, shots about #POTUS and his enablers. This time it’s different. This time it’s cold blooded killing in a field I know and studied. I have a feeling of cold dread existing side by side with red hot rage. We all know who encouraged this. /2
#Trump has used his aggressiveness to target journalists. BY NAME. Promoting his base to vilify any journalist and news media that disagrees with him. It’s a tactic that has endeared him to his cult of personality. It’s a technique that is straight out of the dictators manual. /3
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I'm a democrat. I live in DEEP South Texas. I've been pushed out of the job market bcuz I am not fluent in both English and Spanish. My daughter was passed up for years to get disability only to be given instantly to illegal students #Careformychildtoo #CNNSOTU
We give the housing medicaid, education, food and they just have more babies who will need assistance as well $$$ they get help when I have to chose between paying my rent and food for my children. I didn't vote for trump im ashamed that's he's only one who care #CNNSOTU
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#BREAKING:After THE WHOLE WORLD expresses OUTRAGE over #Trump Admin's EVIL #ZeroTolerance policy, all of a sudden HIS RIGHT HAND MAN .@SenTedCruz is against the policy.Folks don't be fooled,VOTE #TedCruz OUT!!
#TheResistance #MigrantChildren #CNN #MSNBC…
#BREAKING:ALSO REMEMBER that the EVIL #ZeroTolerance policy of ripping #MigrantChildren from their parents HAS THE FULL BLESSING OF.@GovAbbott.VOTE FOR DEM.@LupeValdez for Texas Gov!
#TheResistance #WhereAreTheChildren #LupeValdez #GregAbbott #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews #BlueWave2018
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#Breaking de la nuit US: 16 mois de présidence #Trump et les #EtatsUnis entendent les cris des enfants séparés de leurs parents sans-papiers. 1ère crise existentielle du pays dont 1 partie se demande où il…
2) Et/mais #Trump parle et agit pour sa base électorale, qui se moque des cris d'enfants séparés à la frontière (cf. la polémiste nationaliste et identitaire #Coulter qui parle d'enfants comédiens sur Fox News...) RT
3) Car comme avec l'#Aquarius en Europe, les élites intellectuelles, médiatiques forgent l'opinion dominante empathique sur les #migrants US mais #Trump fait le pari qu'1 majorité silencieuse de Blancs nativistes lui sera reconnaissante aux urnes de sa dureté sur les enfants...
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Le déraillement du #G7Charlevoix par #Trump démontre 1 trait central du président US. Il n'est pas"idiot"OU machiavélique selon le dilemme établi depuis son entrée en politique en juin 2015. Il paraît très cohérent idéologiquement ET fort naïf dans la relation interpersonnelle...
2) #Trump applique 1 doctrine ancienne,déjà exposée en 1987 dans sa fameuse pub au @nytimes:
a) refus de toute régulation de l'ordre international par les #EtatsUnis, trop coûteuse;
b) refus des alliances contraignantes
c) priorité à 1 développement centré sur le territoire US
3) Car reprenons ce texte de #Trump en 1987 qui est son 1er"manifeste"- publicitaire, quel présage- de politique étrangè tout le #G7Charlevoix, ainsi que sa mise en déroute- y est contenu...
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1. From reddit re AZ land in todays child sex camps found:From 8chan:Can we please get some more anons looking into the Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino In Tucson, with drainage tunnels connecting directly to where the CHILD TRAFFICKING CAMP WAS FOUND
2. Desert Diamond Casinos & Entertainment - Why is one of 4 properties owned by Tohono O'odham Nation............Tohono O'odham - Wikipedia…
3. Desert Diamond casinos are fronted by this tribe. They have a bunch of large swaths of land within the cartel / trafficking corridor of southwest AZ. Pretty sure big casino $ props up the casinos.
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WATCH: @dailybriefing w/@DanaPerino at 2pmEST, @FoxNews. I join with latest on #KimJongUn, #China, and why is #Russia sending their foreign minister to meet with #NorthKorea?

#diplomacy #asia #sanctions #unitednations #nuclear #peace #peacesummit #FoxNews…
#NorthKorea is trying to push back against @realDonaldTrump with assertions they will not #denuclearize. Combined with a visit from a top #Russian diplomat, the #President faces probably his toughest diplomatic challenge yet.…
#China trying to preserve #trade imbalance that favors them + making threats against #PresidentTrump's proposed tariff hikes. Combined w/ their #nuclearprogram, cannot be ignored as factor in the upcoming #peacesummit between the President and #KimJongUn…
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#TheResistance #LupValdez #Racism #CNN #MSNBC…
#BREAKING:Congress MUST INVESTIGATE why the #FBI has ganged up with #Texas law enforcement and Gov #GregAbbott's regime to PUT MINORITIES UNDER #SURVEILLANCE simply for what they post on.@Twitter & #Facebook
#TheResistance #Racism #CNN #MSNBC cc.@OfficialCBC.@TheDemocrats.@ACLU
#TheResistance #Racism #RakemBalogun #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews
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