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Oct 5th 2018
If you haven't laughed yet today, here's a video of President Trump walking up the stairs to Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe. While this isn't grounds for the #25thAmendment, it does fit the pattern of Trump just being a fucking idiot.
@ManInTheHoody can you confirm, CGI or shit related stickiness? and can you put this to music, please?
And I added it here because fuck it.

⚡️ “"Who am I? Why am I here?" #25thAmendmentNow” by @AynRandPaulRyan…
Read 5 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Hold the line.

We are with you, Judge Kavanaugh.

We're almost there.
Large numbers of Capital Police are gathering in the hallways at the moment.

Read 5 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Someone perjured themselves yesterday.

Why wouldn’t the Senate Judiciary Committee want to know who lied?

There is a 50/50 chance that the man they want to put on the Supreme Court has lied not only the Senate but to the FBI, which is a felony.

#FridayFeeling #BelieveSurvivors
Read 3 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
And let's not forget that w no statute of limitations in MD, Dr. Ford can PRESS CHARGES against Kavanaugh at any time. #FridayFeeling…
2/"For a day or so, Republicans and their right-wing media cheerleaders were high-fiving, congratulating themselves on having boxed in Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford. She’s got to come Monday, or that’s it! And no FBI investigation. Period. Hey, she’s not
3/"going to show — so we win! Have these people never seen a negotiation? Do they imagine that the world operates by fiat? Maybe in their ideological fervor they’ve forgotten how to compromise and strike deals. Practicing lawyers do it all the time. Perhaps Republicans didn’t
Read 21 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
ATTN! 🚨 @BlueWaveCS is hosting our first DEBATE WATCH PARTY tonight.

Who better to start with than the @BetoORourke vs. @tedcruz showdown?

Live stream here: ➡️

And follow ➡️@BlueWaveCS for live-tweeting of the event.

#FridayFeeling #TXSenateDebate
Read 3 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
Whomever it was in the FBI or DOJ who leaked this info appears to want Rosenstein fired and the Mueller investigation stopped. This article, while credible, has deeply disturbing timing. It just reeks of Trump et al... #FridayFeeling #25thAmendment
2/"Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.
3/"The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments."
Read 16 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
New #QAnon Thread


New #QAnon 2247


#QArmy #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #FridayFeeling @realDonaldTrump @POTUS #DeclassifyFISA
New #QAnon 2248

Important graphic.
How do you catch a FISH?
Imagine the information being shared NOW out of FEAR.

#QArmy #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #FridayFeeling @realDonaldTrump @POTUS #DeclassifyFISA
Read 31 tweets
Sep 20th 2018
The #GreatAwakening When I & a bunch of other deplorable shitposting basement dwelling 8ch "conspiracy theorists" saved the world from the Satanic Deep State with memes because they were bored & it was fun. Both my pics related. #Qanon #WWG1WGA #WeThePeople #ThursdayThoughts
Read 23 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
This is the second time I've posted this particular tweet. The results were very different the first time - it received 26 replies in a very short span of time, none of which are visible. Best guess is that (possibly automated?) protected accounts reacted to the hashtag.
(previous incarnation of the hashtag-laden bait tweet)
Read 3 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
I've been hearing a lot that my Twitter feed is depressing. I'm always talking about Trump's insanity, hurricanes, and shitty GOP congressional candidates doing shitty things.

So, here's a screenshot of a text my mom, @MaryAliceinOhio, sent me.

And no, they are not in the Carolinas right now, praise baby Jesus.
Bonus: My son has finally been initiated into the Crutches Club!

He shredded his lateral meniscus. Of all of the things this kid could inherit from me, he had to get my discoid meniscus. I've had total knee replacement on both knees because of it. He's got a long road ahead.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 14th 2018

Manafort's plea deal requires him to cooperate "in any and ALL matters" deemed relevant by the Government. Of course, Mueller certainly would deem election-related crimes by @realDonaldTrump, his spawn, and Kush "relevant."🔥

h/t @SpicyFiles…
So forget this utter nonsense that Trump isn't included in Manafort's plea deal. There is ZERO carve out for **anyone** or **anything**.

Manafort must cooperate COMPLETELY. Full stop.😎

Manafort's plea deal is BIGLY bad for @realDonaldTrump and his spawn (Don Jr, Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie, Eric) + spawn-in-law Kush, who all were heavily involved in the campaign.

And it's also BIGLY bad for Manafort's longtime partner-in-crime, ROGER STONE.😎

Read 8 tweets
Sep 8th 2018
Trump: Day 595
-Trump Org Under Fed Investigation
-Wants Sessions 2 ID OpEd Author
-Called In-Laws "Dumb Southerners"
-Bragged Kim Jong-un Likes Him
-Obama Delivers Scathing Rebuke
-Kavanaugh Perjured Self 4 X's
-Papadopoulos Sentenced 14 Days
-Manafort in Talks 2 Plead Guilty
Day 700 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 552 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 71 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
“You cannot sit back and wait for a savior. You can't opt out because you don't feel sufficiently inspired by this or that particular candidate. This is not a rock concert. This is not Coachella. We don't need a messiah." - President Obama #BarackObama
“When you vote, you’ve got the power to make sure white nationalists don’t feel emboldened to march, with their hoods on or hoods off, in Charlottesville.” President Obama #fridayfeeling #fridaymotivation #TakeItBack #BarackObama
"Do not complain. Don't hashtag. Don't get anxious. Don't retreat. Don't binge on whatever it is you're binging on. Don't lose yourself in ironic detachment. Don't put your head in the sand. Don't boo. Vote. Vote." President Obama #BarackObama #TakeItBack #FridayFeeling
Read 5 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
It's Friday night! I can't wait for the @HeadCountOrg benefit at the @ApolloTheater w #PhilLesh @harlemgospel, @grahamelesh @nickibluhm @TalibKweli & more! 💀🎩🐻(🐢🚉)(🇨🇳🐱🌻)🌷⚡ #GratefulDead #TheFutureIsVoting #RegisterToVote #FridayFeeling
@Marc_Brownstein will I be seeing you in Harlem tonight?
Heading to the Apollo Theater for some pre Phil & Friends chillage with some HeadCounters.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
New #QAnon Thread


These people are stupid.
Their attempts will FAIL.

#QArmy #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #FridayFeeIing #FridayMotivation @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
Responses from the board to Q post 2105 regarding the fake chat logs Posobiec falsely reported about in an attempt to discredit #QAnon. #FAIL

#QArmy #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #FridayFeeling @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
Read 20 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
September is a big month! I’m at the airport on my way Florida for The #Exvangelical Community: Paths, Projects, Prospects. In the last two days I’ve filed two pieces with editors, and this week I did podcasts w/ @NiceMangos and @kitchencultpod (@haettinger and @mxdarkwater). #FF
Next weekend I’ll be in Charleston, South Carolina to give a talk for @CHShumanists, and am very much looking forward to that! October is also pretty full!

#Exvangelical #EmptyThePews #FridayFeeIing #FF
And next week I’ll also be doing a second podcast episode with @TwistedSisterds! It’ll be my second time on, and I sure had fun last time!

#Exvangelical #FF
Read 4 tweets
Sep 7th 2018

Can someone find out which gulag they took this guy to?

Watch closely: the dude in the plaid shirt behind Trump who isn't clapping enough. #FridayFeeling #FridayMotivation

OMFG This guy needs to be my new best friend. 🤣🤣🤣 Watch his face. He's all of us listening to Trump. Someone GIF this, please!

via @Squanch_Me #FridayMotivation #fridayfeeling
BAHAHAHAHA can we introduce flag girl and making faces dude?
#FridayMotivation #FridayFeeIing
Read 6 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
#Maga rally Montana.
(Video at end)

Guy puts on sticker.
Points to sticker.

Security remves 3 ppl


#QArmy #thursdaythoughts #FridayFeeling #WWG1WGA
@AngPiazza @prayingmedic @seanhannity #FoxNews
This is him later with sticker on and pointing to it

They are acting very strange through the whole event.

The sticker seems to be a sticker for

Democratic Socialism

Take your pick.
All the same, just different names

Read 4 tweets

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