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Oct 6th 2018
Alex Petri nails it again! Good read. #SaturdayMorning #NoKavanaugh…
2/"So last week I feel like we got off on the wrong foot a little bit. Like Justice John Paul Stevens, you may have seen the guy shouting about beer and “revenge on behalf of the Clintons” and thought, “Yeeeegh, I don’t love this. Can someone else be lifetime-appointed to the
3/"Supreme Court?” I just want to say: That wasn’t me. I mean, technically, it was me, but in a broader, representational sense, it wasn’t. I was only throwing a temper tantrum as a father, a son and a husband. As a judge, I am a mind of pure light floating in a vat. The person
Read 17 tweets
Oct 6th 2018
Analysis | Here’s why the protests against Kavanaugh (and the Trump administration) won’t go away
#SaturdayMorning #VoteBlue #NoKavanaugh…
2/"Now that the highly contentious confirmation process for Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh is winding down, will the resolution dampen the fervor of recent activism? In the past two weeks, protesters have interrupted Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, blocked the
3/"streets around the Capitol, sung on the steps of the Supreme Court, occupied a Senate building, and much more — including calling for a national day of action today. In fact, survivors who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) in a Senate elevator live on CNN may have pushed
Read 14 tweets
Oct 4th 2018
"It surprised me a lot to hear him say that he never blacked out...yeah, very drunk." - James Roach, one of Kavanaugh's college roommates, who was not interviewed by the FBI. #ThursdayThoughts #NoKavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh’s former college classmate Chad Ludington “unequivocally” says that Kavanaugh “has not told the truth” in denying the possibility that he blacked out from drinking: “I never saw him passed out but I saw him quite drunk” #Thursdaythoughts
Before I continue: In the first tweet, I spelled Jamie Roche's name incorrectly. It is, in fact, not "Roach". 🤣 Thank you, @chargrille, for the correction. ❤️ I blame not having my third cup of coffee yet.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 3rd 2018
The Senate Should Not Confirm Kavanaugh. Signed, 650+ Law Professors (and Counting).
#NoKavanaugh #WednesdayWisdom
2/"The following letter will be presented to the United States Senate on Oct. 4. It will be updated as more signatures are received: Judicial temperament is one of the most important qualities of a judge. As the Congressional Research Service explains, a judge requires
3/"“a personality that is even-handed, unbiased, impartial, courteous yet firm, and dedicated to a process, not a result.” The concern for judicial temperament dates back to our founding; in Federalist 78, titled “Judges as Guardians of the Constitution,” Alexander Hamilton
Read 11 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018

I have heard non-stop complaints from the right about "hysterical" and unfair Democratic treatment of Brett Kavanaugh, and even praising Lindsay Graham's diatribe in the hearing last week (e.g. Kathleen Parker's recent nauseating column).
As far as I've seen, Democratic politicians have bent over backwards to be fair and judicious about Brett Kavanaugh. However, the Democratic base is definitely upset, and they have every reason to be upset.
What's rarely said but is the silently screaming subtext to all this anger is that Brett Kavanugh will be a hard conservative vote on the Supreme Court that the rightwing hopes and the leftwing fears will not only insulate Trump from ongoing investigations but
Read 12 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
#Trump’s nominee #Kavanaugh’s #confirmation to #SCOTUS is due tomorrow. Why is it dangerous and what to do: the last updates 👇 + comprehensive database of withheld documents by @velvetblade + action list.…
⬆ READ & SHARE: consider sharing; there are lawyers, journalists and other experts who might not have access to the information. RT or share on FB and Twitter with tags #StopKavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmationHearings
The most comprehensive database of the withheld documents available in the open sources and retrieved by a citizen journalist @Velvet Blade. ⬆ ⬆ ⬆
Read 9 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
As we continue to make our case to @SenatorCollins, we Mainers ask a favor of our fellow patriot activists in other states who are working hard with us to #StopKavanaugh.(Thread)
#NoKavanaugh #CollinshearME
@IndivisibleTeam @mfalpac @Indivisible_MDI @IndivisibleSagC
Please keep calling the senators in your states. But leave Collins' phone lines open for Mainers. She has pointed to out-of-state calls and TV ad purchases as evidence that it's not her constituents doing the calling. We know better. We need to remove all doubt.
We don't want to give her any room to say Mainers aren't calling (which she has reportedly done). Trust us. We are fighting as if our future--and yours--depends on it. Because it does. We won't stop calling, emailing & showing up until the votes our cast. We know #WhatsAtStake.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
This exchange tells me everything I need to know about Kavanaugh. What a POS he is.

#NoKavanaugh #SaveSCOTUS #SCOTUS #KavaNOPE
Here's a photo of the exchange, or the non-exchange, as it were.

Kavanaugh refusing to shake the hand of a man who lost his daughter in the Parkland shootings on February 14, @fred_guttenberg.
#SCOTUS #NoKavanaugh
Read 3 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
WATCH: @KamalaHarris leads the charge, interrupting @ChuckGrassley @SenBlumenthal moves to adjourn the Kavanaugh hearing.
Protesters shouting. Chuck Grassley is NOT pleased.
Follow @atrupar for updates.
#TuesdayThoughts #StopKavenaugh #TuesdayMotivation
Ugh, I've been spelling Kavanaugh wrong all morning.
I broke the first rule of tweeting:
never tweet before my third cup.
#KavAnaughHearing #KavaNOPE #NoKavanaugh #TuesdayThoughts #tuesdaymotivation #SCOTUS
"You have said multiple times that your staff has already reviewed the 42k pages of docs produced at 5:41pm yesterday.The docs weren't available until 6AM this morning. How's it possible that your staff concluded its review before the docs were even loaded? Blumenthal to Grassley
Read 3 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
I challenge every member of #TheResistance to spend at least one third of their social media time in the coming days actively fighting the illegitimate nomination of #BrettKavanaugh to #SCOTUS by the Unindicted Co-conspirator In Chief.


There are many valuable ways you can do this. Here are a few:

1. Tweet every US Senator expressing your belief that this nominee should not be confirmed.

2. Amplify any compelling #StopKavanagh tweets that come into your feed by retweeting them. Bookmark the the best.

3. Use the hashtags #StopKavanaugh and #NoKavanaugh inside all political and #Resist tweets.

4. Identify and expose bots and trolls you find attempting to promote pro-Kavanaugh propaganda by using one of these sites

Read 9 tweets
Aug 29th 2018
#WhipTheVote and say #NoKavanaugh

Every Senator — Democratic or Republican — needs to hear from you about denying the confirmation of #BrettKavanaugh. Add your contact information and we’ll connect you to your Senators.”
Scripts for calling your Senator to say #StopKavanaugh…
Updated spreadsheet showing where all Senators currently stand on #BrettKavanaugh:…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
As expected, Trump has chosen an extremist for the Supreme Court who can & would undermine:

-Healthcare as a right, not a privilege
-Reproductive rights
-Voting rights
-Workers' rights
-Consumer rights
-A safe environment

For a generation. #Scotuspick #KavanaughSCOTUS 1/11
We need to call every one of our Senators. 202-224-3121, or with

We need to support those who have come out against Kavanaugh & convince those that haven't that #Kavanaugh is the wrong choice. #NOKavanaugh

The following will tell you why. 2/11
A woman's right to choose is in jeopardy. A full repeal may or may not be attempted soon, but Roe v. Wade will be chipped away at.

Pro-choice GOP Sens. Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski need to be reminded. Collins has been lied to before. #WhatsAtStake
Read 11 tweets

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