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Oct 9th 2018
Scoop: Trump has accepted Nikki Haley's resignation

(Hopefully, this scoop is more correct than the Rod Rosenstein scoop from a couple of weeks ago.) #TuesdayThoughts #tuesdayMotivation…
Prediction: Nikki Haley is going to run for President.
dammmn, it's for real.

Nikki Haley resigned as Trump's UN Ambassador.…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 18th 2018
“It has a huge mushroom head… I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart... It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had..." - @StormyDaniels about Trump's dick.🤣…
For reference: here's the "mushroom character" (Toad) in Mario Kart. 🤣🤣🤣
If anyone doubted that Trump had a tiny, mangled peen, this should put your doubts to rest and give you nightmares forever. 🤣🤣🤣

You're welcome. 😇😇😇 #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayMotivation
Read 4 tweets
Sep 8th 2018
Thread by @LJT_is_me: "Yes, this is my pinned tweet and my motivation for joining twitter October 2016.. courtesy @realDonaldTrump and @Solmend @Solmemes1 courtesy @realDonaldT […]" #SaturdayMotivation #SundayMotivation #MondayMotivaton #TuesdayMotivation…
@ThomasWictor I hope you don't mind I added your pinned tweet thread to my celebration of @realDonaldTrump. Thank you once again, for writing what matters.🌹
President Donald J. Trump Wants This to be a New Year of Shalom, Salaam, Peace
"Our children should inherit our LOVE, not our conflicts..."
Well my friends, I have faith in you.
I believe in the power of truth,
And I love each of you
We will succeed..Together.
~ Donald J Trump
Read 4 tweets
Sep 8th 2018
Yes, this is my pinned tweet and my motivation for joining twitter October 2016..
#SaturdayMotivation ❤️🇺🇸🌹courtesy @realDonaldTrump and @Solmemes1
Read 18 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
WATCH: @KamalaHarris leads the charge, interrupting @ChuckGrassley @SenBlumenthal moves to adjourn the Kavanaugh hearing.
Protesters shouting. Chuck Grassley is NOT pleased.
Follow @atrupar for updates.
#TuesdayThoughts #StopKavenaugh #TuesdayMotivation
Ugh, I've been spelling Kavanaugh wrong all morning.
I broke the first rule of tweeting:
never tweet before my third cup.
#KavAnaughHearing #KavaNOPE #NoKavanaugh #TuesdayThoughts #tuesdaymotivation #SCOTUS
"You have said multiple times that your staff has already reviewed the 42k pages of docs produced at 5:41pm yesterday.The docs weren't available until 6AM this morning. How's it possible that your staff concluded its review before the docs were even loaded? Blumenthal to Grassley
Read 3 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
Holy shit, the Democrats came out and moved to adjourn the #KavenaughHearing IMMEDIATELY.

I've never been prouder to be a Democrat. Never.
Finally some TEETH on this dog.
The Democrats are united to adjourn the Kavenaugh hearing immediately.
There are cheers in the gallery.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
#StopKavenaugh #KavenaughHearing #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayMotivation
Read 4 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
"Or maybe it’s just the fact that she’s a woman — a woman who happens to have been far better at her job than any man in recent memory." -- @paulkrugman

If you are new to politics and don't know what @NancyPelosi has accomplished, this is a good primer.
Just a few highlights from this article about @NancyPelosi.
"Looking at modern House speakers, then, @NancyPelosi stands out as a giant among midgets. But you’d never know that from her media coverage."
Read 6 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
Ohio's 12th District
✔️Vote for @Troy_Balderson
✔️Endorsed by POTUS @RealDonaldTrump
✔️Tuesday, August 7th
✔️Delaware, Licking, Morrow, Franklin, Marion, Muskingum, & Richland counties #OH12


Today, AUGUST 7TH, is Election Day

Ohio, Michigan & Missouri are states Trump won with Corrupt democrat Senators. We need to vote in overwhelming numbers to restore Our RIGHTS back to PEOPLE
🚨#ElectionDay in OHIO🚨

Vote for @Troy_Balderson #OH12

✅ Lower taxes
✅ A stronger economy
✅ Safer communities
✅Restoring of Your Rights
✅ Defeat Communists democrats To make sure Nancy Pelosi never becomes Speaker
Read 33 tweets
Jul 24th 2018
@Scottludlam told the panel: “One of the reasons Julian is in the jam that he’s in, is that he is an uncompromising bastard. Compromising the integrity of the work [is not something he would do], because if he [was inclined to do so], he would have cut some kind of deal already.”
@deCespedes said: “It’s up to us to ensure that we have access to this public repository of knowledge.” Like other attendees, Barreto raised the importance of organizing on-the-ground protests and actions.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 24th 2018
Yesterday, you took @BlueWaveCS🌊 candidate @Kanew from 18k to 18.2k followers! 🤯 Kicka$$, y'all!

#TuesdayThoughts #COTD @DMMD4TNCongress is running in #TN03.

She's at 2.3k followers.
Think we can get her to 2.6k?❤️
"Relationships with loved ones and friendships were lost. We were encouraged to hate. In 2018 let's do something different. Together, let's find common ground while reaching for higher ground."
A vandal smashed @BlueWaveCS #COTD @DMMD4TNCongress's campaign headquarters/medical clinic window.

It's not just vandalism. It's an act of intolerance and political violence.
You can see her full video response here:
Read 7 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
Um. This is weird. Why is DOD tweeting about emoji day? Is there a hidden message here that I'm missing?

#QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayMotivation @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
Ok I get it now. The other departments are sending coded messages through emojis. This one says: PATRIOTS HAVE NO SKIN COLOR. PATRIOTS UNITE WW. THIS IS THE KEY TO UNLOCK THE FUTURE. Let's see if there are any other departments sending emoji coded msgs...
I think this one is saying PATRIOTS FIGHT.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
Horrified at the news MGM is suing Las Vegas shooting survivors and planning a boycott?

Grab your wallet cause you're gonna need to boycott more than MGM. They own quite a few big names on the strip and tons of properties nationally.
(Bellagio, Luxor, NY NY)
Worth noting you should avoid the Venetian and The Sands as well, which are owned by Sheldon Adelson, who endorsed Trump and gave his campaign $100 million in 2016.

Also, I hope you know to stay away from the Wynn as well.
Basically, the Las Vegas strip is a nest of GOP vipers.
The other thing to note is that Mandalay Bay has one of the largest convention centers in the world, so if you’ve got corporate muscle, get it in the game here.

Even just a few big name conventions like @CES agreeing not to patronize MGM would be YUGE.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
I had to read this 4 times before it sunk in that MGM Resorts was suing 1,000 victims of gun violence in an effort to "judge shop" and drag out the process as long as possible, hoping for attrition. Assholes.

Boycott @MGMResortsIntl until they drop the suit against gun violence victims.

attn: @slpng_giants, @shannoncoulter, please tag me if there will be an organized boycott against @MGMResortsIntl.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
Yesterday, you took @BlueWaveCS🌊 candidate @ElaineLuriaVA from 2.9k to 3.2 followers!🤯

#TuesdayThoughts #COTD @ChristineForWA is running in #WA04.

She's at 1.8k followers.
Think we can get her to 2k?❤️
#TuesdayThoughts #COTD @ChristineForWA is running in #WA04.

"Change won't happen without your support. Join me and help bring eastern Washington issues to the big table.


"The crisis at the border is simply unacceptable. Right now there are thousands of children separated from their parents, with no real plan for reunification .What can you do to help? Keep resisting and VOTE." -- #TuesdayThoughts #COTD @ChristineForWA
Read 4 tweets
Apr 10th 2018
1. #QAlert 4/10/18- This will be my THREAD for #Q's drops. Please expand Thread for more detail and all posts throughout the day.

@POTUS #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Qdrop #QAnon #GreatAwakening #RedPill #TuesdayMotivation #GreatAwakening #WitchHunt
2. #QAlert 4/10/18- Post 1119

Anon asks #Q about this photo and Q responds that it is Fake.

@POTUS #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Qdrop #QAnon #GreatAwakening #RedPill #TuesdayMotivation #GreatAwakening #WitchHunt
3. #QAlert 4/10/18- Post 1120

Anon asks #Q about this photo and Q responds that it is Fake.

@POTUS #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Qdrop #QAnon #GreatAwakening #RedPill #TuesdayMotivation #GreatAwakening #WitchHunt
Read 27 tweets
Jan 16th 2018
There are 4 special elections today (1/16): South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and two in Wisconsin.…
"According to Flippable, 'Special elections are anyone’s game. Most voters don’t show up at the polls for them, so the normal rules don’t apply. The party that’s paying the most attention has the best chance of winning.'"…
Read 5 tweets
Sep 12th 2017
👏🏾👏🏾Minisode: Shoutout to the Women Thread👏🏾👏🏾
Out now on @ApplePodcast #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayMotivation #PodEcho…
All jokes aside i just want to say on behalf of the fellas and society we appreciate yall and yall deserve much more.
Read 8 tweets

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