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Oct 8th 2018
1/ " In a DEMOCRATIC society, majority rule must be coupled with guarantees of individual human rights that, in turn, serve to protect the rights of minorities--whether ethnic, religious, or political, or simply the losers in the debate over a piece of controversial legislation.
2/ "The rights of minorities do not depend upon the goodwill of the majority and cannot be eliminated by majority vote. The rights of minorities are protected because democratic laws and institutions protect the rights of all citizens."
3/ ""When a representative democracy operates in accordance with a constitution that limits the powers of the government and guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens, this form of government is a constitutional democracy. In such a society, the majority rules, and the rights
Read 9 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
Trump to woman reporter: "She's shocked I picked her, she's in a state of shock”
Reporter: “I'm not, thank you Mr. President”
Trump: "I know you're not thinking, you never do”
Reporter: "I'm sorry?"
Trump: "Go ahead"

This is institutionalized misogyny.

More. Trump shouts down a different woman reporter as she tries to ask him a question about Kavanaugh.

“Don’t do that. That’s not nice,” Trump tells her while wagging his finger.

Again. Trump cuts off a woman reporter who tries to ask him why it’s taken over a year for his administration to prohibit bump stocks after promising he would in the wake of Las Vegas.

H/t @atrupar - follow him for best video highlights every day.

Read 6 tweets
Sep 10th 2018

"There is a lot more to this than you realize.
Think 'collective' attacks v. 'Q' "

Special thanks to @TheSpeaker2018 for graphics.

#Qanon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #AlexJones #infowars #MOSmedia @realDonaldTrump
Alex Jones became the highlight of trending topics last week following Twitter's permanent ban of Jones in response to his ambush of Jack Dorsey during hearings on Capitol Hill, to which Q posted this stating that there's much more to the story than meets the eye.

#Qanon @POTUS
In response to Q's post an anon summarized it this way: attacks against the Mossad-backed Alex Jones would prompt some patriots to support him, thusly allowing Mossad to control the narrative and divide the patriots.

#Qanon #MAGA #infowars #Trump #AlexJones #MOSmedia @POTUS
Read 26 tweets
Sep 8th 2018
Thread by @LJT_is_me: "Yes, this is my pinned tweet and my motivation for joining twitter October 2016.. courtesy @realDonaldTrump and @Solmend @Solmemes1 courtesy @realDonaldT […]" #SaturdayMotivation #SundayMotivation #MondayMotivaton #TuesdayMotivation…
@ThomasWictor I hope you don't mind I added your pinned tweet thread to my celebration of @realDonaldTrump. Thank you once again, for writing what matters.🌹
President Donald J. Trump Wants This to be a New Year of Shalom, Salaam, Peace
"Our children should inherit our LOVE, not our conflicts..."
Well my friends, I have faith in you.
I believe in the power of truth,
And I love each of you
We will succeed..Together.
~ Donald J Trump
Read 4 tweets
Sep 8th 2018
Yes, this is my pinned tweet and my motivation for joining twitter October 2016..
#SaturdayMotivation ❤️🇺🇸🌹courtesy @realDonaldTrump and @Solmemes1
Read 18 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
Some of the latest examples of the “cultural enrichment” that "Refugees" are bringing to Europe

Please keep these savages out of America @POTUS!

ITALY: Panic in the streets of Milan as an African Islamic migrant threatens passersby with a knife. #MondayMotivation

Merkel's GERMANY

African migrant stabs 11-year-old boy multiple times for no apparent reason. The boy was taken to the hospital with deep cuts and puncture wounds on his upper body, neck and leg.…

Enrichment in ITALY:

Nigerian "refugee" gets into a fight with another man tries to push him under a train as it leaves the station and appears to have smashed his head into one of the cars.

Read 6 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
Insread of facing the normal disciplinary process as the FBI director had said, #PeterStrzok was fired by Deputy Director Bowdich.

It's no coincidence that Strzok helped lead the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. 📰 1/3
Strzok is the THIRD high ranking FBI official involved in the Hillary Clinton / Trump investigations to be fired.

Trump is getting people fired who have the ability to discover he committed crimes.

This is not normal. 2/3 #MondayMotivaton
Make sure you are signed up for rapid response alerts in case Mueller or Rosenstein are fired. 3/3 #RuleOfLaw #PeacefulResistance
Read 3 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
CROWDSTRIKE: A Look Behind the Mask

The Deep State Plot to Frame Russia for a DNC Hack.

#QAnon #12Russians #MAGA #Crowdstrike #MuellerProbe #Rosenstein #Trump #MondayMotivaton @realDonaldTrump
Before we begin our dig into the Deep State's plot to frame Russia for a DNC hack...

Let's dive into a bit of Crowdstrike's history, their founders & execs, as well as other notable connections.

#QAnon #MAGA #Crowdstrike #12Russians #Trump #MuellerProbe @realDonaldTrump
Crowdstrike founder Dimitri Alperovitch is an anti-Putin Russian expat who's company was discredited over their revision & retraction of a report of Russian hacking of Ukrainian equipment. Crowdstrike's lack of credibility raises questions as the sole analyst of the DNC server.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
8 inspiring quotes of famous people.. #TooGoodNotToShare ..

✅Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time

✅The world suffers a lot.NOT because of the violence of bad people, But because of the silence of good people

✅I am thankful to all those who said NO to me.It’s because of them I did it
✅If friendship is your weakest point then you are the strongest person in the world

✅Laughing faces do not mean that there is absence of sorrow but it means that they have the ability to deal with it
Read 5 tweets
May 19th 2018
#OnceUponATime WTF 2 a school shootings a day ramp up?
#QAnon has change his trip code #RoyalWeddding
Read 31 tweets
Apr 16th 2018
Remember when former EPA Administrator lied three times under oath but only the Executive Branch could’ve held her criminally responsible, we all know how that went. @GOP need to grow a pair and start defending @EPAScottPruitt #MondayMotivation…
Oh look, there’s former @EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy hanging out at the Olympics in Rio and guess what? She flew there first class🔍✈️💸 #BootPruitt #memories
Gina McCarthy hooked her buddies up at Harvard with $45 million in grants, for an alleged independent study but it was in close contact with them the whole time but all we’re going to hear about is a $43k sound booth in a government office🙄 #ScottPruitt #Hypocrisy
Read 16 tweets
Apr 9th 2018
There's been a lot of talk about #electionsecurity since we know #Russia will try to hack the #2018Midterms.

This thread will give brief overviews of #votingmachines, #opensource software & #handmarked #paperballots. THREAD 1/10 #MondayMotivaton
Jurisdictions don't have 💰 or staff to buy new machines frequently or keep the ones they have up to date with security updates. There's no voting machine that can't be hacked. 2/10…
Manufacturers & election officials say since the machines aren't connected to the internet, they can't be hacked. But that's not accurate. Polling places transmit voting results using modems. 3/10 #technology #hack #telecommunications
Read 11 tweets
Apr 1st 2018
1/ You've probably heard of Sinclair Broadcasting Group.
Maybe you thought it was just another news media merger, no big deal.
Or maybe it was a little troublesome, but with Trump in the WH, we have bigger problems, right?

Watch this. (thread)
h/t @MaverickofKain
2/ These anchors are being forced to read from the same script in every major market in the United States.

The script might as well have been written by Trump himself.

This is as close as we've come to state-sponsored television in this country.…
3/ Why haven't you heard of Sinclair?
Do you watch the local news?
If yes, do you watch the Fox affiliate for your local news?
That's probably why.

Or, you might have seen these segments and not even have been aware that you were being indoctrinated.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 5th 2018
1/ #MondayMotivaton #AmericaFirst #2020Vision #Midterms2018 #Election2020 #Trump2020
So... We’ve been thinking about this long and hard and really need some objective opinions. PLEASE Respond below, RT & encourage response.
2/ My fellow Americans who support a Liberated AMERICA run by The People, for The People & .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump :

Why r we attacking each other & trying to break apart our highly successful Revolution when we’ve come this far?
3/ America comes before your twisted panty wads EVERY DAY 24/7 🛑 JUST STOP 🛑 #Prize2020

Bill Mitchellites?
Libertarian InfoWars?
GOP Underground but in our face Political Activists/Hucksters?

Read 38 tweets
Feb 8th 2018
Hamilton 68 has been tracking Russian bots/influence networks now for six months straight -- I sat down with their team to discuss how bot activity has evolved. Here's what they've noticed:…
First, Hamilton 68 noticed that Russian bots/influence networks have really upped the 'deep state narrative' to undermine faith in US institutions -- it just 5-10% of bot chatter in October. Last week, it was 38%.…
Second, Hamilton 68 noticed innocuous hashtags like #WednesdayWisdom and #MondayMotivaton used among Russian propaganda on Ukraine/Syria -- slipping foreign policy among normal-looking tweets:…
Read 6 tweets
Nov 20th 2017

We have only days to kill the #GOPTaxScam

We must call, fax write & show up to our Senators & House Representatives. Relentlessly. 🔥

Here's a script and why. 1/x
#TheResistance #TaxScam
We know the House has passed their version of the #GOPTaxPlan. We have no time to lose. We are in a race to defeat this. The Senate will be trying to pass their version next, but we can’t just wait on that. We need to full on hit the House & Senate to defeat this NOW. 2/x
The ordinary process (rule of order) for a tax plan is:
1. House and Senate pass their separate versions.
2 .There is a "conference" on a compromise.
3. The final compromise through BOTH Senate and House again.
4. The President signs it into law. 3/x #GOPTaxScam
Read 12 tweets

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