We know the House has passed their version of the #GOPTaxPlan. We have no time to lose. We are in a race to defeat this. The Senate will be trying to pass their version next, but we can’t just wait on that. We need to full on hit the House & Senate to defeat this NOW. 2/x
The ordinary process (rule of order) for a tax plan is: 1. House and Senate pass their separate versions.
2 .There is a "conference" on a compromise. 3. The final compromise through BOTH Senate and House again. 4. The President signs it into law. 3/x #GOPTaxScam
What the GOP wants to do now; NOT NORMAL ORDER 1. House passage (done),
2."Pre-conference" btw House/Senate (not yet) 3. Senate passage (not yet) 4. House passage of Senate bill (not yet) 5. Trump signs into law. (WE DON"T NEED THAT)
The SECOND Senate vote is SKIPPED.
They are going to try to SKIP a second Senate vote by getting the two sides to compromise ahead of time -- maybe even this Thanksgiving week. While Congress is out of session. NOT NORMAL ORDER.
They are desperate for a legislative win. They know their jobs are on the line. 5/x
If GOP Senators and Reps can agree on a "pre-conference" compromise.
Then, the House just passes exactly what Senate did –
and it's to Trump for a signature. (NO, NO)
People hate this bill. And the longer it’s out, the more people will hate it. And the GOP only has so much time to get it passed. We need to slow this down and spread every bad bit of information about it everywhere we can. 7/x #GOPTaxCutIsAScam
This bill will hurt a LOT of people; increase everyone’s medical costs, education costs, hurt people on Medicaid, RAISE taxes on those earning under $75.000; hurt Veterans, people with disabilities, homeowners, & the list goes on. 8/x #NotOnePenny#TaxScam sltrib.com/opinion/commen…
All to give tax breaks to the wealthy & corporations who already hide much of their wealth. It will particularly help someone like Trump himself.
This plan has been tried & failed so many times. And it won't work now. And this plan is worse than any. 9/x
You need to call, write, and show up. You need to get your friends to do it. You need to get your family to do it. You need to take the facts on #TheResistance timelines. You need to share the info anywhere you can. 10/x
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Extra credit if you live in or know someone in:
What do Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah & Washington have in common?
Here are governors' seats we need to hold or are competitive to flip. Please follow, donate, add them to your RT lists, & if you are local, get involved with their campaigns on the ground. Candidates all through primary elections. #Arizona@dg4az #Colorodo@jaredpolis 3/6
What do we have the most control over? Voting, helping others register to vote, getting out the vote, and flipping as many seats as possible in the #Midterms2018
Here are 27 seats Democrats can pick up, followed by candidates. Direct some energy to them. 1/7
Here are Democratic House challengers for flippable districts: