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Aug 29th 2018
While we are all working to importantly save this country by electing Democrats to #FlipTheHouse and #FlipTheSenate in November-

Electing Democratic state governors is extremely important, too. They can be an important line of defense at the state level. 1/6
State governors can:
✅Help #SaveTheACA
✅Help save and expand #Medicare
✅Protect #NetNeutrality
✅Protect the environment and deal with #climatechange
✅Help end #Gerrymandering and voter suppression.
✅Enact #GunSense legislation.
✅Protect abortion rights.
And more. 2/6
Here are governors' seats we need to hold or are competitive to flip. Please follow, donate, add them to your RT lists, & if you are local, get involved with their campaigns on the ground. Candidates all through primary elections.
#Arizona @dg4az
#Colorodo @jaredpolis 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
🚨 #BREAKING: @realDonaldTrump has nominated #BrettKavanaugh to the #SCOTUS seat vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy. 👎🏾 #SaveSCOTUS #WhatsAtStake🚨…
Judge #Kavanaugh has been on the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit for over 10 years. He's a member of the Federalist Society. (@FedSoc) (yikes!)
Let's take a look at his record! 🧐 #WhatsAtStake #SaveSCOTUS…
ICYMI: The Federalist Society is “a group of conservatives and libertarians dedicated to reforming the current legal order.” #SCOTUS nominee #BrettKavanaugh is a member. Fun!
Read 11 tweets

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