Eternal optimist & experienced business leader (FMCG). Ex CEO/MD #7Up #PepsiNigeria. Believes in the Africa Story. Tweets personal. Retweets not endorsement
We spend the best years of our lives waiting for a #Miracle when the miracle is #Life itself
We wait for approval,we wait for promotion,we wait for the bonus,we wait for freedom,we wait for a revelation AND in all this,we forget to live
Today, I make this promise to myself. No more waiting. I will live each day like it was the last day of my life. And I will live each day like it is the first day of the rest of my life with no regrets of the day that was..
I will be #Courageous.
😂Teacher:How old is your father?
Kid:He is 6 years.
Teacher:What?How is this possible?
Kid:He became father only when I was born. #Logic!
#Children Are Quick and Always Speak Their Minds
😂TEACHER:Joseph,go to the map and find North America
JOSEPH:Here it is.
TEACHER:Correct. Now class,who discovered America?
Sep 1, 2018 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
#TooGoodNotToShare ... #Rule72
What is Rule 72?
In personal finance, if you divide the number 72 by the rate of interest, you get to know the number of years it will take for you to double the money..
Eg: if the rate of interest is 9%, simply divide the number 72 by 9 and the answer is 8. Thus it will take 8 years to double your money if you invest at 9% p.a. rate of interest.
At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady.
She started screaming out of fear.
With a #panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started screaming and jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach
Her reaction was contagious as everyone else in her group also started to panic
A lady's handbag which contained her cell phone, credit card, purse etc was stolen.
Thirty minutes later she managed to call her husband from her friend's telephone, telling him what happened.
Her husband said, "I just received your text message asking me to remind u of your ATM pin and I have replied a little while ago".
When they rushed to the bank, the staff told them money had already been withdrawn.
It all started one lazy #Sunday afternoon in a small town near Vancouver Canada
Two #SchoolGoingFriends had a crazy idea
They rounded up three goats from the neighborhood and painted numbers 1,2 & 4 on their sides.
That night they let the goats loose
inside their school building.
The next morning, when the authorities entered the school, they could smell something was wrong.
A famous writer was in his study room. He picked up his pen and started writing :
✖️Last year, I had a surgery and my gall bladder was removed. I had to stay stuck to the bed due to this surgery for a long time
✖️The same year I became 60 years & had to give up my favourite job.I had spent 30 years of my life in this publishing company.
✖️The same year I experienced the sorrow of the death of my father.
Aug 4, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
A friend @soodparivar sent some Beautiful quotes of Imam Ali, from the book “Peak of Eloquence” and found them #TooGoodNotToShare
1 Never look down upon someone unless you are helping them up
2 Hate no one, no matter how much they've wronged you. Live humbly, no matter how wealthy you become.
Think positively, no matter how hard life is. Give much,even if you've been given little. Keep in touch with the ones who have forgotten you
A perfect #TooGoodNotToShare example of the dilemma we often face in any decision making.
A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other not....
Only one child played on the unused track, the rest on the operational track.
A train is coming, and you are just beside the track interchange. You can make the train change its course to the unused track and save most of the kids.
Once upon a time, a cow went out to graze in the jungle. Suddenly, she noticed a tiger racing towards her.
She turned & fled,fearing that the tiger would sink his claws into her any moment. She desperately looked for someplace to escape & at last, saw a shallow pond.Barely evading the tiger’s reach,she jumped into the pond & in the heat of the chase,the tiger blindly leaped after her.
A young lady sat in a bus. At the next stop a loud and grumpy old lady came and sat by her. She squeezed into the seat and bumped her with her numerous bags
The person sitting on the other side of the young lady got upset & asked her why she did not speak up & say something
The young lady smiled & said “It ain’t necessary to be rude or argue over something so insignificant,the #JourneyTogetherIsSoShort. I get off at the next stop”
This is a #Truth which if we all were to imbibe, our lives will become much better...
One day a person met the great Chanakya, and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?"
"Hold on a minute," Chanakya replied.
"Before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the #TripleFilterTest."
✅Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time
✅The world suffers a lot.NOT because of the violence of bad people, But because of the silence of good people #NAPOLEON
✅I am thankful to all those who said NO to me.It’s because of them I did it #EINSTEIN
Jun 16, 2018 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
I Received a great post on the four principles of spirituality,from my dear friend @soodparivar & found it #TooGoodNotToShare..
It’s not important whether you believe in spirituality or not,the four principles apply to all from the moment one is born & will remain till the end!
This means that no one comes into our life by chance.Everyone around us& anyone with whom v interact,represents something,be it to teach us something or help improve current Status
1 If you usually put more sugar in your tea when in a hotel than you do at home, You are likely to be corrupt..
2 If you use more tissue in a public washroom than you do at home, you are a potential thief if given an opportunity.
3 If you serve yourself more food that you can't finish just because someone else is footing the bill, you are greedy.
Jun 2, 2018 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
As a #Boss beware that at one stage or another,in business,you’ll find yourself dealing with following groups of people.If u don’t deal with them wisely, your business is in danger
May 30, 2018 • 26 tweets • 10 min read
I was born and brought up in an average middle class family and come from an extremely humble background.
My family background caused me to learn a few lessons even when I was growing up and have stood the test of time as I moved in my life
By virtue of my late father’s job we were moving frequently to new cities. Each new place meant new environment, new friends & new school & over a period of time I was able to adapt myself quickly to the change.This adaptability stood In Good stead for me