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Aug 7, 2018 116 tweets 61 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
⚠️It's time for a little Seth Rich Thread... Let's get up to speed.

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
As I get going with this, this morning, you'll see some old and some new. I have many new followers, and they all need brought up to speed. We have lots of New tangible information, but most people won't bring themselves to read the reports on our website by @hannibalmoot
1) Seth Rich was the Director of New Voter Registration for the Democratic party (DNC). He was not just a regular DNC Staffer as the mainstream media, DNC, and others will lead you to believe.
2) Seth Rich according to family, friends, and workers of Lou's City Bar was at Lou's City Bar on the night of July 9th, 2016.

According to Joe Capone, Robert Alonso, and others he was there and they saw him that night. Pay attention as this thread unfolds on this #SethRich
3) Robert Alonso was good friends with Lou's Grandson who also bar-tended there... It's all coincidental right America..

We've been to Lou's City Bar several times, we've canvassed the area. We're amazed that only one friend of Seth's and the staff recall seeing him that night?
4) According to Joe Capone in a 2016 Crime Watch TV Interview, and what he told the Washington Post Seth Rich left the bar around 1:30 AM on July 10th. Capone claims that he offered him a ride home, or a cab and Seth Rich declined both.. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
5) At approximately 4:19 AM CIC Shotspotter reported shots fired in the area of Flagler and Northwest in Washington, D.C. Six Officers responded to the shooting, and NO LOOKOUT or BOLO went out, or has ever been released by Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police, why? #SethRich
6) Talking with multiple Former and current Homicide Detectives on our team the lookout is the most important thing you'll see in a shooting. The fact that it didn't go out, and has never been released is very alarming to them. That's a major RED flag to Investigators. #SethRich
7) This is the only picture of Seth Rich the night that he was shot and murdered in Washington, D.C. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
8) Four of the Six Officers that responded to Seth Rich the night he was shot were wearing body cams. Several of them were former Vice Squad members as well. Seth Rich was shot in 5D, but the area bordered up to 3D per D.C. Police precinct lines #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
9) In two years not one of the responding officers has EVER talked about the shooting of Seth Conrad Rich. $600,000 in rewards, and not one peep from one Police Officer about what happened on that dreadful night. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
10) They worked very diligently to keep anyone from knowing what Hospital Seth Rich went to, or who the First Responders were. Our team broke this in the Summer of 2017 while working on the case on the ground in Washington, D.C. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich #AFMG
11) DCFEMS Ambulance #17, that rolls up to Engine #6 was the first on the scene EMT wise. They arrived on the scene at 4:33AM and had Seth Rich to Medstar Hospital by 4:48 AM. #HisNameWasSethRich #SethRich
12) America First Media would break that Dr. Christine Trankiem was the trauma surgeon who operated on Seth Conrad Rich. She would pronounce him after emergency surgery at 5:57AM on the operating table. Joel Rich confirmed this in several interviews about the surgery. #SethRich
13) Dr. Christine Trankiem, a renowned trauma surgeon also performed surgery on Congressman Steve Scalise and saved his life when he was shot by a gunmen at the softball fields in Virginia in 2017. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
14) Now why would they want to cover up what Hospital that Seth Rich went to? Ask yourself why that is?

Who was at the Hospital the night that Seth Rich was brought in? We know.. And now today, they know that we know JUST NOW! I've never stated that before.. #SethRich
15) Now why would high profile figures in Washington, D.C. be at MedStar Hospital and arrive at almost the exact same time that Seth Rich was there? Who told them he was shot? How did they know? This is NEW in our Investigation and is developing #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
16) Four of the Six responding officers that responded to Seth Rich were wearing body cams. Those body cams despite FOIA's have never been released to the public or other investigators. We have the body cams for Vegas, and Broward County, think about that.. #SethRich
17) Now what would be the reasoning the Police don't want to release the body cams in the unsolved murder of Seth Conrad Rich?

a) What was said?

b) Who did he mention?

c) Where was he at?

d) What did they take?

There is something they FEAR from these body cams #SethRich
18) The Narrative would be set into motion that there was a string of robberies happening in that neighborhood... A man with a silver gun... But here's where the plot starts to thicken, and we're just getting started..

Joe Capone the GM of Lou's would completely change his story
19) On several recordings, including one done by @JackPosobiec Joe Capone states he was never at the bar that night. He actually states he wasn't at the bar now, after telling a Crime Watch TV Show in September of 2016 otherwise. Now why did Joe Capone change his story? #SethRich
20) Seth Rich grew up in Omaha, Nebraska and always wanted to be involved in politics. He graduated from Creighton University, and his first job in Washington, D.C. was with the polling and strategy firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. Here he would meet Andrew Therriault... #SethRich
21) Andrew Therriault would eventually become Seth Rich's boss and mentor as the Data Science Director of the DNC. Therriault would help Seth Rich get his job at the DNC. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
22) In April of 2017 Andrew Therriault would make this dreaded tweet, and he would tag his murdered friends Twitter handle in it... Why? Sending a message? This tweet to many was literally mouth dropping, and stunning.. See for yourself..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
23) To date I've been blocked by Andrew, and many of Seth Rich's colleagues and friends who refuse to answer for these things they've posted, or said.

Now ask yourself why is that?

Why wouldn't you want an unsolved murder solved?

Wouldn't you want Justice for your friend?
24) What was the reasoning to tag your friend's Twitter account, who's been dead for almost a year at that time, in a tweet about an Embarrassment. Yes, that's what a herd of Panda's is called, but let's be realistic here folks, who does that?

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
25) What was Andrew trying to say? Was this reaching out? Not knowing it at the time, Andrew fired up the Seth Rich Investigation once again.

Private Investigator Rod Wheeler would be hired by the family, and start working the case diligently.

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
26) The family stated that they could not afford a Private Investigator. Republican Businessman Ed Butowsky offered to pay for Rod Wheeler's services to help the family.

The Family and Wheeler signed a contract for him to work on the murder investigation. But he met resistance.
27) Rod Wheeler would work many angles on the murder investigation, but ultimately it would lead him back to some of the same scenarios as our team.

The family would not give Rod the phone records, autopsy, and everyone that Rod spoke to would say someone said don't talk to you
28) Rod would talk to many people involved from Joe Capone, Seth Rich's Girlfriend Kelsey, and others.

They would all tell him the same thing.. "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ told me not to talk about that with you"

We'll let you all make your own conclusions #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
29) Now why would _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they not want Rod Wheeler investigating the murder of Seth Rich.

After all he was hired by them to find out who murdered Seth Rich.

It's as if they wanted to drive a narrative of a botched robbery..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
30) In fact, Rod stated several times that he was told to solve the botched robbery & prove the botched robbery.

Rod did his job as any Investigator would, and worked on solving who killed him. Rod knows as our team knows that when you do that, everything else will fall in place
31) The Autopsy report despite FOIA's has never been released to Investigators in this case, despite D.C. Police admitting they've exhausted all leads.

Now why wouldn't they want the Autopsy report released America?

Oh that's right, it'll show Ballistics and Toxicology..
32) When asked about Seth's Computer ability Andrew Therriault said this "He wanted to learn more from a technical standpoint. But that wasn’t his background.”

You know, because those people at the DNC have been so forthcoming in this Investigation #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
33) Seth Rich's co workers claim he was really upset about the news that broke in June that a Russian group had hacked the DNC..

Well we know that's not true, and so do they..

Why was Seth Rich upset, it wasn't because of Russia my friends..

Perhaps we should ask Crowdstrike
34) Two months before Seth Rich was murdered, the same Clinton Attorney that hired Fusion GPS, British Spy Christopher Steele, also hired Crowdstrike to Investigate the DNC Servers. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
35) Now ask yourself this...

Why would the DNC not allow the FBI or the Department of Justice to view their servers and help out?

They were after all claiming they were "hacked" by a Foreign Government trying to influence our elections..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
36) Furthermore, why does the Mainstream Media refuse to cover the Seth Rich murder investigation?

A botched robbery?

In the words of Joe Rogan "says who?"

Show me the proof of a botched robbery, and I'll show you 100x more evidence it was foul play involved. #SethRich
37) The Family stated that they were told by Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police that a video existed from the Flagler Market. The Video showed Seth Rich collapsing and two other pair of legs, possibly the killers. Where is the video at D.C. Police? #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
38) When asked, Officials with D.C. police declined an interview request. A police spokesman would not confirm the existence of a video or reveal what Rich may have said after he was shot, saying that that information could compromise an ongoing investigation. #SethRich
39) According to Family and others nothing was taken from Seth Rich. His Wallet, Cash, Cell Phone, Watch, Jewish Chai Pendant he wore around his neck, Credit Cards, all still in tact..

They took nothing, or so that's what they want you to believe.

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
40) The parents of Seth Rich saw bruises on his face, and they said they thought Seth Rich fought them off.

If you investigate Seth Rich, and talk to enough people, that sounds nothing like Seth Rich.

Rich had bruises on his face, arms, knees, etc. When parents viewed him.
41) First Responders and Police told the Rich family that Seth Rich wasn't in any pain, and he didn't know his own address when asked. They stated that he gave an old address to Police.

We can't confirm if this is true or not, because police won't release the body cams....
42) Exactly one month to the day of Seth Rich's murder, Julian Assange would mention the name Seth Rich unprompted on a Dutch TV Program. Whether you like him or not, Julian Assange and Wikileaks haven't been wrong in 12 years. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich #FactsOverFeelings
43) Take a look at what Julian Assange said about the Seth Rich murder in August 2016.. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich #WikiLeaks…
44) JA: Wikileaks never sits on material, our whistleblowers to significant efforts to get us material, and often very significant risks. There's a 27 year old who works for the DNC who was shot in the back murdered for unknown reason."

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich #Wikileaks
45) Host: "But that was just a robbery I believe wasn't it"

Julian Assange: "No, there's no findings"

Host: "What are you suggesting?"

Julian Assange: "I'm suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that. "

46) Host "Was he one of your sources?"

Julian Assange: "We don't comment on who our sources are"

Host: "Then why make the suggestion about a young guy being shot in the streets of Washington?"

Julian Assange: "We have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States"
47) Julian Assange: "And that our sources are and face serious risks that's why they come to us so we can protect their anonymity."

Host: That's quite something to suggest a murder, that's basically what you're doing."

Julian Assange: "Others have suggested that.." #SethRich
48) JA: "We are Investigating to understand what happened in that situation with Seth Rich, I think it is a concerning situation, there's not a conclusion yet we wouldn't be willing to accept. More of a variety of Wikileaks sources are concerned when that type of thing happens"
49) Enter Ed Butowsky who stated to our team in August of 2017 that he spoke with the parents of Seth Rich. Ed has since went on the record with Cassandra Fairbanks and the Gateway Pundit and stated what he told our team the parents of Seth Rich said. Ed is a credible source.
50) Ed Butowsky, a businessman from Dallas, TX and Financial Adviser offered to pay for the services of Rod Wheeler, Private Investigator hired by the Rich Family.

Ed says what the parents of Seth Rich told him to our team, and many others. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
51) “I got them on the phone and I shared with them the information that this man had wanted them to know. What I told them was that I was told that your sons downloaded the emails from the DNC server and sold them to WikiLeaks,” Butowsky stated. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
52) Ed also stated that when confronted by the information the response from the parents was this..

“Mr. Rich said, and I didn’t see him — it was over the phone, ‘Ed, we already know that. That’s not new information to us.’"

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
53) Butowsky stated Mr. Rich told him that he only wanted to focus on who killed their son and not on the DNC, emails or WikiLeaks.

Butowsky said that Mrs. Rich asked him to please let them know if he learns any additional information about the case.

54) Enter into the fray, Multi Millionaire Internet Mogul Kim Dotcom, who states he has information he's willing to share with Robert Mueller's team that will debunk the entire Fake Russian narrative created by Democrats. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
55) Kim Dotcom has reached out with his Attorney's multiple times to meet with the United States Government to deliver his Intelligence in the Seth Rich murder investigation. He has received no response from the Department of Justice into this matter. #SethRich
56) Enter Fox News Top Star Sean Hannity who started asking the right questions and working the Seth Rich Murder Investigation.

#FoxNews #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
57) Within hours Media Matters and other large Democrat groups would crucify Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity within 48 hours would step away and say he's no longer going to talk about Seth Rich or the murder. He hasn't spoken of it since May 2017.. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
58) this was the last tweet about Seth Rich or the Investigation from Sean Hannity....

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
59) Anyone in the Mainstream Media who has tried to talk about this Investigation has been silenced, literally.

Now ask why?

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich #TipoftheSpear
60) “We’re now in a different league,” he said.

The family was referred to Brad Bauman, a Washington public-relations professional with a knack with experience as a “crisis manager,” Joel Rich recalled.

This, he was certain, qualified as a crisis.

hmmmmm.... #SethRich
61) According to the Family, Seth Rich made several phone calls and received several after leaving Lou's City Bar that night.

Rich received a call as the bar was closing, that call ended at 1:33AM

Rich placed at least 5 calls after Lou's City Bar closed that night #SethRich
62) Seth Rich had another call that lasted about 60 seconds.

Both the 12 minute call, and the 60 second call wanted to remain anonymous and not named..

Then Rich called his 'girlfriend' Kelsey Mulka at 2:05 AM and was on the phone with her for 89 minutes before the call dropped
63) A few minutes later Seth Rich would call back and they would talk for 43 minutes.

Interesting time frame is that if you take 89+43 that's Putting the time at 4:17AM without any time in between dropped calls.

Something doesn't add up.. shocker.. #SethRich
64) Within 48 hours Hillary Clinton was mentioning Seth Rich's name on the Campaign Trail..

When Hillary Clinton mentions you 48 hours after your murder..

I'll just leave it there for you to think..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
65) In late June of 2017 America First Media Group would break the story that Seth Rich and his Girlfriend Kelsey Mulka were in fact broken up at the time of the murder.

Throwing the entire narrative of their relationship out the window that they painted. #HisNameWasSethRich
66) Now why would family and friends lie about the relationship status of Kelsey Mulka and Seth Rich?

Why was Kelsey involved in interviews months after the murder, knowing that they weren't even a couple at the time of the murder? Still playing the Girlfriend role? #SethRich
67) The brother of Kelsey Mulka, Kyle Mulka reached out to our team when we were in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 2017 investigating. His response to Bill Pierce and myself.

"What difference does it make what their relationship status is?" Says a lot doesn't it? #SethRich
68) When in Washington, D.C. we've walked Seth Rich's routes home, to and from Lou's City Bar to the Wonderland Ballroom, and others. I'll break down the routes here for you to understand, as well as cameras that were in the area and didn't pick up any sign of him. #SethRich
69) From Lou's City Bar to Seth Rich's house with his roommates was about 1.7 miles to walk. We walked it, he would have walked right by MedStar hospital which would be the most logical route. #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
70) It was about 4 blocks from Lou's City Bar to the Wonderland Ballroom, a short 15 minute walk. We walked this.

Then we spoke to the GM of the Wonderland Ballroom. He knew who Seth Rich was, but couldn't recall if Seth had been at the bar that night or not.. #SethRich
71) It was only two blocks from The Wonderland Ballroom to Seth Rich's Girlfriend's house.

From our Investigation, it's highly likely that Seth spent a lot of time at the Wonderland Ballroom.

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
72) If Seth Rich had been at his girlfriends house, like one of his roommates eluded to... It would be a 1.8 Mile walk to his home from his girlfriends house.

We walked this route as well, less safe than leaving from Lou's City Bar if you waled this route.

73) Amazing the placement of the tax rebate cameras compared to where Seth Rich was found..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
74) Seth Rich was found just a mere 300 steps from his front door.

There was a massive camera system at the Flagler Market, but unfortunately Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police took the tape, and now claim they can't find it. Or if it does exist they can't share it #SethRich
75) These Cameras didn't spot Seth Rich the early morning he was murdered..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
76) These 3 Camera's didn't spot Seth Rich either... Odd...

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
77) These camera's nope.. They didn't spot Seth Rich either..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
78) Nope, I know you're shocked.. These camera's didn't pick up Seth Rich walking home that night/morning July 9th/10th either..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
79) Two ATM camera's were wiped that night by a "malware virus"

Again, I can imagine your shock America.. These are FACTS.. Not theories..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
80) Here's a copy of Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police's own General Orders stating that body cams must be kept for 65 years when murder is involved.

Where are the body cams D.C. Police? Why are FOIA's being ignored for our team, Judicial Watch, and others?

81) The first time in Wikileaks history they've offered a reward for what happened to someone that they won't say is or isn't a source..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
82) Think about what Julian Assange says here...

Could there of been a conduit involved?

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
83) Keep in mind folks, this is way before you knew about the Fake Russian Dossier, Fusion GPS, and the fact that the same Clinton Attorney hired Crowdstrike to investigate the DNC Servers, refusing the Department of Justice and the FBI's ability to look at them. #SethRich
84) This was after I confronted some of Seth Rich's friends on how his girlfriend could host a "Make your friends squirm party" less than 3 weeks after the murder... Apparently they didn't like my questions..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
85) If you listen to what Assange has been saying this entire time, it's because THE MEDIA, the CLINTON's, and the DNC along with HIGH level Democrats are all INVOLVED.

The house of cards is going to come tumbling down with this case.

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
86) Not much else is needed to be said with this tweet..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
87) People ask me how I know he was Panda..

Trust me, we know..

#Panda #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
88) Can you imagine saying this after one of your neighbors was murdered?

I'll let that sink in... and this shady SOB has disappeared... or went dark as they call it..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
89) He's right you know..

Now he mentions a memory stick..

Our sources says they took a thumb drive..

Just saying..

We're being sued not once but twice..

Who's over the target.. We are..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
90) Bill Pierce, 24 year licensed Private Investigator on our team spoke to the Chief Medical Examiner of the District of Columbia for about 20 minutes. His assistant sent over this email in regards to Seth Rich's murder.

Gunshot wounds to torso, not back as we've been told.
91) Look who visited the White House just two days before the murder of Seth Rich...

Liz Lyons the Privacy Officer for D.C. Police, and former DHS and FBI agent visited the White House on July 12th, two days after the murder..

Joe Capone, the GM of Lou's visited on July 6th...
92) After our first trip to Washington, D.C. investigating in the summer of 2017, A Detective named Antoine Weston from Washington, D.C. Police's 3rd District would attack me on Social Media. Here are the Tweets.

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
93) Detective Antoine Weston admits that they've "exhausted all leads" yet they won't release the Ballistics Report, Toxicology Report, Autopsy Report, Body Cams, Video from Flagler Market, Phone Records.. and on and on we go..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
94) Here's an article from Big League Politics on Antoine Weston attacking yours truly on the Seth Rich Investigation.

Now why would a Detective from Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police attack me on Twitter about Seth Rich? #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich…
95) The DNC has been trying to shovel along with members of the Democratic Party that they were "hacked" by the Russians. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, the FBI and Department of Justice never examined the DNC servers..

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich #AFMG
96) So how can the Department of Justice determine that it was a "hack" when it never examined the servers?

Answer: They can't.

Furthermore, all evidence shows it was a leak, this is EVIDENCE not conspiracy.

The American people are being LIED to

97) The same Clinton Attorney that hired Fusion GPS, British Spy Christopher Steele, also hired Crowdstrike to examine the DNC Servers, and refused to let the FBI examine them.

Let that sink in, when you call it a "conspiracy"

We're just presenting you with the facts. #SethRich
98) The Mainstream Media won't touch the Seth Rich Murder Investigation, why? Because they are complicit..

It's coming out now behind closed doors that many people in the press were being fed by the FBI and others on Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, and others. #SethRich
99) Lou's City Bar was hosting the UFC 200 PPV the night that Seth Rich was murdered..

Packed house, one of the biggest PPV's in UFC history..

Yet no one besides the staff has came forward stating they saw Seth Rich that night?

Highest profile murder in DC in Decades..crickets
100) Just for the record, because someone will ask... This is NOT an Awan... This is Miguel Herrera who was in a wedding party with Seth Rich..

Figured we would squash that as this thread continues.. our team vets everything folks, everything.. :)

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
101) We've been to Lou's several times, more than the staff or those trying to keep our team silent know about ;)

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
102) Amazing how none of these Camera's picked up Seth Rich the night he was murdered..

One did, and Washington, D.C. Police took this and never returned it. They even told the parents about it.

When we asked, they claimed they can't show it, or confirm if it exists..
103) The Wifi is decent at Lou's as well... #SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
104) Now why was the brother of Seth Rich trying to find people that had contacts to an Israeli Digital Forensics Company named Cellebrite?

Cellebrite is a company that unlocks government cell phones and computers for governments..

Now why would Aaron Rich need that? #SethRich
105) Now shut the front door...

Washington, D.C. Police has a Cellebrite Unit..

Now that explains a lot, doesn't it Mr. Rich....

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
106) So it looks as though someone couldn't get into Seth Rich's devices.. Was it Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police.. Was it the Family... Who was it, or was it both?

Obviously the answer is pretty simple on one party, they wouldn't be asking for Cellebrite if they could.
107) The family refuses to give the actual phone records to any investigators that have asked.

We believe from our sources that Wasington, D.C. Metropolitan Police did subpoena the phone records of the phone they knew about. They did not know about the 2nd phone. #SethRich
108) The 2nd phone was not supposed to be known about, but someone slipped up in interviews and questions by our team and others.

The 2nd phone of Seth Rich was bought one week before he was murdered. He told said friend "I don't want to take calls on my other phone" #SethRich
109) America First Media this week has also confirmed the address of the party that many were told about that took place the night of Seth Rich's murder. This is a developing story and our team is vetting all information.

#SethRich #HisNameWasSethRich
110) Our Team is currently vetting the address from the party the night that Seth Rich was murdered. We are vetting those that were at the party, as well as those that live within the building that the party was held.

Details coming this week on our findings. #SethRich
111) Julian Assange relayed a message to our team when we were in Washington, D.C. via Source

Julian: "If I were to buy something on eBay, could I have it shipped to me?"

Source: "Yes you cold"

Julian: "I'm not saying that's how it happened, but I could do that" #SethRich
112) We have requested eBay and PayPal records from those involved. This is being done through other counsel in the frivolous lawsuits filed against our team.

We look forward to this discovery phase of our investigations.

#HisNameWasSethRich #SethRich
113) New evidence received this week from our sources shows TWO high profile level Democrats were at the Hospital at almost the same time as Seth Rich arrived via ambulance.

How did they know?

Who notified them?



The clock is ticking 8/20/18
114) When we held our Press Conference in Washington, D.C. a month ago, The head of CID (Criminal Investigation Division) for Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police was sitting in the back row.

He didn't ask a question, or even talk to Frank Whalen on our team) Why?


• • •

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Oct 7, 2018
⚠️**Official Seth Rich Thread** from America First Media Group
1) Seth Rich was the Data Director of New Voter Registration for the Democratic Party.

He was NOT a "DNC Staffer" as the Mainstream Media would love you to believe, along with the Democrats.
2) Seth Rich was shot at 4:19 AM on the morning of Sunday July 10th, 2016.

CIC Shotspotter (A D.C. Surveillance system on buildings that monitors gun shots and locations picked up the shooting and alerted Police.
Read 27 tweets
Oct 4, 2018
I’m sorry you feel that way John. We’re the only team in America fighting for the truth in multiple cases. We’re on the ground in Las Vegas right now with Licensed Professionals Investigating. We don’t just make YouTube videos.. We actually do the boots on the ground work. -MC
Furthermore we’ve been In Vegas working for a week, we’ve raised $320... not sure where you or anyone else thinks our team is “making money”

All of our Funding is public on Go Fund Me And Fundly.

Plane Tickets, Hotels, Meals, Travel, FOIAs, etc. are you trolling Tom Fitton to?
And Yes, this turned into a thread. We have hundreds of thousands of followers and the only people who ever complain about our Funding have never donated, they don’t share or retweet our Intel, they just complain. We have less than 500 donors in 1.5 years.. those are the facts.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 4, 2018
This card was left in US Marine Lieutenant Colonel Matt Meck’s Door. He’s not an ATF Agent, he’s an FBI Agent. Colonel Meck is blowing the whistle on Fast and Furious. We are going to help him anyway we can. #FastandFurious
They are trying to silence Colonel Meck
This was found in Colonel Meck’s mailbox...
Read 6 tweets
Sep 20, 2018
The President said release the Carter Page FISA and the Text Messages of Comey, Page, Strzok, McCabe, And Ohr to the PUBLIC!!

Any member of Congress or Senate on either side of the political aisle not okay with that, is a traitor to the Republic.

Are you fed up yet America?
This is why I only trust Trump and no one else! The evidence of corruption on both sides is overwhelmingly obvious..
If you don’t trust Trump by now you never will. There is no place in this movement for Never Trumpers like Joe Walsh, Trish Regan, Ben Shapiro and others.

They are bought and paid for opposition period!
Read 23 tweets
Sep 18, 2018
In just a few minutes I will have an Exclusive LIVE Interview with Former Navy SEAL and founder Craig Sawyer. It's going to be heart wrenching, and I'm truly honored Craig has entrusted my team to do this story. @CraigRSawyer We will not let you down.
You will be able to listen LIVE on all of our platforms, and I encourage you do to so.

You can listen LIVE on Periscope @RealMattCouch

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Again, this will be the first time that anyone will hear what Craig Sawyer, Former Navy Seal is about to reveal.

I know the back story, and I'm crushed for Craig and his family. I am however proud of their courage, fight, and God loving spirit to want to get this out
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