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(1) .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

#DHS #FBI #JTTF r bleeding the country dry financially with the BS, #DOJ-funded, political targeting operation (which constitutes domestic #terrorism) thru #ThreatFusionCenters.

I refer to this as the #NationalSecurityRacketeeringNetwork.
(2) The National Security Racketeering Network targets innocent Americans for profit, in order to enrich #DOJ-funded mercenary #terror cells called #PrivateIntelAgencies - under the guise of national security.
(3) #DHS #FBI #JTTF work hand-in-hand with these terror cells, tracking, targeting & harassing great American people thru #DeepState operating bases known as #ThreatFusionCenters.

Rogue federal personnel are now tasked to target hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans.
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Problem w #SusanCollins's evidentiary standard for sex assault claims - in vast majority of cases, only two are present. In many older cases, there isn't contemporaneous corroborating testimony, just friends, family, therapists who can attest as to when vic first disclosed. 1/
#BelieveWomen is trite, unconstitutional nonsense. We can't simply believe everything every woman claims now becs women & girls' reports too often haven't been taken seriously. We just need to take reports seriously. Which requires investigation in order to build a case vs perp 2
We need to safeguard due process, becs each of us will need it if/when we're accused of violating a law. And no, a mere allegation, w/out more, can't be enough to find guilt. Some people make false claims for malicious purpose. It happens. 3/
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Rumor has it Kav has even more secrets he would like to keep hidden, some of which are likely to be revealed when the time is right. đŸ€—#FBI #Memogate, #Kasowitz, 💰& more. Oh my! All is not lost.đŸ€—

💣NY AG Sues Trump's Charitable Foundation for Political Activities

Not one Republican has signed on to the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

Not. One.

Senator Leahy Compiled Comprehensive, Point-By-Point Summary Of The Many Times That Judge Kavanaugh Misled The Senate Under Oath.

SC Justices can be prosecuted.

Lawsuits point to large trove of unreleased Kav WH docs White

Amazon Says 3rd-Party Seller Got Some Customers’ Email Addys

NY Regulators Examine the Trump Family’s Tax Schemes

WaPo Vote ‘no’ on Kav

USA TODAY Editorial Board: Vote no on Kavanaugh's confirmation
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If you don’t look for a crime, you’re not going to find it.🙄

To be clear, the fault for this SHAM of a background “investigation” lies with @realDonaldTrump, @ChuckGrassley and the rest of the @GOP, who **handcuffed** the #FBI by restricting those whom they could interview.đŸ€Ź

cc @SenatorCollins @lisamurkowski

Total dereliction of duty if the Senate @GOP confirms #Kavanaugh w/o fully investigating his SHADY FINANCES, multiple sexual assault allegations + LIES (#felony). Senators are obligated to serve as a check on the Executive Branch’s *lifetime* pick to the Judiciary Branchâ€ŒïžđŸ€Ź
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#BeachFriends well former #CorruptFBI agent and life long BFF of #Ford Monica Lee Mclean (retired after Trump's election) lives at ”Rehoboth Beach, DE", #Ford helped her learn how to pass a polygraph test. Oh and @SenCoonsOffice seems to hang out there too with former VP Biden.
This letter brook it open from #Ford's ex-boyfriend alleging: dated for 6 yrs, never told of sex assault, Ford coached friend (Monica Lee Mclean) on #FBI polygraph, flew frequently w/o expressing any fear of flying/tight spaces/limited exits. Doesn’t want to b/c “involved”.
For full details of all the #DeepState tie-ins to smear and destroy #Kavanaugh just because he is associated with @realDonaldTrump read this excellent analysis by Sundance, e.g. @TheLastRefuge2

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Concerned citizens of #Minnesota and the nation, contact President @realDonaldTrump and ask that he order an @FBI investigation into the domestic assault allegations against Attorney General candidate, current #DNC Co-Chair, #KeithEllison.
@realDonaldTrump @FBI I also included in my request, reasons with proof why I believe it need be an outside field office that conducts the investigation.
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(1) This thread shall serve to describe the various actors participating in the #DHS-funded #terror operations, which are coordinated through #ThreatFusionCenters. Federal, State and Local Agencies, in coordination with mercenary organizations & civilians.
(2) These agencies and actors comprise what I refer to as the "National Security Racketeering Network," and are involved in terrorizing individuals & groups the #DeepState has deemed to be threats or "Domestic Terrorists" for profit.

This equates to domestic #WarProfiteering
(3) #NSA #DIA #GIA are remotely & warrantlessly tracking & targeting innocent Americans, via their #Biometric signatures. The positions of US citizens are relayed to #FusionCenters for the sole purpose of harassing anyone on the #DeepState #DOJ #DHS #FBI #JTTF hit-list.
Read 22 tweets
(1) Between Fall 2015 and June 2018, #DHS spent several million dollars training & compensating employees of Trader Joe's and LA Mart of Springfield, Virginia in a #Stasi-style stalking & harassment operation w/collusion of #FBI #JTTF @FairfaxCountyPD & other groups including
(2) militarized Fire & #EMS personnel (AKA TerrorismLiaisonOfficers); #DOJ-funded, mercenary #terror cells referred to as #PrivateIntelAgencies or #PIAs; #DHS-funded, civilian stalkers referred to as #SurveillanceRolePlayers, in addition to State & Local Police #LEIUs AKA ....
(3) Law Enforcement Intelligence Units.

These #DOJ-funded, extrajudicial, political targeting ops are done with assistance of #MASINT #SIGINT input from #NSA #GIA and #DIA.

Anyone who has been targeted by the #DeepState is now subject to 24/7 data harvesting and ....
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"Trust the Plan."
"Trust Wray."
"Sky is Falling Week."

Let's interpret.
Anyone who supports #JudgeKavanaugh should not be concerned w/a one week investigation as long as:
- #POTUS has control over the rogue #FBI.
- #RuleofLaw is restored.
The #WhiteHats are now in contol...including of the #FBI. Witness the ouster and/or referral for prosecution of #Comey, #McCabe, #Strzok, #Page, #JamesBaker, et al (T makes it hard to ID ALL of the traitors).
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Charles Ludington, a former varsity basketball player & friend of #Kavanaugh at @Yale plans to deliver a statement to the @FBI field office in Raleigh on Monday detailing **violent drunken behavior** by Kavanaugh in college. 1/

Ludington says #Kavanaugh initiated a fight that led to the ARREST of a friend: “When Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent & aggressive...” 2/
“On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.”😳 3/

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“Stop #FBI Corruption” screaming at the FBI for help is about the part and parcel of the American right.
Normal politics times
Remember: these are the voting masses. From time to time it’s worth interacting and sharing how they think and act on a micro level because this is how screwed we are.
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@POTUS @SecNielsen

(1) The #corrupt #DOJ has mounted an attack against innocent patriotic Americans for over a decade from #ThreatFusionCenters, with full cooperation of #NSA #DHS #FBI #JTTF and mercenary terror cells referred to as #PrivateIntelAgencies.
(2) Every day tens of thousands of innocent Americans are targeted by these #DOJ-Funded #terrorists, under the bullshit guise of national security, while in reality it is a covert protocol geared to quietly destroy the lives of great individuals ....
(3) via the same methodology the #DeepState used to attack #Kavanaugh.

The organized smear campaign against innocent targets was a tactic called #Zersetzung ("Social Deconstruction" AKA Destruction), once successfully employed by the #Stasi and now a favorite tool of #DHS #FBI
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1) Soyons brefs et factuels dans l'imbroglio #Kavanaugh. Dans 1h30, les 21 membres du comité judiciaire du Sénat voteront pour donner sa recommandation avant le vote de la haute assemblée sur la confirmation du nominé de #Trump. 11 républicains, 10 démocrates...
2) Il n'y a que 2 sénateurs républicains du comité judiciaire Flake (Arizona) et Sasse (Nebraska) à ne pas avoir encore dit s'il votait pour recommander #Kavanaugh. Sasse s'oppose à #Trump sur la méthode pour se construire 1 avenir post 2020 mais sur le fond, 1 conservateur dur.
3) Reste donc #Flake, dont le vote est décisif au comité judiciaire et qui ne sera plus sénateur d'Arizona en janvier. Il peut donc voter en conscience sur #Kavanaugh. Mais lui aussi est 1 opposant sur la méthode à #Trump qui a toujours suivi la logique partisane finalement...
Read 31 tweets
1. #Kavanaugh justifiable attacking @SenFeinstein for her culpability in creating this public airing. Throws the blame right back at her. Calls her out as the "anti Christ" she is. #ConfirmKavanaughNow
2. Wow he's tossing the lame #FBI investigation "hand grenade" right back at @SenFeinstein she so deserves #Kavanaugh's total and unadulterated contempt.
3. #Kavanaugh describes that a #FBI investigation produces just 302's no conclusions to @SenFeinstein, also it's not up to him to demand an #FBI investigation. All this @SenFeinstein already knows.
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Sortant de mon aprÚs-midi de khÎlles et de cours et aprÚs avoir regardé le témoignage de #BlaseyFord, je vous le dis comme je le pense: #Kavanaugh est fini. Et ce tweet du trÚs renseigné #Sherman sur #Trump me conforte.
2) Pourquoi #Kavanaugh semble ĂȘtre "mort Ă  l'arrivĂ©e" pour la nomination? Car comment imaginer que 50 sĂ©nateurs puissent passer outre 1 tĂ©moignage prĂ©cis et si Ă©mouvant donnĂ© dĂ©jĂ  bien avant le choix de #Trump? Le "100% sĂ»re"est insurmontable SAUF

3) seule chance de #Kavanaugh est que les rĂ©publicains du SĂ©nat choisissent 1 immolation collective ultime pour verrouiller la #CourSuprĂȘme au prix d'1 dĂ©sastre sĂ©culaire auprĂšs de l'Ă©lectorat fĂ©minin blanc aux #midterms...Mais ce suicide politique aurait 2 conditions...
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"Julie Swetnick said in her "MyLife" bio, that she was African American. So, went to wayback machine srubbed archives and found that her bio was changed TODAY."

#QAnon #GoodbyeDemocrats #GreatAwakening @POTUS #WWG1WGA
"WTF is wrong with these people? Oh wait, it's not about #Kavanaugh, they're pulling out all the stops to bury that pesky little #FISAdoc and #FBI texts thing that is going to send them all to prison."
- Anon
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Inconclusive! Stop asking for an FBI investigative report. It’s merely a stall tactic and talking point of the Democrats and #FakeNewsMedia. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
Time to call them out so that they can stop pushing the #FBI narrative. #BrettKavanaugh has gone through several FBI investigations and nothing. This is a smear campaign of the left and complicit MSM. They hate the rule of law which Kavanaugh will uphold. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
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1. @SenFeinstein you wanted an #FBI investigation, I think your going to get one, but just not in the way you wanted. You knew all along the #FBI would never due to jurisdiction and JC rules never go back 30+ years and investigate hearsay allegations #ConfirmKavanaughNow
2. @SenFeinstein you knew the statue has either run out & that no local police would give the claims credibility, you knew all four named witnesses don't collaborate #Ford and one is a "life long friend". You foisted a fraud against the JC for pure politics. #ConfirmKavanaughNow
3. @SenFeinstein you wanted an #FBI investigation, your going it but it's for #Collusion and #Obstruction (wow those words sound so so very familiar) foisted on the Judiciary Committee by YOU and YOUR current/ex staffer's. Sleep Well ... #KarmaIsABitch #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA
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THREAD: My biggest takeaway from #BrettKavanaugh Fox News interview is that he wants a “fair process” but that process doesn’t include testimony from #MarkJudge or an #FBI background check on the allegations. THAT wld be fair.
No one, including the #kavanaugh family and of course the Ford family or anyone else coming forward on any side of those should be threatened or live in fear. That is plain wrong and unacceptable.
My second but no less central takeaway is his denial of binge drinking is not supported by some of his contemporaries.
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(1) #DHS & #FBI r running an illegal counter-terrorism protocol against innocent Americans thru #ThreatFusionCenters

They utilize #terror cells called #PrivateIntelAgencies, which employ #SurveillanceRolePlayers, vigilante citizens & criminals ro #stalk & terrorize soft targets.
(2) Unfortunately, federally-funded state & local law enforcement agencies - such as the @FairfaxCountyPD and militarized #EMS & Firefighters (referred to as #TerrorismLiaisonOfficers by #DOJ) work in coordination with these groups which r engaged in #terrorism on US soil.
(3) #DHS #FBI #JTTF will flood a soft target's workplace w/ hundreds of agents provocateurs whose goal is to covertly harass the victim in public as local police and #JTTF augment the targeting with vicious smear campaigns designed to isolate the individual from family & friends
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#Republicans #Kavanaugh confirmation vote is scheduled for this week.

Me: "looking at the timing of the late reveal of this sexual assault by the #Democrats
How #Democrats Voters feel.
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Why was #ColeenRowley stopped? #FBI HQ Accused of Quashing Pre-9-11 Probes - ABC News -
 via @ABC
Great question Why WOULD an #FBI agent sabotage a case?

David Frasca, head of the FBI's radical fundamentalist unit in Washington, has been identified as the agent who received memos from Minneapolis and Phoenix, Arizona, that should have alerted him to the al-Qa'eda plot.

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