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The servers at TT & Alfa Bank, Spectrum Health & Heartland PS, were communicating via DNS look ups, sharing packet data.

‘GOP, Trump & Rick Gates are reportedly directly implicated in espionage against the US 2016 primary/Pres elex via help from a foreign power.’

Rick Gates, the indicted Trump campaign official and Manafort aide & GOP Operative sought proposals from Psy Group an Israeli intelligence firm to run a coordinated disinfo campaign against US voters to help Trump win the primary & general elections.


Initially Psy-Group offered a social media manipulation campaign which included fake social media profiles that would attack Ted Cruz and discredit him the eyes of GOP Party delegates, who was at the time Trump’s main competitor for the GOP nomination.
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(1) .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

#DHS #FBI #JTTF r bleeding the country dry financially with the BS, #DOJ-funded, political targeting operation (which constitutes domestic #terrorism) thru #ThreatFusionCenters.

I refer to this as the #NationalSecurityRacketeeringNetwork.
(2) The National Security Racketeering Network targets innocent Americans for profit, in order to enrich #DOJ-funded mercenary #terror cells called #PrivateIntelAgencies - under the guise of national security.
(3) #DHS #FBI #JTTF work hand-in-hand with these terror cells, tracking, targeting & harassing great American people thru #DeepState operating bases known as #ThreatFusionCenters.

Rogue federal personnel are now tasked to target hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans.
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THREAD: #1 Police arrested 8 men including 7 foreigners for alleged connection to an Islamic learning centre in Perlis state allegedly related to a #terrorism group in Yemen and spreading salafi jihadi ideology in Southeast Asia, Malaysia police chief @Fuzi_Harun said today.
#2 Arrests thanks to info from foreign intelligence agencies. The suspects - foreign instructor & students at the Islamic learning centre, are connected to a madrasa in Dammaj, Yemen, founded by Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'i, an extreme salafi jihadi ideologue.
#3 The Yemeni madrasa is a staunch believer in salafi jihadi ideology which makes it permissible to kill non-Muslims & Muslims not in line with them, also labels democracy as "toghut", says Malaysian IGP @Fuzi_Harun.
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(1) This thread shall serve to describe the various actors participating in the #DHS-funded #terror operations, which are coordinated through #ThreatFusionCenters. Federal, State and Local Agencies, in coordination with mercenary organizations & civilians.
(2) These agencies and actors comprise what I refer to as the "National Security Racketeering Network," and are involved in terrorizing individuals & groups the #DeepState has deemed to be threats or "Domestic Terrorists" for profit.

This equates to domestic #WarProfiteering
(3) #NSA #DIA #GIA are remotely & warrantlessly tracking & targeting innocent Americans, via their #Biometric signatures. The positions of US citizens are relayed to #FusionCenters for the sole purpose of harassing anyone on the #DeepState #DOJ #DHS #FBI #JTTF hit-list.
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(1) Between Fall 2015 and June 2018, #DHS spent several million dollars training & compensating employees of Trader Joe's and LA Mart of Springfield, Virginia in a #Stasi-style stalking & harassment operation w/collusion of #FBI #JTTF @FairfaxCountyPD & other groups including
(2) militarized Fire & #EMS personnel (AKA TerrorismLiaisonOfficers); #DOJ-funded, mercenary #terror cells referred to as #PrivateIntelAgencies or #PIAs; #DHS-funded, civilian stalkers referred to as #SurveillanceRolePlayers, in addition to State & Local Police #LEIUs AKA ....
(3) Law Enforcement Intelligence Units.

These #DOJ-funded, extrajudicial, political targeting ops are done with assistance of #MASINT #SIGINT input from #NSA #GIA and #DIA.

Anyone who has been targeted by the #DeepState is now subject to 24/7 data harvesting and ....
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@POTUS @SecNielsen

(1) The #corrupt #DOJ has mounted an attack against innocent patriotic Americans for over a decade from #ThreatFusionCenters, with full cooperation of #NSA #DHS #FBI #JTTF and mercenary terror cells referred to as #PrivateIntelAgencies.
(2) Every day tens of thousands of innocent Americans are targeted by these #DOJ-Funded #terrorists, under the bullshit guise of national security, while in reality it is a covert protocol geared to quietly destroy the lives of great individuals ....
(3) via the same methodology the #DeepState used to attack #Kavanaugh.

The organized smear campaign against innocent targets was a tactic called #Zersetzung ("Social Deconstruction" AKA Destruction), once successfully employed by the #Stasi and now a favorite tool of #DHS #FBI
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NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi on the Roadmap to Freedom, 2018 Iran Uprising Summit, September 22:
1- “I want to stress the path we have chosen and the horizon ahead of us as we strive to reach the Iranian people's grand destination.”
#Iran #FreeIranSummit #Alternative
2- “We seek popular sovereignty. We are fighting for the establishment of a republic based on the vote of the people. We consider the people's free vote to be the sole criterion of legitimacy for national officials.”
#Iran #FreeIranSummit #Alternative
3-“We stress human rights in accordance w/ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, & in accordance w/ conventions adopted by the United Nations. The mullahs' sharia edicts, which make up the legal precedent of the regime's punitive laws, will have no place in tomorrow's Iran.”
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(1) #DHS & #FBI r running an illegal counter-terrorism protocol against innocent Americans thru #ThreatFusionCenters

They utilize #terror cells called #PrivateIntelAgencies, which employ #SurveillanceRolePlayers, vigilante citizens & criminals ro #stalk & terrorize soft targets.
(2) Unfortunately, federally-funded state & local law enforcement agencies - such as the @FairfaxCountyPD and militarized #EMS & Firefighters (referred to as #TerrorismLiaisonOfficers by #DOJ) work in coordination with these groups which r engaged in #terrorism on US soil.
(3) #DHS #FBI #JTTF will flood a soft target's workplace w/ hundreds of agents provocateurs whose goal is to covertly harass the victim in public as local police and #JTTF augment the targeting with vicious smear campaigns designed to isolate the individual from family & friends
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(1) Like #Stasi punks, #DHS personnel coordinate the acts of domestic #terrorism against anyone the #DeepState has blacklisted for being outspoken.

They use #ThreatFusionCenters as operating bases 2 target innocent Americans.

This is the #NationalSecurityRacketeeringNetwork
(2) which targets innocents for profit.

They work in conjunction with #DOJ-funded #terrorist cells referred to as #PrivateIntelAgencies - which operate on US soil with zero oversight - in coordination with #FBI, #JTTF, State & Local LE & militarized #EMS personnel ....
(3) referred to as #TerrorismLiaisonOfficers.

Taxpayer money funneled thru #DOJ funds these illegal operations which attack American soft targets at the behest of the #DeepState.

These acts also constitute #racketeering in addition to terrorism.

#ThreatFusionCenters are ....
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three major developments over the past day demonstrate how #Europe seeks to shape the global #Internet. if you only focus on US reg, dominated by politics & not law, you’re missing a major part of the action.
first: yesterday the European Ct of Justice held hearings on #France’s push to globalize the right to be forgotten…
read @daphnehk on the implications:…
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OK, now I stop the jokes and get serious on #SOTEU and #JHA (opens thread). @JunckerEU: "We are proposing to extend the tasks of the newly established European Public Prosecutor’s Office to include the fight against #terrorist offences."
I'm still sceptic about the original role of the #EPPO (financial offences to #EU money) and how that is going to pan out in the future (more on this soon, part of the @CER_EU's upcoming work on #JHA). I'm even more sceptic about proposals to use it for #AML. But terrorism?
This has been an old aspiration of federalists and others: some sort of a central EU criminal prosecutor (and criminal code, for what matters) to deal with cross-border crime. But that is absolutely unfeasible right now. See the latest difficulties in judicial co-operation.
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when it comes to speaking & KNOWING truth, it’s not about a political party. my only angle here is to break all the illusions & lies that keep us complacent, and truly FREE myself.

If I’m labeled alt-right for speaking truth, so be it. a small price 2 pay for my sovereignty.
2.ppl in our govt on both sides have committed #treason #crimesagainsthumanity #espionage & #terrorism against #wethepeople. after I woke up from my cultural marxist institutionalized indoctrination I was subjected to in college, (about 3 years ago) I was staunchly apolitical...
3. This didn’t change until a couple months ago. I always thought trump was another puppet. I still don’t trust any high ranking leader fully, bc of how much we’ve been lied to as Americans, but trump, amid all his flaws, has at least treated us like no other pres in my time
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1/x So the following #thread breaks down a story unfolding in #Germany in the last days, which as become too strange and awfully relevant, as not to bother you all with it. It quickly turned into a political-legal-media-#XRW shitshow with quite many angles.
2/x So what happened? A week ago a tv crew from a public media station wanted to film during a #PEGIDA rally in Saxony. Yes, they still exist but rarely hit the national news anymore. As they filmed some participants, one if them started to verbally assault the crew.
3/x He claimed that filming him without consent would be a crime. He went to bystanding police officers and complained. That in turn led the police to hold the press team for about 45 minutes. The reason for that is still debated.
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Two Individuals Charged for Acting as Illegal Agents of the Government of Iran… "collecting identifying information about American citizens and U.S. nationals who are members of the group Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK)" #terrorism #IranProtests #IranTerrorism
Lots of details in the affidavits; how well-trained the Iranian agents were & how they tried to conceal their entire spying operation. Unfortunately many years of appeasement policy has emboldened the regime to extend its #terrorism to the American soil…
And here is the statement by the NCRI which has been the main target of the Iranian regime's spying and terror plot. It’s time to expel the agents of Iran’s MOIS and Quds Force operating under various covers in the U.S. & Europe.…
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One of #Canada #Ottawa's largest mosques loses charity status for promoting ‘hate and intolerance’ via @StewartBellNP…
“Many of the views expressed by the organization’s speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence,” the @CanRevAgency Charities Branch wrote in a letter sent to the mosque president.
It means the mosque no longer benefits from the #tax advantages enjoyed by government-registered charities. Foremost, it cannot issue receipts allowing donors to claim their contributions as income tax deductions.
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"Prosecutors: Siraj Wahhaj Was Training Starving Children at New Mexico Compound to Carry Out School Shootings" .@KatiePavlich #sirajwahhaj #DNC…
2018 Son of Imam #SirajWahh &1993 co-conspirator of #WTCbombing caught training #SchoolShooting terrorist KIDS!

Flashback: Democrats Embrace Siraj Wahhaj: Supporter of Cop-Killer, Al Qaeda & Hamas to headline “Jumah at the Democratic Natl Convention 2012.”…
2012: "Jumah at the DNC Fizzles" . @BreitbartNews

Less than 24 hours before “Jumah at the DNC” was held, nervous officials at the Host Committee quietly removed it from the list of officially sanctioned DNC pre-convention events.…
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Boy do I have pic & data logs 2 confirm magnetic weapons signal disruption 2014 /2015 Verizon & Directv in unison, pics of low orbiting satellites visible to the naked eye right b4 dusk & dawn & current att signal disruption blind cats skin ulcers me & dad
And all the email to and from confirming submissions to @TomWheelerFCC former @FCC commissioner, whom is #DeepState by the way with a family of generational #Freemasons @AjitPaiFCC #DEWS #CrimesAgainstHumanity #HumanRights #Terrorism @realDonaldTrump
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(1) #DOS #FBI #DOJ #USMIL know exactly what weapons were used on the #Diplomats in #Cuba and #China.

Indeed, one can buy them here in the USA on the internet, and the #DirectedEnergyWeapons platform(s) governments have at their disposal are even more sophisticated.
(2) These weapons can be deployed from satellites, aircraft, and vehicles.

They can be mounted on towers and structures, and and also come in hand-held models.

Unfortunately folks, as the #FBI #DHS #NSA #DIA #GIA #USMIL already know, #5G "communications" systems ....
(3) can be weaponized to do the same damage that the more portable units can do. These systems go by a variety of names and operate via a variety of electromagnetic and radiological mechanisms.

They also have devastating physical, psychological and physiological effects ....
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#Feminicide, 1st time I've seen this term used, on the profile description of a LinkedIn contact of mine. They hold an LLM in International #HumanRights Law and work for the @UN OHCHR @UNHumanRights 👈#Minnesota state sponsored #terrorism #VAW
Minnesota State Sponsored Terrorism…
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German prosecutors: "Iranian diplomat Assadollah Assadi in March hired and ordered two Iranians[based in Belgium] to attack the MEK's annual event."
He will be put on trail for spying & plotting to murder or he may be expelled to Belgium.
Regime apologists in the West who claim to be journalists/experts claimed that the two terrorists who were arrested by Belgian police were MEK members but they never mentioned how Iran could publish their names before Belgian authorities giving any details of them. #Think
Iran has asked Germany to expel Iranian diplomat to Austria. Tehran has conducted many terrorist operations in Europe and mostly in Austria and Germany against Kurdish leaders. Austria did nothing against Iran and that's why Iran wants its diplomat to be expelled to Vienna.
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In today´s @welt: My report about the hunt for the #ISIS suspect who allegedly „guided“ the #Berlin Christmas Market attacker #AnisAmri. Details in the following thread ⬇️ /1 #Breitscheidplatz #terrorism #UA1BT
#AnisAmri was in contact with an #ISIS suspect for several weeks prior to the #Breitscheidplatz attack. They communicated via Telegram messenger. Amri´s name was „Anis Abu Al Barra“ (Abumos), his ISIS contact´s name was „Moadh Tounsi“ (moumou1) /2 #UA1BT #terrorism
After the #Breischeidplatz attack the police found Amri´s HTC smartphone near the truck he used. Investigators were able to retrieve several Telegram chat messages, pictures and voice messages /3 #AnisAmri #UA1BT #terrorism #ISIS
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Humanitarian Wars for democracy and freedom are false and lying - 13

The so-called "moderate rebels"

#Syria #WarCrimes #FakeNews #lies #terrorism #aggression #Hypocrisy #FalseFlag #bastards #IillegalWar #Criminals #CriminalDamage #DoubleStandard #ModerateRebels
What was the UN created for?
What was the United Nations charter created for?
What were human rights associations created for?
What was the International Criminal Court created for?

Enough of double standars and hypocrisy. Enough is enough.
If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.”
- Julian Assange -
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After 70 years of imperial/neoliberal indoctrination the web of lies is so obviously absurde (9/11, Skripal, WH = ISIS, etc.), that it is dissoluting. The empathetic humanity connects, closes ranks and sends their eternal psychopathic rulers and their lackeys into nowhere land.
The "evil empire" is a lifelong three year old child. I certainly loved my children at that age too, however only because they created not only a surreal mess, but also made steady progress.

A great documentary about psychopathy and society:
The elite invented "democracy" to protect them from the empathetic people. The media are their means for misleading the people sedated by "democracy". This is definitely a bad thing since the people have become educated and the elite almost totally insane.
Read 209 tweets
Humanitarian Wars for democracy and freedom are false and lying - 9

#Syria #WarCrimes #FakeNews #lies #terrorism
What was the UN created for?
What was the United Nations charter created for?
What were human rights associations created for?
What was the International Criminal Court created for?

Enough of double standars and hypocrisy. Enough is enough.
The United States, in order to be able to carry out its wars with the slogan of freedom and democracy, has continually blatantly lied, over many years, to the permanent representatives of other United Nations countries.
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