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Oct 3rd 2018
(1) This thread shall serve to describe the various actors participating in the #DHS-funded #terror operations, which are coordinated through #ThreatFusionCenters. Federal, State and Local Agencies, in coordination with mercenary organizations & civilians.
(2) These agencies and actors comprise what I refer to as the "National Security Racketeering Network," and are involved in terrorizing individuals & groups the #DeepState has deemed to be threats or "Domestic Terrorists" for profit.

This equates to domestic #WarProfiteering
(3) #NSA #DIA #GIA are remotely & warrantlessly tracking & targeting innocent Americans, via their #Biometric signatures. The positions of US citizens are relayed to #FusionCenters for the sole purpose of harassing anyone on the #DeepState #DOJ #DHS #FBI #JTTF hit-list.
Read 22 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
(1) Between Fall 2015 and June 2018, #DHS spent several million dollars training & compensating employees of Trader Joe's and LA Mart of Springfield, Virginia in a #Stasi-style stalking & harassment operation w/collusion of #FBI #JTTF @FairfaxCountyPD & other groups including
(2) militarized Fire & #EMS personnel (AKA TerrorismLiaisonOfficers); #DOJ-funded, mercenary #terror cells referred to as #PrivateIntelAgencies or #PIAs; #DHS-funded, civilian stalkers referred to as #SurveillanceRolePlayers, in addition to State & Local Police #LEIUs AKA ....
(3) Law Enforcement Intelligence Units.

These #DOJ-funded, extrajudicial, political targeting ops are done with assistance of #MASINT #SIGINT input from #NSA #GIA and #DIA.

Anyone who has been targeted by the #DeepState is now subject to 24/7 data harvesting and ....
Read 15 tweets

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