Indeed, one can buy them here in the USA on the internet, and the #DirectedEnergyWeapons platform(s) governments have at their disposal are even more sophisticated.
(2) These weapons can be deployed from satellites, aircraft, and vehicles.
They can be mounted on towers and structures, and and also come in hand-held models.
(3) can be weaponized to do the same damage that the more portable units can do. These systems go by a variety of names and operate via a variety of electromagnetic and radiological mechanisms.
They also have devastating physical, psychological and physiological effects ....
(4) on the target(s).
So are you all ready to buy your own #DirectedEnergyWeapon to fry your neighbor on behalf of the #DOJ-funded private contractor who tells you that you and the #DHS#FBI#JTTF are on a "secret mission" targeting "community threats?"
(5) These weapons platforms are available from a company called "Information Unlimited," and range from inexpensive hand-held models to LETHAL, vehicle-mountable, portable units.
(7) Once again, the entire #InterAgency#Intel community knows about these weapons, but are pretending they don't, because they have been unleashed against individuals who have extra-judicially been placed on the Bullshit #FBI#DHS watch-list; which equates to a ....
The assholes that belong on these #watchlists are the whack-jobs running around with these weapons, targeting innocents like cowardly terrorists. And that is what they are. #Terrorists.
(9) These weapons cause molecular damage, cancer, memory loss, vision loss, organ failure, burns, rashes, intense pain, skin and nail deformity, hair loss and a variety of other issues.
The #FBI knows this. #DHS knows this and the #DOJ knows this. And they are okay with it. Why?
These sociopaths love these little "toys" because they do not leave a trace of forensic evidence.
(11) #FBI#DHS#DOJ#DOS don't want to admit they know what types of weapons were used against the diplomats, b/c they want to maintain plausible deniability for their deployment against US citizens in the USA as a mechanism of "political control" en masse AKA #TERRORISM
(2) The National Security Racketeering Network targets innocent Americans for profit, in order to enrich #DOJ-funded mercenary #terror cells called #PrivateIntelAgencies - under the guise of national security.
(3) #DHS#FBI#JTTF work hand-in-hand with these terror cells, tracking, targeting & harassing great American people thru #DeepState operating bases known as #ThreatFusionCenters.
Rogue federal personnel are now tasked to target hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans.
(1) This thread shall serve to describe the various actors participating in the #DHS-funded #terror operations, which are coordinated through #ThreatFusionCenters. Federal, State and Local Agencies, in coordination with mercenary organizations & civilians.
(2) These agencies and actors comprise what I refer to as the "National Security Racketeering Network," and are involved in terrorizing individuals & groups the #DeepState has deemed to be threats or "Domestic Terrorists" for profit.
(3) #NSA#DIA#GIA are remotely & warrantlessly tracking & targeting innocent Americans, via their #Biometric signatures. The positions of US citizens are relayed to #FusionCenters for the sole purpose of harassing anyone on the #DeepState#DOJ#DHS#FBI#JTTF hit-list.
(1) Between Fall 2015 and June 2018, #DHS spent several million dollars training & compensating employees of Trader Joe's and LA Mart of Springfield, Virginia in a #Stasi-style stalking & harassment operation w/collusion of #FBI#JTTF@FairfaxCountyPD & other groups including
(2) Every day tens of thousands of innocent Americans are targeted by these #DOJ-Funded #terrorists, under the bullshit guise of national security, while in reality it is a covert protocol geared to quietly destroy the lives of great individuals ....
The organized smear campaign against innocent targets was a tactic called #Zersetzung ("Social Deconstruction" AKA Destruction), once successfully employed by the #Stasi and now a favorite tool of #DHS#FBI
(2) Unfortunately, federally-funded state & local law enforcement agencies - such as the @FairfaxCountyPD and militarized #EMS & Firefighters (referred to as #TerrorismLiaisonOfficers by #DOJ) work in coordination with these groups which r engaged in #terrorism on US soil.
(3) #DHS#FBI#JTTF will flood a soft target's workplace w/ hundreds of agents provocateurs whose goal is to covertly harass the victim in public as local police and #JTTF augment the targeting with vicious smear campaigns designed to isolate the individual from family & friends
(2) #CMO or "Civilian Military Op" by the US Military itself.
In reality, "Gang Stalking" is a sophisticated, tech-enhanced targeting strategy utilized by the US Gov against anyone that the #DeepState and its agency minions have marked as potential "dissidents" AKA "terrorists."
(3) This extrajudicial targeting protocol is an AI-driven amalgamation of tactics derived from a variety of sources including the #Stasi, #KGB & China's anti-Falun Gong global targeting teams.
The goal of these operations is to subtly terrorize and traumatize the target(s).