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Aug 5th 2018
(1) #DOS #FBI #DOJ #USMIL know exactly what weapons were used on the #Diplomats in #Cuba and #China.

Indeed, one can buy them here in the USA on the internet, and the #DirectedEnergyWeapons platform(s) governments have at their disposal are even more sophisticated.
(2) These weapons can be deployed from satellites, aircraft, and vehicles.

They can be mounted on towers and structures, and and also come in hand-held models.

Unfortunately folks, as the #FBI #DHS #NSA #DIA #GIA #USMIL already know, #5G "communications" systems ....
(3) can be weaponized to do the same damage that the more portable units can do. These systems go by a variety of names and operate via a variety of electromagnetic and radiological mechanisms.

They also have devastating physical, psychological and physiological effects ....
Read 12 tweets
Jul 21st 2018
(1) The ongoing roll-out of the 5G "communications" grid represents a clear and present danger to the entire population of the United States.

This is not a simple "communications" system, it is a frequency-based weapons, communications & surveillance system ....
(2) that emits high-power frequencies which do the following:

A) Mutate Organic Molecules
B) Cause Cancer & other illnesses
C) Destroy animals (bees, birds, etc.) built-in
navigation systems
D) Cause a full spectrum of behavioral
disorders incl. violence & depression
(3) Furthermore, there is enough juice running to these 5G AKA #MicroWave transmitters to physically & selectively "cook" members of the population - individually - or en masse.

This is not a single "weapons system" but a "weapons matrix" consisting of interlinked
Read 22 tweets

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