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Sep 20th 2018

#Republicans #Kavanaugh confirmation vote is scheduled for this week.

Me: "looking at the timing of the late reveal of this sexual assault by the #Democrats
How #Democrats Voters feel.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 19th 2018
This morning, the President said it is up to Dr. Blasey Ford to convince him she is telling the truth. That is preposterous. Her story is credible: it is rich in remembered detail, corresponds to facts that are known, and was told to others years before.
.@realDonaldTrump and @SenateGOP should follow protocol and order the @FBI to complete its background investigation as to this claim. This process has been off the rails for a long time now, but the last 24 hours signal a new low.…
Dr. Ford is incredibly brave & very credible. Her story is rich in remembered detail, corresponds to facts that are known, and was told to others years before.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
The American people are confronted with a #GOP Congress and Administration that are relentlessly ransacking the futures of American families and seniors, all to further enrich their lobbyist and special interest friends, big corporations and the wealthiest one percent. /1
From health care, to taxes, to good-paying jobs, to critical consumer protections, President Trump and the #Republican Congress are selling out the American people at every turn: /2 #ARawDeal #CultureOfCorruption #RepublicanGreed
#Democrats must be ready to drive home our case to the American people about how a Democratic majority will fight For The People:/3 #ForAll #ForThePeople #ABetterDeal #PrincipledDemocraticLeadership
Read 11 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
The left fears that unless blacks continue to believe #Republicans are #racists , they will not overwhelmingly vote Democrat, and if they don't, #Democrats will not regain the White House for the foreseeable future.
The same holds true for depicting Republicans and conservatives as women haters. There is no better way to persuade college-indoctrinated women to vote Democrat.
And the same holds true for Latinos -- Republicans must be continuously labeled "white supremacists" and "xenophobes" or they, too, may not reliably vote Democrat.
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Sep 4th 2018
If you ever wondered what the US Senate would look like if run like the City of Miami, then watch the Kavanaugh hearings.

No documents.

Rushed process.

The Senate should never vote on a #SCOTUS candidate without full vetting.

#Republicans don't want that.

Senator @amyklobuchar: Nobody can review 42,000 records about Brett Kavanaugh in one evening. We got them last night.

For reference: I got 50,000 records from @CityofMiami in public records litigation, only about 5,000 were relevant, and it has taken me 4 months to review it.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 11th 2018
Democrats Fight #GOP Culture of Corruption to Make Washington Work for the People/1 #VoteBlue2018 #Midterms #Democrats #DemsWork4USA #WhyIVoteDemocrat It’s a vintage button with a donkey kicking an elephant saying “Kick out Depression with a Democratic Vote”
This week’s indictment of #GOP Congressman Chris Collins shines a stark light on the rampant culture of corruption and self-enrichment among #Republicans in Washington today/2 #Collins #CorruptGOP #SwampThings
..and the story continues to widen as reporters unearth at least six other #GOP current and former Members of Congress who have recently owned or sold stock in Innate Immunotherapeutics, the Australian company at the center of the arrest of Rep. Collins./3 #GOPCORRUPT #Collins
Read 20 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
[Incoming Tweet Storm]
1. We are now just 91 days from the most important midterm election of our lifetime.

Leftists have brazenly exposed the anti-American sentiment that lies at their core.

From the hateful racism of #SarahJeong to the fascistic rants of #MaxineWaters.

2. More than 500 supporters of President Trump have been assaulted since he declared.

We saw the lawless Hillary-campaign-coordinated Chicago riot.

We saw the coordinated assaults on Trump supporters in San Jose.

We saw the bigotry of #KinoJimenez attacking a young teen.
3. The #FakeNewsMedia has largely ignored these attacks, including the explosive truths uncovered by @JamesOKeefeIII and @Project_Veritas in their #AmericanPravda series of reports.

The bias of the #MSM is now incontrovertible to fair-minded people, their cover is blown.

Read 18 tweets
Jul 20th 2018

@GOP Congressman/fmr CIA Will @HurdOnTheHill: “Over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the CIA, I saw Russian intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American @POTUS would be one of them.”…
🔥Trump’s “failure to defend the USIC’s unanimous conclusions of #Russian meddling... & condemn #Russian covert counterinfluence campaigns and his standing idle on the world stage while a Russian dictator spouted lies confused many but should **concern all Americans**.”🇺🇸

“As a member of Congress, a coequal branch of government designed by our founders to provide checks & balances on the executive branch, I believe that lawmakers must *fulfill our oversight duty* (and) keep the American people informed of the current DANGER.”🔥
Read 13 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
From the great @JamesFallows re #HelsinkiSummit
"Those who could do something are the 51 #Republican senators and 236 Republican representatives who have the power to hold hearings, issue subpoenas, pass resolutions of censure, guarantee the integrity..."
[CONT 2]
"...of Robert #MuellerInvestigation , condemn the past #Russian election interference, shore up protections against the next assault, & in general defend their country rather than the damaged & defective man who is now its president.
[CONT 3]
"For 18 mos, membs of this party have averted their eyes frm #Trump rather than disturb the Trump elements amng their constituency or disrupt the party’s agenda on tax cuts & the #SCOTUS . They already bear responsibility for what Trump has done to his office.
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Jul 18th 2018
#President @realDonaldTrump's words, whether you accept his apology and his explanation, do not comport with his actions and his foreign policy toward #Russia. He has been one of the hardest presidents on Russia in recent memory.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion
Where was the outrage when @BarackObama told Medvedev to inform #Putin "After my election I have more flexibility,"? I think much of the outrage being expressed- especially by #Republicans- is politically motivated.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion #Russia
However, what @realDonaldTrump said was not right. It DID undermine our #IntelligenceCommunity, and it was a mistake. He has since corrected it and walked it back.

#Trump #HelsinkiSummit #Collusion #Russia #Putin
Read 5 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
The very conservative @weeklystandard editorial shocker:
"Only one president in history, Andrew Jackson, has ever been censured by #Congress, but #Republicans on the Hill would not be out of line in seeking a formal censure of Donald #Trump. [MORE]…
[CONT 2]
"We understand that such a measure wld be largely symbolic. But symbols matter. It would be no small thing for congressional #Republicans to declare, in a formal manner, that a president who coddles and defends an anti-American despot doesn’t deserve their support." MORE
[CONT 3]
"Passage of a censure resolution by the House or #Senate wld be a powerful statement that #GOP leaders will not excuse a sitting president of either party openly crediting America’s enemies at the expense of its public servants—& of the truth."…
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Jul 17th 2018
🔥In the charging documents for accused #Russian🇷🇺agent Maria Butina, the unnamed “US Person 1” — who established a “VERY private line of communication btwn the Kremlin & key [@GOP] leaders through, of all conduits, the #NRA” — appears to be #GOP consultant Paul Erickson. 1/

Note that #DOJ says that “US Person 1” arranged the secret backchannel btwn the Kremlin and **key @GOP leaders** (not just Team Trump).🔥

How many people in the #GOP freaked out when they read that Butina got busted⁉️ 2/


Mueller is investigating the alleged flow of ILLEGAL foreign (#Russian🇷🇺) money for @GOP campaigns via the #NRA.

Don’t think for a moment that at least some #Republicans didn’t know where the #NRA’s sudden influx of cash came from.🙄 3/

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Jul 15th 2018
📺Please watch.

💡Tom Steyer has made sense about Trump & Congress since October 2017.

"If Paul Revere and other patriots had waited to act until it was safe for 'politically correct', we would never have the country we have today."—Tom Steyer.
⏳It's Time

🏛️For Congress:

#Republicans and #Democrats

😐To Put Their Political Interests Aside

🎬And Act

🇺🇸On Behalf of Our Country.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 13th 2018
1) Anyone with half a brain knows how corrupt the deep state is and how @CNN #FakeNews are just a Arm of this criminal organisation..Of course they’re trying to paint #PeterStrozk as hero, which was set up well by old mate @RepCohen. What an outlandish comment by Cohen.
2) He actually said “If I could give you a Purple Heart I would” 😑 why would anyone say such BS? Because it works for the hero agenda..Of course #FakeNews and @CNN are all over it.. #CORRUPTION #QAnon
3) @CNN This is how you create an illusion and the mythos of #PeterStrozk the “HERO” while also lifting up the #MuellerInvestigation and how do you do this?? Well by first making him the victim, While totally ignoring the facts of what happen..
Read 8 tweets
Jun 26th 2018
*** THREAD ****

This is the #GrandOldPutinParty

How did Putin subordinate the Republican party after helping Donald Trump get elected?

This series helps explain why the GOP went along with the #TrumpRussia plot.

#Republicans helped plan the whole thing.

Putin's American lobbying efforts have had lots of help from Republicans, including one Soviet-emigre professor who wrote a book on behalf of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a former Pennsylvania GOP Representative.

Donald Trump's connections to people in the #TrumpRussia affair include a pair of Russian oligarchs who funneled him cash and a Ukrainian politician who pushed a back-channel "peace plan" written by a corrupt former Republican congressman.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 14th 2018
1. I remember when you angry #Trumpkins stormed into #Republican Party; called #Conservatives “cucks”, “leftists”, “Killary voters”, “libtards”. You idolized #Trump in a cultic way. You fraternized with alt right #racists. You winked at #sexism. ->

2. You said #Conservative principles didn’t really matter, though you really couldn’t tell us what #Conservatism means. Of course, your leader didn’t know either; his attempts to articulate it were painful. You mocked our efforts to explain. ->

3. #Trump wild swings of rhetoric, positions, moods didn’t bother any of you. Whatever Trump said last was best & most true, no matter the word salad in which it was presented. His blatant self-contradictions were obvious to all but to you. ->

Read 17 tweets
Jun 3rd 2018
#TFC: #Trump family curse: Part 1
"Father I am bored" Whined #DTJ, "I want a pet"
"Son, Remember I gave you #ScottBaio and you forgot to feed him? #Trump replied.
"I didn't like him" Jr said stomping his feet, "He is always whining about this career he had and also he bites".
#TFC: #Trump family curse: Part2
"Father" #DTJ said in a much lower voice, "Can we speak of the family secret."
"You mean #Russia" #Trump snarled as Junior recoiled
"Just kidding, everyone knows about that" #Trump said
"The OTHER secret. like why we love the #NRA" Junior replied.
#TFC: #Trump family curse: Part 3
#FAKENEWS Roared #Trump slamming the door.
"Father please it's why we hunt and need big things and..." #DTJ said
"SILENCE" #Trump interrupted handing his son a piece of paper.
"Take this and Summon #PaulRyan, he will show you the way, now leave"
Read 12 tweets
May 22nd 2018

THREAD: Elliott Broidy flooded the @GOP Congress & WH w/political cash to **buy access & influence** that he & George Nader allegedly **sold ILLEGALLY** to the crown princes of #SaudiArabia & UAE‼️🤬1/

Broidy & Nader pitched themselves to the crown princes as being able to pass the princes' MESSAGING straight to Trump’s ears.🤨

With NO lobbyist or #FARA registration‼️2/

Of course, convicted FELONS Broidy & Nader expected a BIGLY payoff for their treachery👉🏼>$1 billion in shady “consulting” contracts from #SaudiArabia & UAE in return for pushing anti-#Qatar policies to Trump & @GOP leaders in Congress.🤬 3/

Read 24 tweets
May 10th 2018
1. #MAGA #Republicans #GOP
Let’s do a little exercise in self-awareness, because the stakes are just too high not to. You’ve probably heard the term ‘transactional’ used to describe the GOP’s relationship with DT (or maybe not if you only consume #FoxNews ). What does this mean?
2. A transactional relationship means you are getting something you want, but at a cost. For #GOP leaders this is seems fairly straight-forward. They defend DT, protect him, put up with him, etc. in order to pass their agendas. A kind of deal with the Devil.
3. Mostly, #GOP leaders are intelligent people - they know what their doing and don’t really try to hide that this is a transactional relationship. But, be aware, these members of Congress are concerned with what they can gain in the present without concern for much else.
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Apr 13th 2018
Democrats, I am going to try to warn you again about the Wolf PAC. If you’ve ever heard the expression “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” you know that this can be dangerous. The Wolf PAC = Young Turks (on youtube). #NoConCon
Young Turks are posing as progressive Democrats and there are many indications that they are not what they seem to be. Here’s an article that says they helped Trump get elected:…
The Young Turks claim to be the Breitbart of the left, but honest:
Wolf PAC claims to be nonpartisan. This is confusing. But not really.…
Read 45 tweets
Apr 10th 2018

THREAD: the FBI agents who raided Michael Cohen’s office searched for records about *payments to TWO women* who claim they had affairs w/Trump, plus info on the role The National Enquirer’s publisher’s role in SILENCING one of the women‼️1/…
The public #corruption unit (of the Manhattan federal attorney) sought info on Karen McDougal, an ex-Playboy model who had an affair w/Trump. American Media Inc (the Enquirer’s parent company), whose CEO Pecker is Trump’s pal, paid her $150,000.🤨 2/
FBI agents also searched Cohen’s office for info on Stormy Daniels. Cohen paid Stormy $130,000 in HUSH MONEY *just days before the 2016 election*.🤔 3/
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Apr 6th 2018
1. Dear You-Who-Can't-Understand-Why-I-Don't-Adore-Bernie:
I apologize for the length of this thread but I feel it is necessary to explain why there's a huge segment of #Democrats who can't stomach him. Let's first start with him - aside from attending one protest in college
2. where he was arrested and released, and claiming to have attended others, his record on civil rights is scant; as is his record on LGBTQ rights, women's issues and anything else that doesn't have to do with seizing the wealth of those detested "millionaires and billionaires"
3. he's obsessed with taking down and "redistributing" it. He was a back-bencher, quite literally, all his life. In 2015, mostly because of his dislike of the Clintons (one of those families who's wealth he'd like to seize) he (regrettably) got on the ticket for the
Read 19 tweets
Mar 26th 2018

THREAD: Cambridge Analytica (CA) assigned dozens of non-US citizens to provide campaign strategy and messaging advice to ­#Republican candidates in 2014, even as an attorney *warned* CA that this was ILLEGAL‼️1/…
This ILLEGAL effort to embed foreign workers was designed to present Cambridge Analytica, whose parent, SCL Group, was based in London, as “an American brand” to appeal to U.S. political clients.🙄 2/
U.S. election laws CLEARLY say that foreign nationals (w/o a green card) must not “directly or indirectly participate in the decision-making process” of a political campaign, although they can play lesser roles.🤨 3/

Read 19 tweets

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