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Um, unless you want an Article V Convention of States to re-write the U.S. Constitution (a Koch-funded effort), you might want to contact the 6 WI counties that have installed cellular modems and insist that they be removed. 1/
Here is the Thread w/ contact info. and a proposed script for the 6 Wisconsin counties (including WI's 3 most populous) that have installed cellular modems. I initially directed it to Wisconsin voters, but have changed my mind bc this affects ALL of us. 2/
Pls let me know if you can call and/or email these 6 counties and the Wisconsin Election Commission to demand removal of the cellular modems. Thanks! #ProtectOurVotes #noconcon 3/
Read 19 tweets
@RockPaper_Sista @willfightevil @Frimmmy @wrongestwrong @SarahSheKicks2 @RinChupeco For 40+ years the #KochBrothers have been buying politicians at state and fed level. Mostly republicans but there are dems who've taken a bite of the koolaid pie.
Looking at #ALEC, whom they fund heavily, gives you an idea where they're currently at: 1/…
@RockPaper_Sista @willfightevil @Frimmmy @wrongestwrong @SarahSheKicks2 @RinChupeco Here is their agenda, first seen publicly I believe when David Koch ran for VP in 1980 on the Libertarian ticket - 2/

Image from @Ruetheday852
@RockPaper_Sista @willfightevil @Frimmmy @wrongestwrong @SarahSheKicks2 @RinChupeco @Ruetheday852 I've been showing these bullets to people for over a year now and some had a good laugh at the one that does away with the post office. 3/
Read 25 tweets
/1/ Is it not incumbant on those of us who know what a threat the #Kochs pose to America, and potentially all democracies, to find some way to let people know?
/2/ Trump is a real danger. There is absolutely no doubting that. But the true head of this snake lies squarely in the lap of the alt-right contract writers - those planning out the shit show and paying our politicians and media to make it happen.
/3/ If this were a disease, Trump would be the acute form while the alt-right would be chronic. We get rid of Trump and the chronic simply flare up another accute case as they hone in on our constitution. #NoConCon
Read 19 tweets
(Short version) What is a #ConCon? It is a Constitutional Convention made possible by a little known phrase in The Constitution which explains how to pass amendments.
The first way you know because our country has passed an amendment 27 times, the first 10 of which are together known as the Bill of Rights. Amendments that have passed include: 1: Freedom of Religion, speech, freedom of the press; 2: The Right to keep and bear arms;...
5. The right to due process (all in the Bill of Rights); 13. Abolishes slavery; 17. Election of U.S. Senators by popular vote; 19. Women’s right to vote; 24. Prohibits revocation of voting rights due to nonpayment of poll or any other tax;
Read 24 tweets
#NoConCon #HandMarked #PaperBallots
Please include #Midterms2018 - our country is literally bathed in #KochBrothers political lackeys on all trifecta levels.
Through #ALEC, they are pushing for a Convention of States. They mean to radically alter or even rewrite the #COTUS 1/
The link below is a few months old. The "Balanced Budget Amendment" drive currently has 28 states. Just 7 states shy of the 35 required to compell congress to enact an #ArticleV #COS 2/
Additionally the landscape is a minefield of hackable voting machines.

#HandMarked #PaperBallots 3/
Read 11 tweets
Plague that is #Koch has sprd beynd realm of #GOPTaxScams, crushing unions, poisoning envirnmt & educ'n sys
Their ult goal is 2 Rewrite USConstitution at #ConventionOfStates & they're close 2 obtaining state votes req'd 2 do so
Thread đź”˝outlines strategy 2 Stop them
As seen in meme above, there R presently 10 states w active Article V #ConventionOfStates legsln in their legislatures
In this thread I'll B including info-filled posts created by my team that ID Res'n #s, pretext given 4 calling #ConCon & contact info needed 2 block
đź’ĄA special note 2 keep in mind đź’Ą
Pls let go of any preconception that a state is "safe" because state legslr is primarily Democrat
Likewise pls do NOT fall into trap of believing resln's cannot B blocked if legislature is primarily Republican
Let's Begin...
Read 12 tweets
Part 7.
Part 6 was rough, I’m sorry, but I meant to illustrate to you that these are people. Not stats that are “collateral damage” because it’s less expensive to pollute and pay fines (if you’re caught) than to pay the price of cleaning it up and fixing the problems.
Heard of the “Pinto Memo?” Well this is the Koch Memo
I’ll quote Gerald E. Connolly, U.S. Representative for Virginia, because he was spot on: “Koch Brothers’ direct contributions have been an investment well worth it. It’s certainly a lot less expensive than actually having to retrofit factories.”
Read 42 tweets
#SouthCarolina, please call your state Reps & Senators to block these resolutions to call a Constitutional Convention. These are coming from all sides, left, right and in between! #KochBrothers org CoS, Tea Party & Citizens United orgs are getting desperate! #NoConConForAnything
The first two on this list are promoted by American-promise-dot-net. The third is another organization or possibly written by independent Republicans--13 of them. In all, SIXTEEN Republicans are endorsing legislation to ban Citizens United! Don't you think that's strange?!?
Here's evidence of American-promise-dot-net endorsing these first 2 bills H4174 and S0571! Tell your legislators to vote NO on these deceitful bills!
Republicans posing as Democrats! Wake up blue!!! #NoConCon
Read 12 tweets
If Libertarians behind Heritage Foundation want a Convention of States for a Balanced Budget Amendment, they should have opposed blowing a $2 Trillion hole in the National Debt with the #TaxScamBill.
But they *pushed* the bill.
They're hiding something.
They don't want to *really* balance the budget; they want to eliminate what they consider the welfare state. They want to kill:
- Medicaid Expansion
- Obamacare
- Caps on greenhouse gases
- Assistance to children's: insurance, school lunches, disability support,
- Retraining displaced workers
- Federal contract oversight (to make fraud easier)
- Public reports of OSHA findings (to hide worker safety violations)
- College PLUS loan program (cutting aid to students)
- FAA & TSA (➡️for-profit co's)
- Pricing controls for airlines
Read 6 tweets
Iowa & South Carolina voters! If u care about public education, u must call ur state legislators NOW to oppose pending legislation to join the so-called "Convention of States" to amend the U.S. Constitution! This effort is backed by the #Kochs & #ALEC! Sourced info. below. 1/
2/ The #Kochs--who support and fund the pending legislation in states like Iowa and SC to call a Convention of States to amend the U.S. Constitution (see posts below)--are determined to undermine public education.… …
3/ Here is a handout w/ links to model legislation from #ALEC--a #Koch funded organization --that would undermine public education. #ALEC is also pushing for a Convention of States to amend the US Constitution via pending bills in states like IA and SC!…
Read 28 tweets
The threat of a Runaway Convention: Myth? Lie?

Paranoid argument invented by the left wing?

Nope, it’s REAL.

Let’s break this down.
A lot of people think that fighting against a Constitutional Convention is tinfoil hatty. A lot of people are saying to me “oh, that will never happen” or “they need three-fourths of the states and they can’t get that,” or they just ignore me. #NoConCon
Well, it can happen and if it doesn’t, it’s because people are fighting like hell for it not to happen.
Read 31 tweets
Thread: Nothing can or will be done to trump until we can elect a dem congress. Until (and if, thank you cheating republicans) we can do that, IGNORE the distractions of his twitter rants and BS. The biggest reason the GOP is not doing anything to stop him is because he is a
perfect distraction for the people. While our eyes are on him, we aren't seeing what's going on behind the scenes and in our own states. The Koch brothers are pushing for a convention of states. They did a great job of getting their bought and paid for GOP congress to pass the
worst piece of legislation they could have in the tax scam bill, so don't think their reach cannot accomplish getting an Article V convention. They are pushing this as a Balanced Budget necessity, but that is just the beginning. If a runaway convention occurs, they can and WILL
Read 8 tweets
How many states do "they" have resolutions from in order to call a Constitutional Convention? There are several organizations pushing a call for a ConCon & they don't agree with each other. In fact the main one, Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force doesn't even agree with itself!
In 2016, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) uncovered infighting amongst the many organizations. This resulted in Nick Dranias, a lawyer and former director of policy development at the Goldwater Institute, to be ousted from his job as Director of Compact for America.
Because he argued with the BBATF about the count.…
Read 22 tweets
BREAKING NEWS! Courtesy of state lawmakers elected via unverifiable electronic voting machines, there’s a 50% chance the Koch-funded #COSProject & Balanced Budget Task Force will have enough states by 2020 to call an Article V Convention of States 2 amend the US Constitution! 1/
3/ Here is a CTA re the 5 states that exclusively use paperless voting machines—tho many more states use paperless machines in at least counties & should be called as well, as should those states that use “paper trails” rather than #paperballots. (
Read 8 tweets
Democrats, I am going to try to warn you again about the Wolf PAC. If you’ve ever heard the expression “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” you know that this can be dangerous. The Wolf PAC = Young Turks (on youtube). #NoConCon
Young Turks are posing as progressive Democrats and there are many indications that they are not what they seem to be. Here’s an article that says they helped Trump get elected:…
The Young Turks claim to be the Breitbart of the left, but honest:
Wolf PAC claims to be nonpartisan. This is confusing. But not really.…
Read 45 tweets
Right on cue #MarkMeckler reads line from script all #Koch bought actors & #GOP R work'g from
1 xplds deficit
2 proposes #BalancedBudgetAmendment as solutn
3 claims only #BBA chance of Bcoming law ➡️#CoS ➡️#RewriteConstitution…
One "small" problem...The reading of the script neglects to mention a couple of things.
Firstly, #BBA - #BalancedBudgetAmendment actually means gutting SS, Medicare, public education as a start.
#NoConCon #ProtectSocialSecurity #ProtectMedicare
2ndly,#ConventionOfStates or #ConstitutionalConvention wld allow Constitution 2B #Rewritten. There R NO safeguards in place 2 lmt #CoS 2 single topic or 2 determ what delegates R sent
A #Koch written constitution would end democracy in America
Read 8 tweets
Dear 44% of South Carolina voters who (per this article) favor the GOP plan to add a Balanced Budget Amendment to the US Constitution, Do u realize this “balance” will be achieved by cutting SS, Medicare, the EPA, & public education?! #BBA #COS 1/…
2/ If you are concerned by the prospect of your legislators eliminating SS, Medicare, the EPA, & public education, plz contact your state House reps and tell them to oppose the three #ConCon bills listed in the post below. (The bills have yet to go to a floor vote in the House).
3/ The 3 pending South Carolina bills calling for a Balanced Budget Amendment (that would result in elimination of SS, Medicare, the EPA, & public education) are S0878, H3233, H4174. Find ur state House reps here & tell them to kill these bills! #NoConCon…
Read 10 tweets
The #KochBrothers want “freedom” alright: freedom to poison our environment and sicken our kids without government interference. We cannot let them get their polluted hands on our Constitution! #NoConCon… 1/
Oh look here! The #KochBrothers backed climate-change denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. 2/…
In the midst of the Flint water crisis, House Speaker Paul Ryan wrote an op-Ed opposing the EPA’s Clean Water Act, which several #KochBrothers businesses had lobbied against. Because they want “freedom” to poison our water.
Read 16 tweets
Iowa voters! The Iowa House has passed Joint Resolution 8 calling for an Article V Convention of States to amend the US Constitution-as desired by #ALEC & #Kochs! The senate will vote ANY DAY! Tell ur state senators 2 vote NO! Contact info & more below #NoConCon #KochBrothers 1/
Alarmingly, #JR8 had BIPARTISAN support in the IA House. Still, u probably should focus on Senate Republicans first. Here is a list w/ their names & numbers. Tell them u will #VoteThemOut if they vote for a Convention of States! 2/
Next, you should convey the same message—vote NO on #JR8 or we will #Vote you out—to the Democratic leadership in the Iowa Senate. Here are their names & numbers.… 3/
Read 15 tweets
Iowa voters! The Iowa House has passed Joint Resolution 8 calling for an Article V Convention of States to amend the US Constitution-as desired by #ALEC & #Kochs! The senate will vote ANY DAY! Tell ur state senators 2 vote NO! Contact info & more below #NoConCon #KochBrothers 1/
Find ur Iowa state senators here & tell them 2 vote NO on Joint Resolution 8 calling for an Article V “Convention of State” 2 amend the US Constitution! This is a #KochBrothers resolution meant 2 decimate the federal govt & to eliminate SS & Medicare! 2/…
Here is a link to Joint Resolution 8. 3/…
Read 22 tweets
#ConCon 101
The concept of a Constitutional Convention is foreign to many people. Understandable, since we've only had one in the entire history of the United States and it produced The Constitution. So I thought I'd write this thread to try make it understandable to everyone.
For anyone who doesn't want to or doesn't have the time to read this whole thread, I am also posting ConCon 101 EZ and ConCon 101 EZ+ which are much quicker. The purpose of this thread? #NoConCon
To convince you how vital it is for our country's future to oppose ANY state resolutions for ANY type of #ConCon. They are all dangerous for Democrats. #NoConCon
Read 94 tweets
1. Article explains there are TWO separate but overlapping groups calling for Article V Constitutional Convention: (1) “Balanced Budget Task Force” (28 states have filed applications) & (2) the “Convention of States” (a lower # has applied). #NoConCon…
2. Correction: The first group is called the Balanced Budget AMENDMENT Task Force. (BBATF).

Anyway, this first Group is scary bc it wants to cut programs like SS, Medicare, and Medicaid under the deceptive guise of balancing the budget.
3. Per the article, the second group, the “Convention of States” group wants not only a Balanced budget amendment, but also to curtail the power and jurisdiction of the federal courts.
Read 9 tweets
This is flying under the radar in the chaos: A Constitution of States Convention under Article V.

If just 6 more states sign on, it’ll be a Constitutional Crisis like we’ve never seen. 1/


Today, a total of 28 states have signed on to hold a Convention of States under Article V.

A 2/3 majority (or 34 states) are required to make this happen. 2/


Very few know a Convention of States is backed by both the Koch’s and Mercer’s powerful special interests and money.

Well, Hillary warned us... 3/


Read 8 tweets
There are only 2 ways to amend our Constitution. Option 1 has been used 27 times and Option 2, has not been used to amend the Constitution. Why?
Calling for a Convention of the States has recently been a focus funded by the very wealthy Koch Bros.
The carrots they dangle to attract you are:

1. Balanced Budget
2. Term Limits for

Sounds good right?
Yes, a Balanced Budget & Term Limits Amendments are reasonable, but here's the problem- the Koch Bros. want to use Option 2, a Constitutional Convention of the States to amend our Constitution.
Read 9 tweets

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