Sheldon Whitehouse Profile picture
U.S. Senator from Rhode Island, the Ocean State. Chairman of @SenateBudget.
Eve Bernshaw Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 6, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
Big #Republican influencers were there at the beginning, the funders behind the organization called the @FedSoc that selected #Kavanaugh.

(Per White House itself, #FederalistSociety was “insourced” to White House for this.) Big #Republican influencers were there after selection, behind the multi-million #darkmoney campaign to pressure Senators on #Kavanaugh.
Oct 4, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
Something very important is happening. Since Dr. Christine Blasey Ford so bravely came forward to tell her story of assault at the hands of Brett #Kavanaugh, many #RhodeIsland women have written me to share their own personal stories of survival. I get mail every day about the various policies debated in Congress. But I have never had mail like this. This is bigger than the fight over a court nomination.
Sep 23, 2018 7 tweets 5 min read
Like former McCain adviser @SteveSchmidtSES, I have a hard time believing Ed Whelan when he says he didn’t coordinate his crackpot “doppelganger” theory with #Kavanaugh, the @WhiteHouse, and @SenateGOP. Whelan has long been at the center of the @FedSoc’s secretive & powerful inner circle. He’s close friends with #Kavanaugh & has been scheming with Leonard Leo about how to salvage this fast-sinking nomination.…
Sep 19, 2018 8 tweets 4 min read
This morning, the President said it is up to Dr. Blasey Ford to convince him she is telling the truth. That is preposterous. Her story is credible: it is rich in remembered detail, corresponds to facts that are known, and was told to others years before. .@realDonaldTrump and @SenateGOP should follow protocol and order the @FBI to complete its background investigation as to this claim. This process has been off the rails for a long time now, but the last 24 hours signal a new low.…
Sep 10, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
The #SupremeCourt gives too many indications of having been captured by the far right. In case after case, the five #Republican-appointed justices band together with no Democratic appointee, and over 90 percent of the time deliver huge wins for Republican and corporate interests That pattern leaves Americans to wonder which of their rights, freedoms, and protections the Roberts Court may sign away next.
Aug 15, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
Read my statement on watchdog group @weareoversight's request to a federal court seeking to unseal a court-ordered report on possible violations of grand jury secrecy laws by #Kavanaugh. #WhatAreTheyHiding #WhatsAtStake Divulging grand jury information is a serious offense that no judge will take lightly. It can put witnesses at risk, compromise important evidence, and threaten the integrity of entire investigations and prosecutions. #WhatAreTheyHiding #WhatsAtStake…
Sep 18, 2017 52 tweets 34 min read
I oppose #GrahamCassidy bill because RI would lose $625M in health care funding. Will Senators in states facing massive cuts do the same? Will @lisamurkowski & @SenDanSullivan oppose $255M in cuts for Alaska under #GrahamCassidy bill?…