LTG Jerry Boykin Profile picture
Served 36 years in US Army, original member of Delta Force. Executive VP @FRCdc. Follow me on #Facebook:
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Aug 30, 2018 5 tweets 5 min read
WATCH @TeamCavuto 4:30PM EST on @FoxNews as I breakdown the latest on #NorthKorea, #China and #PresidentTrump. @realDonaldTrump #NOKO is following the same pattern of diplomacy that they have always done. They have made pledges that they had no intention of keeping and then they cry foul when the US holds them accountable.
Jul 18, 2018 5 tweets 8 min read
#President @realDonaldTrump's words, whether you accept his apology and his explanation, do not comport with his actions and his foreign policy toward #Russia. He has been one of the hardest presidents on Russia in recent memory.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion Where was the outrage when @BarackObama told Medvedev to inform #Putin "After my election I have more flexibility,"? I think much of the outrage being expressed- especially by #Republicans- is politically motivated.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion #Russia
Jun 20, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
#SPLCExposed: Southern Poverty Law Center Has More Than $90 Million In Offshore Funds via @freebeacon…

#SPLCEXposed @splcenter What kind of nonprofit that has ‘poverty' in its name hoards nearly a hundred million dollars in offshore accounts? #SPLCExposed #SPLC @splcenter
Jun 13, 2018 8 tweets 15 min read
In last 24hrs one of the most historic summits of our age took place. Historic because 3 presidents, #Clinton, #Bush, & #Obama, never secured an opportunity like this w/#NorthKorea leadership.

#NorthKoreaSummit #denuclearization #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump The fact that @realDonaldTrump secured this meeting, and did so only 18 months into his presidency, shows his determination to keep his campaign promises to the #American people.

#NorthKorea #NorthKoreaSummit #denuclearization #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump
May 30, 2018 4 tweets 8 min read
WATCH: @dailybriefing w/@DanaPerino at 2pmEST, @FoxNews. I join with latest on #KimJongUn, #China, and why is #Russia sending their foreign minister to meet with #NorthKorea?

#diplomacy #asia #sanctions #unitednations #nuclear #peace #peacesummit #FoxNews… #NorthKorea is trying to push back against @realDonaldTrump with assertions they will not #denuclearize. Combined with a visit from a top #Russian diplomat, the #President faces probably his toughest diplomatic challenge yet.…
May 10, 2018 6 tweets 13 min read
#Iran has obviously not fully considered #Russia. Russia does not want a war between #Israel and #Iran in #Syria. So the Russians are now trying to mediate between the two nations. Russia has too much at stake in Syria. #SyriaStrikes #middleeast #tcot #ccot #War between #Iran and #Syria would draw the #UnitedStatesOfAmerica into the fight and that would be a disaster for #Russia. Believe it or not, Russia does not want to tangle militarily with the US or Israel in Syria. #SyriaStrikes #middleeast #tcot #ccot
May 10, 2018 5 tweets 8 min read
Get the message, #Iran: #Israel will hammer you every time.

The #airstrikes into #Syria demonstrates #Israeli resolve to not allow Iran to establish military bases, facilities, or conduct activities near the border.
@netanyahu #middleeast #SyriaStrikes It should be pretty clear by now- since #Israel has launched at least a hundred strikes into #Syria in the last seven years- that every time they have felt threatened by #Iran, the #Israeli's will take decisive action. #SyriaStrikes
May 8, 2018 4 tweets 6 min read
The #President exhibited a sterling example of international leadership by withdrawing from the broken #IranNuclearDeal. Its the right decision for our safety & the safety of the world, to remove ourself from a deal that leads to a fully nuclear #Iran. #IranDealWithdrawl World community gnashed their teeth + grumbled when Mr. #Trump moved our #embassy from #TelAviv to #Jerusalem. Now, they're getting behind that decision. I think it will be no different here. #Europe will follow @realDonaldTrump lead on #IranNuclearDeal. #IranDealWithdrawl
May 3, 2018 4 tweets 5 min read
WATCH @HappeningNow with @JonScottFNC on @FoxNews 11:40am EST
The United Nations is urging President Donald J. Trump to not leave the Iran Nuclear…

Is this to preserve peace? Or is Europe trying to protect their economic investments in Iran? #tcot Many #leftwing pundits mocking @netanyahu presentation as "histrionics", trying to discredit evidence #Israel has produced.

@SenTedCruz tweeted that the knee-jerk reaction against Israel is "a long historical pattern of baseless slander." Could it actually be #antisemetism tho?
May 1, 2018 5 tweets 10 min read
I have never seen a #PrimeMinister give a tactical level briefing to the world like @netanyahu did today as he outlined how #Iran has lied and broken the #nucleardeal negotiated by @BarackObama & @JohnKerry.

#nuclear #weapon #unitednations #IranDeal As a former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, I am astonished at the width and breadth of material #Israel produced on #Iran's violations of the #IranDeal, but I believe it is legitimate.

#nuclear #weapon #unitednations #NuclearDeal
Mar 23, 2018 11 tweets 13 min read
The announcement by the #POTUS that he is replacing National Security Advisor LTG H R #McMaster with #Ambassador #JohnBolton is great news. This is an over due change that I wish Mr #Trump had made long ago. John #Bolton is probably the most experienced and capable #diplomat in America today. He will be coming in at a critical time when the #President needs solid advice on dealing with #Iran, #NorthKorea, #Russia, #ISIS, and an array of other threats.