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At Wilkes-Barre, #Pennsylvania #MAGA rally @POTUS says 'get 'em out, get 'em out" as demonstrators attempt to disrupt the event. Crowd chants: "USA, USA, USA."
"I don't know this man. I don't know him," says @POTUS of @SenBobCasey. "No, he's not an obstructionist. He's worse."
"He's so radical," says @GOP challenger @RepLouBarletta of @SenBobCasey.
Read 16 tweets

🇺🇸 Good morning, Patriots

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Start with this video, 6 min.
In Dec 2017, the Q Clearance Patriot, known to us as "Q", informed us that our shared research had already reached 1.2 million.
Anons (those of us on the 8ch board who work with the Q messages, decoding, researching, sharing, archiving) know that citizens of many countries are participating in this Q Project. If USA is successful, there is hope for the world citizens who are fighting for LIBERTY.
Read 33 tweets
7:30 PM EST
Read 31 tweets
New #QAnon 1569-1570.

Their FF attempt was thwarted. To shift narrative off the damning #IGReport & successful #TrumpKimSummit, they're focusing on immigration/child separation- a projection of their own involvement in child separation/child trafficking. #FreeIran2018 is next.
New #QAnon 1571.

Jackson Lee made headlines yesterday, when she leaked plans to fire RR on Friday at the #SenateHearing. How'd she know? Who told her? Who is she protecting?

Interesting ring, Sheila. Part of the club?


#Pizzagate #ChildTrafficking #IGReport @POTUS
Read 38 tweets
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4305: Donald Trump's Aberrancies - post-Summit Interview - #Nonverbal & #EmotionalIntelligence#DonaldTrump #TrumpKimSummit #NorthKoreaSummit #KimJongUn #BodyLanguage #EmotionalIntelligence #Anxiety
1/ Donald Trump gave this post-Summit Interview with George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday 12 June 2018. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis focusing on some specific body language deviations which the President displayed.
2/ A few hours earlier, Trump and Kim had signed a document - officially titled: "Joint Statement of President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the Singapore Summit".
Read 19 tweets
On a trip to Seoul after #TrumpKimSummit, @SecPompeo tells reporters the US wants “major steps” on #NorthKorea disarmament in the next 2-2.5 years. Says engagement will begin “some time in the next week or so” to drive the process forward
.@SecPompeo defended @POTUS cancellation of military exercises with #SouthKorea and said they will remain suspended as long as there are “productive, good-faith negotiations” ongoing #northkorea #TrumpKimSummit
On the omission of CVID from Joint Declaration, @SecPompeo said the use of the word “complete” encompassed both terms (verifiable & irreversible) “in the minds of everyone concerned.” Said he was “confident [the North Koreans] understand that there will be in-depth verification.”
Read 3 tweets
In last 24hrs one of the most historic summits of our age took place. Historic because 3 presidents, #Clinton, #Bush, & #Obama, never secured an opportunity like this w/#NorthKorea leadership.

#NorthKoreaSummit #denuclearization #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump
The fact that @realDonaldTrump secured this meeting, and did so only 18 months into his presidency, shows his determination to keep his campaign promises to the #American people.

#NorthKorea #NorthKoreaSummit #denuclearization #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump
Kim Jong Un entered this meeting knowing that he was going to agree to #denuclearization.

#NorthKorea #NorthKoreaSummit #denuclearization #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump
Read 8 tweets
He leído tanto acerca de la #SingaporeSummit que creo merece un comentario de lo que según mi óptica pasó en #Singapur
1) Para empezar los que dijeron que era imposible que esto sucediera pues les tengo noticias: "Trump did it again"
2) He leído que muchos dicen: 'el chinito se arrepintió" otros dicen: "Trump tuvo que ceder al botón de Kim" en fin; cada quien aprecia lo que percibe según su propia red de conceptos y conocimientos. Los términos de la cumbre no han sido detallados pero...
Para mí las fotos son un libro abierto; Aqui aunque Kim está en la mejor posición "para la foto" donde es importante el ángulo, la ubicación y planimetría, (en términos simples) «parado en la izquierda» para que en el “handshake” Kim Jong retratara como el líder dominante
Read 15 tweets
Our stealth #PatriotPOTUS has been quietly working for months...many involved...lining it all up. Yesterday in Singapore was not the first step. It was the *NEXT* step in a series of actions that have been underway for peace in the world. 🇺🇸…
Pompeo assumed office April 26, 2018
Panmunjum Declaration signed April 27th
Didn't @SecPompeo rush to the airport right after approval?
Given the time difference, this doc may have been signed within hours of his approval.
An inter-Korean summit took place on 27 April 2018. If an initial agreement was reached on that day, negotiations had been in process for months prior!

Read 45 tweets
1) This is my #Qanon thread for June 12, 2018.

Q posts can be found here:

The tite for this series: Start The Clock
2) On June 10, just before the #TrumpKimSummit was about to begin, #Qanon posted these pictures from Singapore.
He noted that information is first revealed privately and then it is made public.
Erik Prince's Blackwater is on guard.
Evidence [that kills] is being gathered.
3) An anon thanked Erik Prince for guarding POTUS.
#Qanon responded that Prince's company, Blackwater was not guarding POTUS but other important people/assets.
Read 148 tweets
Army Private Wayne “Johnnie” Johnson, age 18, became a POW with 700 others in North Korea named “The Tiger” for 3 years, 3 months and 19 days he recorded every name that died. His list was ignored until 1996 when Army Sgt. Victoria Bingham discovered it. Now they’re coming home.
When Johnnie was released all soldiers had to sign an agreement to not discuss how horrible they’d been treated and “his list” was considered propaganda. Though he’d risked his life, he was ignored when and remained haunted until Brigham came.…
Bringham rallied for Johnnie to be recognized and he was finally given the Silver Star.…
Read 5 tweets
New #QAnon 1464.

At the 1:07 marker, the moderator states, "Out of the darkness can come the light."


#MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #potus #PatriotsFight #TuesdayThoughts #SingaporeSummit #TrumpKimSummit @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
Remember this day, June 12th. A day for the history books. #Trump & KJU signed 3 comprehensive documents. Chairman Un states, "The 🌏 will see a MAJOR change."

Dark to LIGHT.

#QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #PatriotsFight #SingaporeSummit #TrumpKimSummit #TuesdayThoughts @POTUS
Read 36 tweets
#QAlert 6/12/18 This will be my THREAD for all of #Q's posts for Tuesday, June 12, 2018. Dark to light edition! BOOM!

Let's go!

@POTUS #QAnon #MAGA #QArmy #WWG1WGA #QPosts #SkyEvent #NorthKoreanSummit #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump2020
#QAlert 6/12/18 Post 1464 #Q reposts Post 1440 and says.

No. 100
Dark to Light.
1:07 [Marker]
Do you believe in coincidences?
@POTUS #QAnon #MAGA #QArmy #WWG1WGA #QPosts #SkyEvent #NorthKoreanSummit #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump2020
#QAlert 6/12/18 Post 1464 Here is the video starting at 1:07. #FutureProvesPast

No. 100
Dark to Light.
1:07 [Marker]
Do you believe in coincidences?

@POTUS #QAnon #MAGA #QArmy #WWG1WGA #QPosts #SkyEvent #NorthKoreanSummit #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim
Read 35 tweets
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No.4304: Donald Trump's and Kim Jong-un's Handshake in Singapore - #Nonverbal & #EmotionalIntelligence#DonaldTrump #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #Handshake #Alpha #Beta #NorthKoreaSummit
1/ In a meeting many thought would never happen, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un made history in Singapore on Tuesday. What follows is a nonverbal analysis of their initial handshake.
2/ In this first moment leading up to their handshake, Donald Trump is the first to extend his hand as he is walking toward Kim Jong-un. This is a good body language tactic - for it projects initiative, strength, and an overall alpha-tone.
Read 26 tweets
Kim Jong Un:
Well, It was not easy to get here.
The past failed our world as feathers on our limbs, and the old prejudices and practices worked as obstacles on our way forward, but we overcame all of them and we are here today.
Read 28 tweets

We are seeing the end of the remnants of the Cold War & the end of the Korean War

No other President has come even close to this progress with North Korea

We have prisoners back, prime ministers hugging, & peace on horizon
Bill Clinton gave North Korea nukes

Hilary Clinton gave Russia U.S. #UraniumOne

HUSSEIN Obama have "Aid" to TERRORISTS responsible for 9-11 & received $18 Billion from Iran #Treason

@realDonaldTrump is ending the 60 year old Korean War
They laughed when he called him “rocketman”

They laughed when he said he had a “bigger button”

They laughed when he said “fire and fury”

We are now witnessing a master negotiator bring an end to the Korean War

Peace is the prize #TrumpKimSummit
Read 16 tweets
BREAKING: US President Trump motorcade leaves Shangri-La Hotel to Sentosa Island for the #TrumpKimSummit
UPDATE: North Korea leader Kim Jong-un leaves his Hotel for the historic Summit with U.S President Trump
UPDATE: U.S President Trump arrives at the Capella on Singapore’s Sentosa Island for his historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Read 11 tweets
#QAnon #QArmy @realDonaldTrump #SingaporeSummit #POTUS #KimJungUn
Q !
Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST)
FF weather alert (WW).
Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.
#QAnon #QArmy @realDonaldTrump #SingaporeSummit #POTUS #KimJungUn #TrumpKimSummit #ticTocNews
The storm has arrived!!!
FF Weather, bring the rain
We are ready
Read 10 tweets
Le déraillement du #G7Charlevoix par #Trump démontre 1 trait central du président US. Il n'est pas"idiot"OU machiavélique selon le dilemme établi depuis son entrée en politique en juin 2015. Il paraît très cohérent idéologiquement ET fort naïf dans la relation interpersonnelle...
2) #Trump applique 1 doctrine ancienne,déjà exposée en 1987 dans sa fameuse pub au @nytimes:
a) refus de toute régulation de l'ordre international par les #EtatsUnis, trop coûteuse;
b) refus des alliances contraignantes
c) priorité à 1 développement centré sur le territoire US
3) Car reprenons ce texte de #Trump en 1987 qui est son 1er"manifeste"- publicitaire, quel présage- de politique étrangè tout le #G7Charlevoix, ainsi que sa mise en déroute- y est contenu...
Read 19 tweets
#Iran MP Gholam-Ali Imen Abadi:
"One specific credit firm had $2.85 bn of its clients' money while the CEO lacked even a high school diploma & used to enter the country's Central Bank armed with a gun."
As #Iran's currency crisis continues, this Ayandeh Bank branch in Tehran burned in flames today.
If you ask me, this is an act of arson by regime elements who emptied the bank in advance. Afterwards, they can easily claim they cannot return ordinary people's money.
Tabriz, NW #Iran
Old Tabriz Bazaar is empty of any buyers as people are losing their purchasing power.
Read 340 tweets
#Iran decreases Euro air travel currency cap from 10,000 € to 5,000 €, or equivalent.
2,000 € for ground/sea travel.
#IranDealWithdrawl taking its toll.
#Iran's "Ayandeh Bank" is apparently on the verge of going bankrupt.
Owner Ali Ansari owes nearly $28.5 bn to his investors & clients.
Source in the bank says considering the current circumstances, there is a high probably Ansari will flee the country.
#Iran MP Gholam-Ali Imen Abadi:
"One specific credit firm had $2.85 bn of its clients' money while the CEO lacked even a high school diploma & used to enter the country's Central Bank armed with a gun."
Read 224 tweets
Report from Mashhad, NE #Iran

US dollar trading at 68,000 rials
Euro trading at 83,000 rials

#IranDealWithdrawal impacting the country's already troubled economy.
#Iran decreases Euro air travel currency cap from 10,000 € to 5,000 €, or equivalent.
2,000 € for ground/sea travel.
#IranDealWithdrawl taking its toll.
#Iran's "Ayandeh Bank" is apparently on the verge of going bankrupt.
Owner Ali Ansari owes nearly $28.5 bn to his investors & clients.
Source in the bank says considering the current circumstances, there is a high probably Ansari will flee the country.
Read 144 tweets
Less than 12 hours after Trump exited from the highly flawed #IranNuclearDeal, my sources inside #Iran indicate currency exchanges have opened and the US dollar is selling at no lower than 80,000 rials.
Reports from Tehran, #Iran, indicate security forces are preventing any two individuals from talking to each other near the Ferdowsi area, home to the city's main currency exchange market.
Anyone attempting to exchange currency is arrested.
Report from Mashhad, NE #Iran

US dollar trading at 68,000 rials
Euro trading at 83,000 rials

#IranDealWithdrawal impacting the country's already troubled economy.
Read 122 tweets
When @JZarif says, "#Iran never raced towards a bomb, nor will it race towards a bomb," rest assured it is the exact opposite.
We will realize how Tehran sought nuclear arms for decades. For a country sitting on an ocean of oil & gas, a "peaceful" nuclear program is meaningless.
A very telling cartoon about #NorthKorea & #Iran, as Pyongyang signals indications to set aside its nuclear weapons/ballistic missile program. This is leaving Tehran as now sole target of the international community's soon-to-come pressures.
For those who describe #Iran's FM @JZarif as a "moderate" or "reformist"

"We will exit the NPT. / We will launch advanced enrichment," he says in response to Trump's May 12th #IranDeal deadline.…
Read 198 tweets

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