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Sur le dossier #CoréeduNord, #Trump continue de se bercer d'illusions mensongères- et bientôt perdues?Oui, #KimJongUn est bien d'accord pour ce qu'énonce le président US...à condition que les #EtatsUnis fassent le 1er pas, c.a.d fassent 1 traité de paix pour la guerre de Corée.RT
2) Pour l'heure, la comédie se poursuit car les 3 protagonistes ont intérêt d'y jouer: avant les #midterms,#Trump DOIT entretenir le récit de négociations se poursuivant. #KimJongUn fait preuve de bonne volonté pour complaire à la Chine. Et le sud-coréen #Moon a son rapprochement
3) Depuis le début de ce dossier #CoréeduNord, 1 question par définition sans réponse: pourquoi #KimJongUn, instruit des précédents Kadhafi et Hussein, détruirait-il les armes nucléaires et les vecteurs que son régime a mis tant d'argent et de volonté à bâtir? Non sens.
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WATCH @TeamCavuto 4:30PM EST on @FoxNews as I breakdown the latest on #NorthKorea, #China and #PresidentTrump. @realDonaldTrump
#NOKO is following the same pattern of diplomacy that they have always done. They have made pledges that they had no intention of keeping and then they cry foul when the US holds them accountable.
This is the norm but also it is a dangerous game for #KimJongUn because #PresidentTrump has a great deal at stake and Kim does not understand how determined the #POTUS is to WIN.
Read 5 tweets
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4305: Donald Trump's Aberrancies - post-Summit Interview - #Nonverbal & #EmotionalIntelligence#DonaldTrump #TrumpKimSummit #NorthKoreaSummit #KimJongUn #BodyLanguage #EmotionalIntelligence #Anxiety
1/ Donald Trump gave this post-Summit Interview with George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday 12 June 2018. What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis focusing on some specific body language deviations which the President displayed.
2/ A few hours earlier, Trump and Kim had signed a document - officially titled: "Joint Statement of President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the Singapore Summit".
Read 19 tweets
In last 24hrs one of the most historic summits of our age took place. Historic because 3 presidents, #Clinton, #Bush, & #Obama, never secured an opportunity like this w/#NorthKorea leadership.

#NorthKoreaSummit #denuclearization #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump
The fact that @realDonaldTrump secured this meeting, and did so only 18 months into his presidency, shows his determination to keep his campaign promises to the #American people.

#NorthKorea #NorthKoreaSummit #denuclearization #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump
Kim Jong Un entered this meeting knowing that he was going to agree to #denuclearization.

#NorthKorea #NorthKoreaSummit #denuclearization #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #TrumpKim #Trump
Read 8 tweets
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No.4304: Donald Trump's and Kim Jong-un's Handshake in Singapore - #Nonverbal & #EmotionalIntelligence#DonaldTrump #KimJongUn #TrumpKimSummit #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #Handshake #Alpha #Beta #NorthKoreaSummit
1/ In a meeting many thought would never happen, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un made history in Singapore on Tuesday. What follows is a nonverbal analysis of their initial handshake.
2/ In this first moment leading up to their handshake, Donald Trump is the first to extend his hand as he is walking toward Kim Jong-un. This is a good body language tactic - for it projects initiative, strength, and an overall alpha-tone.
Read 26 tweets
8-9 months ago, #Trump said he’d destroy #NorthKorea.. today, he is giving #KimJongUn - the leader of a truly horrific, horrendously brutal regime - the greatest opportunity he could have dreamed of. #SingaporeSummit

That’s what you get when vanity drives your foreign policy.
#Trump got out an iPad & showed #KimJongUn a fake movie trailer showing them both as the bearers of world peace.

- “Two men, two leaders, one destiny…”

I kid you not.

Acc. to the @nytimes, this isn't a Chinese proverb at all.

In fact, it may originate in #America.…
Read 3 tweets
Que retenir finalement du #G7Charlevoix que #Trump quitte ce matin en avance après à peine 24h de présence?Qu'il avance sur la remise en cause d'1 ordre mondial libéral régulé par les #EtatsUnis depuis 1945 et qu'il se moque toujours des salamalecs.#thread…
2) En effet, on a vu de nouveau le président #Macron et le PM canadien #Trudeau revenir à la stratégie #compol des démonstrations d'affection et de dialogue amical, mises en scène pour l'opinion publique, afin de fléchir 1 #Trump qui les accueille poliment SANS s'engager sur rien
3) #Trump plaisante avec (sur?) #Trudeau, complimente-à l'excès- le président #Macron sur leur relation très spéciale, il est comme 1 poisson dans l'eau avec ses jeux de dupes face caméra, qui ne l'impliquent pas...……
Read 48 tweets
WATCH: @dailybriefing w/@DanaPerino at 2pmEST, @FoxNews. I join with latest on #KimJongUn, #China, and why is #Russia sending their foreign minister to meet with #NorthKorea?

#diplomacy #asia #sanctions #unitednations #nuclear #peace #peacesummit #FoxNews…
#NorthKorea is trying to push back against @realDonaldTrump with assertions they will not #denuclearize. Combined with a visit from a top #Russian diplomat, the #President faces probably his toughest diplomatic challenge yet.…
#China trying to preserve #trade imbalance that favors them + making threats against #PresidentTrump's proposed tariff hikes. Combined w/ their #nuclearprogram, cannot be ignored as factor in the upcoming #peacesummit between the President and #KimJongUn…
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As a Marine Veteran, I promise you the entire military has been weakened because of this.
Not because that exercise was a crucial part of their training—but because they see that their commander is a capitulating, whiny little bitch.
#Trump #UnfitForOffice…
I’ve seen a number of comments saying this is a good thing because of the high price tag of these exercises.
That may be the case.
But this action wasn’t done to save money—it was done to save Trump’s shot at a Nobel.
And that’s not at all a “good thing.”
What this shows is that #Trump’s ego has become a tactical advantage for our enemies.
His desire for adulation is being weaponized by the world’s dictators—potentially, at great cost to the safety and security of our allies.
#KoreanPeninsula #MilitaryExercises
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#Breaking Oh mon Dieu, la future dénucléarisation de la #CoréeduNord serait-elle déjà morte-née, comme en 1994, 2000, 2005, 2007...? #Trump
2) #Breaking Au-delà de l'ironie trop facile, il se peut aussi que #KimJongUn entame réellement, au delà des opérations de fanfreluche #compol, la phase de négociations avec #Trump. Et la fin des exercices US/Corée du Sud a toujours été sur la table. RT+
3)#Breaking Ne pas oublier que #KimJongUn regarde AUSSI la TV US et a très bien compris:
a) l'importance du sommet du 12 juin pour la crédibilité et la popularité de #Trump
b) Tout ce que les #EtatsUnis étaient déjà prêts à lâcher (cf. déclarations de #Pompeo).
Il teste...
Read 15 tweets
With the release of the #NorthKoreanHostages, the #LeftWing, #Liberals, and #MainstreamMedia is going to have a difficult time attacking #President @realDonaldTrump. The #diplomatic victories just keep piling up. #NorthKorea #KimJongUn
The #American #NorthKoreaPrisoners coming home shows that #MikePomepo was the right man for the job, and that #KimJongUn now respects the office of #President of the United States of America in a way he didn't under the previous administration. #POTUS
#GetToughDiplomacy is working; #NorthKorea is at the table and making overtures of abandoning their nuclear program. #America is exiting the #IranDeal. We've moved our #embassy to #Jerusalem where it belongs. We are back to being the leader of the free world.
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@sonic_alexa @PradRachael @joyreaper @HillaryClinton @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @RepMattGaetz @RepGoodlatte @MariaBartiromo @RepMarkMeadows @Jim_Jordan @ChuckGrassley @lookner @RepKenBuck @WhiteHouse @Liz_Wheeler @NewYorkFBI @VP @WashTimes @freedom_moates @FreeBeacon @DailyCaller @chicagotribune @USAttyHuber @DeptJusticeIRL @FBI @HAGOODMANAUTHOR @tillmanair @VicLovesAnimals @DAColdriver @HorseShort @myGianLuca @BPPope @Rightwingmadman @MountaineerFan4 @POTUS, haven't U wondered why McCabe ordered these laptop computers destroyed? Haven't U wondered why HC funneled 300k to the McCabe family? Haven't U wondered why Turner placed client privilege files on these laptops to prevent the agents from viewing the files on the laptops?
Read 167 tweets
1/ #QAnon


1. #Trump says he wants out of #Syria.
2. #Assad has essentially won. Why create an event to draw a response?
3. Immediately after Trump tweets about leaving Syria, there is a #ChemicalAttack.
4. #Israel attacks Syria last night.

Ask WHY??
2/ Anyone who has been following things can see that the #DeepState wants #War.


Military-industrial complex.
and worse (depopulation).

Too hard to believe? Look at the patterns (now and in the past) they fit?
3/ #Trump works out a deal w/#NK (back in November)...after our October bombing took out their major nuclear facility and 200 scientists.

As background, the #DeepState was using #NK as a puppet regime to hold us hostage...they wanted #WAR.…
Read 20 tweets
1) The boards are being shilled pretty hard today w people questioning #QanonPosts. I'd like to interrupt your normally scheduled programming with the following:

The #swamp is being drained. See the list of accomplishments below, corruption at this scale takes time. #QAnon
2) There was a massive roundup of #Saudi elites, including Al-Waleed bin Talal, notable for his endless meddling in #US affairs and membership in the #cabal. All were neutered.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState
3) #ISIS is on it's last breath. Why? #Saudi purge? Who else funds ISIS? See how fast they disappeared once their funding was cut? Imagine the intricate planning needed to cut those strings.
Read 18 tweets
Yale history prof @TimothyDSnyder outlined 20 lessons from the 20th Century on preventing tyranny from overcoming democracy. His book is a must-read for #TheResistance:… (Thread)
1/ Do not obey in advance. Do not acquiesce or conform to the new regime, offering to comply before compliance is required by law. Hitler's party consolidated power b/c too many citizens offered anticipatory obedience.
2/ Defend Institutions. Trump has aggressively sought to undermine all independent institution that opposes his admin, including the free press, the judiciary, DOJ, FBI, & #Mueller. Choose an institution you cherish and take its side.
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