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Like Liz said, please spread the is the 2 year anniversary of #pizzagate...Podesta/HRC emails were dropped by Wikileaks this day October 2016. I’ll never forget reading those emails and thinking what the heck is this dude’s fascination with pizza and pasta all about?
2. And of course shortly thereafter I wanted to throw up as I scrolled through Comet Pizza and James Alefantis Instagram photos. My wife was next to me and we were in tears looking at the photos of children and babies and how he referred to them as sex objects and inuendo.
3. Here we are 2 years later and God has answered so many of our prayers. We are at the precipice or seeing justice poured out on evil pedophile traffickers at the highest positions of power in the world thanks to @realDonaldTrump, our military and s a few brave men and women..
Read 4 tweets
1. Boom Week ahead...#qanon #wwg1wga. Let it rain....freedom is never free
2. This is big. Fox News interview of Rep Nunes. He lays out exactly what #Qanon telling us for months. Michae Susanna, the head DNC lawyer received dirt (untrue info) on @Potus from Christopher Steele former MI6 agent of UK intel who received it from Russians. Sussman then...
3...fed this dirt to James Baker Gen Counsel of Fbi who then used the false info to obtain fisa warrant on Carter Page from fisa court and never told fisa court about source of info from DNC operatives. McCabe claiming Rosenstein offered to wear wire when meeting with @Potus..
Read 13 tweets
💥This is really important everyone. Please read this and watch the video in the 2nd tweet that Bee put together on this. #PizzaGate is very real. CP = child porn. CP = cheese pizza in code.
Please read the above tweet and watch this video @TheHoneybee_ put together. THIS is happening. THIS is horrific. THIS must be stopped by all of us working together. #PizzaGate 🙏
If you or anyone you know has any doubt #PizzaGate is real, and that pedophilia is rampant, please show them this recent arrest which resulted in a guilty plea, and be sure to show them to video in the above tweet as well. We must stop this. 🙏
Read 3 tweets
I tried to keep a running total of the lies in this piece by @MollyMcKew but lost count:…

@MollyMcKew 'if you accept the core definition of terrorism as "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims,"'

I do.
"...then there are few terms more apt to describe what this group has unleashed against their fellow Americans."

@Cernovich got James Gunn fired for being a pedo. You made the rules - "you get fired if we don't like what you say" - so we get to use them too.

Read 10 tweets
1) Starting a thread to explore #QAnon Post #2305 (October 1, 2018): "The Swamp Using Dr. Ford to Frame Justice Kavanaugh"

In 3parts:
--What is Q saying?
--Why is Q saying it?
--How do we know if Q is telling us…xMdKOGR9yX

#MKULTRA #ConfirmKa
2) Couple of things.
--Why is this important? A few reasons. #1, mind control to influence a seat on the SC is huge. #2, if it's a clear setup, it ends now.
-- If you have good stuff to share please do. I might incorporate it here.
-- Time is limited; will do the best I can.
3) Let's start with the bottom line up front and then we can get into the details.
Read 67 tweets
This guy's scared... GOOD!… All his former places of employment have been proved by me as parties to human trafficking/child trafficking, unethical human experimentation, retaliation against me, etc. and he trolled my Linkedin today. @GenFlynn @parrish4mn
@GenFlynn @parrish4mn #HumanTrafficking #ChildTrafficking in Minnesota #FairviewHealthServices now partnered w/#HealthEast 2 create #HealthPartners. GERALD CLARK'S DAUGHTER WORKED AT BOTH, HIS ATTY ANDY BORLAND, VP 1997 MINNEAPOLIS #Fairview & Board member 2013 Fairview range…
@GenFlynn @parrish4mn #HumanTrafficking #ChildTrafficking in Minnesota #HealthEast now partnered w/#Fairview 2 create #HealthPartners GERALD CLARK'S DAUGHTER WORKED AT BOTH! SARAH JEAN WAS BORN @ ST JOHNS & BOTH ST PAUL & MAPLEWOOD WERE OUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS AS WAS FAIRVIEW!…
Read 47 tweets
Do you follow #pizzagate #pedogate #pedovores looks like Skippy found a new pizza joint called PitFire Pizza and it's every inch as creepy as CometPingPong Pizza…
The website for PitFire Pizza has a protected Twitter - if you wanna join and talk about
Why would a biz protect their tweets?…
from PitFire PIzza's instagram - their second tweet ever
#pizzagate #skippynewfavepizza
Read 7 tweets
1/ #QAnon

Ask WHY did #QAnon make more and more visible appearances at rallies for #POTUS...culminating with #Trump pointing directly to the #Q cutout on the July 31st rally...only to virtually disappear at subsequent #Trump rallies?

2/ What happened within 24 hours of #Q making such a visible appearance, on national TV (at least #FoxNews) at the July 31 rally?

The #LyingSycophantMedia responded in force, LIKE CLOCKWORK, w/a massive, coordinated assault, as if the #LSM had all read the same 4 am narrative.
3/ To give a sense of how much our #MockingBirdMedia is controlled and coordinated, look at this...all the stories, and all the same, posted within 24 hours of #Q being prominently shown at a #TrumpRally.

Q predicted the #MSM push to come the next day:…
Read 6 tweets
This will be my agree to disagree Q thread.

(As I run 😂)


Fact I support Q and Anons. This is IMO thread.


#Qanon #MAGA #KAG2020 @POTUS
QPost 2216

Q answers with 187 (Sherman Deaths) and also
(AUS, CA, NZ, UK, US) 4 times in a row.

Point made. Those contries are the ‘5 👁s’

Uranium 1 was funneled through 🇨🇦.

Clinton didn’t win, no safe house 😂

#Qanon #WWG1WGA
QPost 2216

Links to validate above Thread post.



Safety House is either in reference to Clinton as Secretary of State or they banked on her winning the “House’

Read 14 tweets
Here's another report with more details.…
The person has not been arrested or charged but a buttload of devices/ data were confiscated from his home.

Me thinks is part of a much larger pedo ring bust.🤔
Read 4 tweets
💥Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even James Alefantis Comet Ping Pong owner access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security; Sourced #Pedogate This is Big❗…
Read 5 tweets
The Emmys are f*ing WEIRD y'all
"Everyone who takes one of these home is a monster" - Rick & Morty
Rupal wearing Red Shoes
Geiko commercial about Mind Control
Totally inexplicable Pizza skit w/ Fred & Maya

And I've only been watching for less than 10 minutes. WTF? #Emmys #QAnon @POTUS #theGreatAwakening
Everyone is over-medicated and/or drunk. Dave Chappelle? WOW.

People seem genuinely sad/forelorn, talking about the next generation (because they're not gonna be around for long and they know it).

It's almost sad. But then I remember what they ALL do or at least know about.
Read 12 tweets
Do NOT underestimate our enemy. #WeThePeople are being regularly engaged by mind controllers, master manipulators, professional con artists, & people whose only goal is to keep us silent/distracted so no one catches on that they are EATING PEOPLE #Cannibals #Hivites #QAnon @POTUS
Post #2178 Sep 15 2018 23:19:00EST


Listen carefully to @GenFlynn's choice of language & who he selected to quote. The obligation to defend Liberty never ends. Our Freedom is only as secure as our willingness/ability to preserve it #WWG1WGA #QAnon @POTUS
Read 57 tweets
1/ Pope Francis, a #qanon read.
2/ In mid November, Q tacked on the Catholic version of the Lord's Prayer onto an incredibly disturbing post about 9/11, gun control and the elites orchestrating another mass extinction event.

3/ So Q was probably a devout Catholic. But we already knew that from a post of his on Nov 6.

Read 21 tweets
If there were ever a time for the pope to oust himself, I would say he just sealed his fate with this statement. Any non-believers of how vile this man is, should be woke now. @Pontifex
The former nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, recently accused a number of prelates of dereliction of duty in dealing with clerical sex abuse and claimed that the pope had rehabilitated serial abuser Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, (cont.)
...elevating him to a position of influence despite knowledge of his misdeeds. In an 11-page testimony published on August 25, Viganò alleged that he had personally informed Pope Francis in 2013 of the serial homosexual abuse perpetrated by Cardinal McCarrick, (cont.)
Read 8 tweets
President Trump’s Tweets 9/12/18!! #QAnon #MAGA #KAG #WRWY #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump
President Trump’s remarks about being prepared caused me to search previous Q drops re. being prepared! There are 17!! Here are a few!! #QAnon #WeArePrepared #HurricaneFlorence #TheStormIsUponUs @realDonaldTrump
Read 32 tweets
This is the THREAD for all of #Qposts for Tuesday, September 11, 2018: PATRIOTS DAY. "FISAGATE Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you, Panic in DC, UK-US extradition treaty 2003, Rats running, TOGETHER we WIN, and more".
@POTUS #NeverForget #PatriotsDay #togetherwearestronger
Q !!
Sep 11 2018 14:04:04 (EST)…
We Will Never FORGET!
We Will Never FORGIVE!…📁
@POTUS #NeverForget #PatriotsDay #togetherwearestronger #QAnon #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #QArmy #QAlert
@POTUS #NeverForget #PatriotsDay #togetherwearestronger #QAnon #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #QArmy #QAlert

Powerful Must See 9-11 Tribute
Homeward Angels, a powerful 9/11 tribute
Read 35 tweets
1. Understandably there’s outrage at the way Alex Jones has been removed from social media.

2. Is Alex Jones a champion for truth? This thread will provide a number of observations regarding Alex Jones. You decide.

3. There are many who credit Alex Jones & InfoWars for helping to wake up the American public.

Read 34 tweets
1. This is a friend of mine from college. #HisNameWasMarkBingham He was the rugby player on #Flight93 We were waiting for him as he was the best man in one of my best friend’s wedding. Like the rest of America, I watched in disbelief as the #FakeNews spewed sh*t about (contd...)
2. What was being said about Mark. He was an awesome human being, fearless and honest. He realized something was not right on 9/11 and was part of the reason the flight came down in the wrong place as it was intended to do more damage by the cabal. Truths long hidden ..
3. As we anxiously waited and could hear Mark’s voice placing that fateful call to his mother from Flight 93, we couldn’t believe the towers were under attack. A bunch of bright graduate students at the time, many of us didn’t buy the #fakenews even back in 2001.
Read 10 tweets
Skip to 3:21 and don't let anyone tell you #PizzaGate is a LARP. To understand the truth is not to sleep. #QAnon
You could run an entire presidential campaign on this issue, yet not one media outlet, not one politician ever thought to capitalize on a platform of ending human trafficking before? Ever? Think about how protected this has been. Never doubt the reality of evil/satanism. #Qanon
They hide behind a faulty requirement that evil needs to be conscious. Evil is the vacuum of good. Light is destruction of vacuum... The monkey sees no evil. The monkey hears no evil. The monkey speaks no evil. Evil is the absence of awareness.
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Is @LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner related to #AnthonyWeiner of #pedogate/#pizzagate? Cause the #censorship my posts are under there is atrocious! #LinkedIn @replouiegohmert ...I have a lot of NYPD connections too. If I didn't know better, I'd say they're related, based on ☝️
@LinkedIn @replouiegohmert 🤔He has some interesting extracurricular connections listed on his LinkedIn profile😐 Boys and Girls Club, Windsor Media, Warner Bros., a couple Charitable Foundations, all have come up in #PedoGate #PizzaGate threads and articles in the past.🙄
@LinkedIn @replouiegohmert I'm real sick of the censorship. Ppl need to start looking at why and connecting the dots. I'm seeking justice and trying to procure govt action for my dead family, dammit and these pedo protecting predator pieces of sh!t social media sites are obstructing! ALL OF THEM!
Read 3 tweets
1) All about timing.

It’s coffee time.
September 8, 2018.
2) If you drink the coffee fast, it's good because it's good and hot.
Wait a few minutes and it's cold, or worse, bitter.
3) Why did Hillary Clinton share an article three months old?

"I was a Trump troll," says David Weissman, "until Sarah Silverman engaps://
Read 50 tweets

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