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Sep 22nd 2018
I’m in NYC covering this event, which comes days before President Trump chairs a U.N. Security Council meeting on Iran here. I mentioned to an organizer that the turnout was impressive; I’d wondered if the Paris plot might scare people off. “We’ve seen worse,” he said wryly.
The hashtags for the event: #FreeIran, #FreeIran2018, #NoToRouhani
A tribute to the recently deceased senator John McCain, quoting many of his words of friendship for the Iranian people and his support of freedom fighters in Iran. It’s unfortunate he won’t one day celebrate in Tehran next to a statue of Neda. #FreeIran #FreeIran2018 #NoToRouhani
Read 14 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
Watch Iran 🇮🇷
Something incredible is about to happen.

#QAnon @POTUS #FreeIran
Read 13 tweets
Aug 8th 2018
Today in @presscenterorg in Brussels the NCRI revealed the findings of its investigation into the structure of the #Iran regime’s Intelligence Ministry in Europe and the key commanders of the plot to bomb the #FreeIran2018 convention in Paris. #ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists
Since mid-2016, #Iran's regime has resumed its terrorist activities in Europe. #ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists #FreeIran2018
3 developments have undermined #Iran's regime since mid-2016: Relocation of PMOI members from Iraq to Albania. Worsening of economic/social crisis which has led to #IranProtests. End of Obama Admin's conciliatory policy that had helped the regime survive. #FreeIran2018
Read 8 tweets
Aug 2nd 2018
August 2
#Isfahan, central #Iran
New Shapur district
Demonstration against skyrocketing prices & unemployment.
Protesters chanting:
"No fear, we're all together."
August 2
#Isfahan, central #Iran
New Shapur district
Video shows large number of security units dispatched to quell protesters.
August 2
#Isfahan, central #Iran
New Shapur district - Hezardastan Crossroad
First groups of protesters & demonstrators setting tires on fire.
Read 137 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
#IranProtests over economic mismanagement/suppression break out today in Isfahan with chants of "No to Gaza, no to Lebanon; my life for Iran" (Film via MEK activists in Shahpur District near the cargo terminal). #FreeIran2018 @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @nikkihaley @seanhannity
Isfahan's Bazaar on strike today. Merchants are angry at Iran regime's economic policies that have sent the national currency into freefall. (Film via MEK). Despite posturing by IRGC top brass the regime is very weak & unable to withstand #IranProtests. #FreeIran2018 @nikkihaley
#IranProtests today in Isfahan over unemployment, high prices, economic instability & power outages. Iran's truckers on strike began the demo. Bazaar merchants quickly joined in (Film via MEK activists in Shapur District) #FreeIran2018 @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @nikkihaley @ilo
Read 33 tweets
Jul 23rd 2018
US Sec of State Mike Pompeo:
"Just earlier this month an Iranian 'diplomat' based in Vienna was arrested & charged with supplying explosives for a terrorist bomb, scheduled to bomb a political rally in France. This tells you everything you need to know about the regime."
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the #Iran'ian regime seeking to bomb the opposition's #FreeIran2018 convention in Paris.
"The level of corruption and wealth among regime leaders shows that Iran is run by something that resembles the mafia more than a government," said US Sec of State Mike Pompeo.
Read 14 tweets
Jul 23rd 2018
This is also very interesting. Two of the main #MSM platforms are also considering @SecPompeo's latest #Iran speech as very significant, to say the least.
.@SecPompeo's speech, for those who may have missed it.

Read 14 tweets
Jul 22nd 2018
My thoughts on @SecPompeo's "Supporting Iranian Voices" speech tonight scheduled for 9 pm EST:

-Beware of overt & covert pro-#Iran regime figures in the meeting
-Iranians support firm sanctions against the regime. The mullahs have never had the people's interest in mind.
-@khamenei_ir's regime is weaker than ever before. #Iran's ridiculous claim of people "rallying around the flag" in case of sanctions is the work of this regime's Intelligence Ministry.
-Iranians are against all regime "reformists" & "principalists."
-Iranians are against any figure having any relation with this regime.
-#Iran's regime seeks to turn this event into a scene of "opposition groups" turning their cross-hairs on each other, to then claim there is no viable opposition or alternative for Tehran's mullahs.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 11th 2018
US Sec of State Mike Pomeo:
“Qassem Soleimani is causing trouble throughout #Iraq & #Syria & we need to raise the cost for him – for his organisation & for him personally."
In response to how the leader of Iran can be held to account, Mr Pompeo told The National: “There are lots of ways. First, a united opposition is very important."
"It is also the case that we will be prepared that when Iran does things like launch missiles that come here or go to Riyadh, that we are prepared to defend the region militarily.”
Read 8 tweets
Jul 2nd 2018
#Iran's regime intended to bomb the Iranian opposition convention in Paris
Asdollah Assadi, #Iran's terrorist diplomat & the main planner of the terrorist plot targeting the Iranian opposition #FreeIran2018 convention in Paris, has been arrested in Germany.…
Tehran has a history of terrorist attacks & assassinations in Europe.
On April 24, 1990, Prof. Kazem Rajavi was gunned down in broad daylight by several #Iran’ian regime agents as he was driving to his home in Coppet, a village near Geneva.…
Read 10 tweets
Jul 2nd 2018
URGENT Iran rgm's terror plot foiled. Belgian police say they arrested 2 Iranian suspects who planned to bomb #FreeIran2018 convention in Paris in which @Maryam_Rajavi, Rudy Giuliani & @newtgingrich spoke…
@realDonaldTrump @PressSec @seanhannity @GMarquis45
Belgian prosecutors say 3rd suspect, a diplomat from Iran's embassy in Vienna, was arrested by German police in connection w/ the attempted bombing of the #FreeIran2018 event in Paris. Ironically Rouhani is going to Vienna in 2 days. EU must #ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists. @eu_eeas
How can Austria welcome Iran regime's President Rouhani to Vienna on July 4? Today Belgian police say diplomat at regime's embassy in Vienna was arrested for planning to bomb #FreeIran2018 event in Paris (See quotes) #No2Rouhani #ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists @PressSec @seanhannity
Read 5 tweets
Jun 30th 2018
Tens of thousands have gathered in Paris and to demand #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018. Given the last 6 months of escalating protests in #Iran, the idea is gathering steam and could be past a point of no return.
Clearly the regime in #Tehran is nervous. They tried targeting this #FreeIran2018 gathering in #Paris but were foiled in Belgium. The tide of history is rising up to swallow the regime.…
Belgium prosecutor’s statement on the foiled terrorist attack planned for the #FreeIran2018 conference. Found with 500gm of TATP explosives. Their contact was an Iranian national working at the Austrian ministry in Vienna - where Prez Rouhani is scheduled to visit shortly. #Iran
Read 4 tweets
Jun 24th 2018
#IranProtests in Tehran today as Iran's currency plunges against the US dollar. Protesters are chanting "strike" in the mobile phone bazaar in defiance of the regime. On June 30 there'll be a #FreeIran2018 convention in Paris in solidarity w/ the #IranProtests. @realDonaldTrump
"Leave Syria alone. Think of us instead". Political chants in Tehran today as public anger grows over regime's economic policies. (video via MEK network in Iran). The June 30 #FreeIran2018 convention in Paris is in solidarity with the #IranProtests @realDonaldTrump @VP @SecPompeo
#IranProtests in Tehran today over the currency plunge against the US dollar. In this scene ppl are chanting that the Charsou Bazaar must be shut down. There's huge public anger over regime's economic mismanagement. June 30 #FreeIran2018 convention in Paris to support Iran's ppl.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 20th 2018
New #QAnon 1569-1570.

Their FF attempt was thwarted. To shift narrative off the damning #IGReport & successful #TrumpKimSummit, they're focusing on immigration/child separation- a projection of their own involvement in child separation/child trafficking. #FreeIran2018 is next.
New #QAnon 1571.

Jackson Lee made headlines yesterday, when she leaked plans to fire RR on Friday at the #SenateHearing. How'd she know? Who told her? Who is she protecting?

Interesting ring, Sheila. Part of the club?


#Pizzagate #ChildTrafficking #IGReport @POTUS
Read 38 tweets
Jun 19th 2018
Q told us after NK was freed from Clown control Iran would be next. The people of Iran are taking to the social media demanding #IranRegimeChange:…

Protests growing:…

Free Iran Gathering info:…
2. Lisa Page texted "Viva Le Resistance". Unsure of diff btwn spelling other than one is French (Vive) & other is Spanish, Portuguese & Italian (Viva). J C = James Clapper? As Director, Nat'l Intelligence, he could do this. Not sure of his role w/Mueller. Protecting Hussein?
3. The Clown Media sure is expending a lot of effort to discount a "conspiracy theory". You know we're over the target.

Daily Beast:…

Read 12 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
New #QAnon 1542.

D= Dems or missing D from prev #Q drop.

Morning sun= Dark to LIGHT, putting the "heat" on the deep state.

Full moon= ref to those who "howl"

Undiscovered stars= star witnesses, ref to "follow the STARS"

Mission forward= stay the course

Q mentioned "full moon coming." This may be pointing to a date for something big that will drop. It also may reference the cabal's beliefs in mysticism, black magic, etc. Lastly, it may reference how the unhinged libs will be howling even louder.

#QAnon #MAGA @POTUS #Trump #Q
Read 35 tweets
Jun 13th 2018
Starting with #1490
Notice on 6/12/18, Q said "Castle Arrival Good"

Embedded Twitter link
6/13/18 "Good to be back at the castle"
"IRAN IS NEXT" See #1254 (NK negotiations going very well at time of this 4/24/18 Q post. NK agreement was signed on 4/27/18. Ergo, Iran next)

Some in Iran are following Q 💥 WOW 💥 BIG DEAL
Thank you to @n4hpg for posting this proof for #1490
Read 36 tweets
Jun 7th 2018
Just read Hamid Dabashi's recent piece.…
The more the #Iran apologists camp writes about #IranRegimeChange being "delusional," rest assured the more they are concerned & the more this initiative is gaining support & strengthening.
The more the #Iran apologists camp raises false allegations about the Iranian opposition PMOI/MEK - which I believe is dictated by the Iranian regime - the more it proves how this organization poses a very real threat to Tehran's mullahs.
Here's an excellent article by Prof. Raymond Tanter debunking allegations raised against the PMOI/MEK.…
Read 6 tweets
May 20th 2018
Reading Jake Sullivan’s latest @TheAtlantic piece, I wonder why such individuals & outlets are so alarmed about regime change in #Iran.…
Do they benefit in Tehran's mullahs remaining in power?
They may claim not, yet actions speak louder than words.
Sullivan’s entire argument is based on the fact that sanctions, and more generally a firm policy against #Iran, will bear no fruit. Taking a look at the past 15 months, in contrast to the #Obama years, much of Iran’s malign behavior has taken a nosedive.
Sullivan praises himself (& thus the #Obama team) of negotiating the #IranDeal. What he & others like him refuse to explain is the fact that the people of #Iran, #Syria & other countries across the region are paying the price of their “achievement” with their very lives…
Read 13 tweets
May 13th 2018
#Iran MP Gholam-Ali Imen Abadi:
"One specific credit firm had $2.85 bn of its clients' money while the CEO lacked even a high school diploma & used to enter the country's Central Bank armed with a gun."
As #Iran's currency crisis continues, this Ayandeh Bank branch in Tehran burned in flames today.
If you ask me, this is an act of arson by regime elements who emptied the bank in advance. Afterwards, they can easily claim they cannot return ordinary people's money.
Tabriz, NW #Iran
Old Tabriz Bazaar is empty of any buyers as people are losing their purchasing power.
Read 340 tweets
May 12th 2018
#Iran decreases Euro air travel currency cap from 10,000 € to 5,000 €, or equivalent.
2,000 € for ground/sea travel.
#IranDealWithdrawl taking its toll.
#Iran's "Ayandeh Bank" is apparently on the verge of going bankrupt.
Owner Ali Ansari owes nearly $28.5 bn to his investors & clients.
Source in the bank says considering the current circumstances, there is a high probably Ansari will flee the country.
#Iran MP Gholam-Ali Imen Abadi:
"One specific credit firm had $2.85 bn of its clients' money while the CEO lacked even a high school diploma & used to enter the country's Central Bank armed with a gun."
Read 224 tweets
May 11th 2018
You must remember that the secret to all of this is not to be afraid of fear. When you can really allow yourself to be afraid, and you don't resist the experience of fear, you are truly beginning to master fear.
The stage is set
Actors are a running to the dark corners like roaches in the light
The ones that are the loudest are the main characters as no one can be that deceived
It's raining #TheRainMakers
Here comes the PAIN! #PatriotsFight
God's in Control
#WWG1WGA #KAG #GreatAwakening
Thread by @_VachelLindsay_
1. I have no doubt that Obama will be indicted and found guilty of at least THREE major felonies, just from his central involvement in the framing of Donald J Trump
@threadreaderapp #ObamaGate #MAGA #WWG1WGA #QAnon #LockThemUp…
Read 139 tweets

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