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Aug 2nd 2018
At Wilkes-Barre, #Pennsylvania #MAGA rally @POTUS says 'get 'em out, get 'em out" as demonstrators attempt to disrupt the event. Crowd chants: "USA, USA, USA."
"I don't know this man. I don't know him," says @POTUS of @SenBobCasey. "No, he's not an obstructionist. He's worse."
"He's so radical," says @GOP challenger @RepLouBarletta of @SenBobCasey.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 2nd 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4332: Richard Nixon, Nikita Khrushchev, and The Kitchen Debate - #Nonverbal & #EmotionalIntelligence #Nixon #Khrushchev #KitchenDebate #DonaldTrump #VladimirPutin #TrumpPutinSummit #HelsinkiSummit #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
1/ Fifty-nine years ago last week an event took place which contrasts strongly with the recent Trump Putin Helsinki Summit. On 24 July 1959, Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev met in a replica of an American Kitchen.
2/ The pseudo-kitchen was part of the American National Exhibition in Sokolniki Park in Moscow.
Read 19 tweets
Jul 27th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4328: Mike Pompeo Testifies to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - #Nonverbal & #EmotionalIntelligence
#MikePompeo #BobCorker #DonaldTrump #VladimirPutin #HelsinkiSummit #TrumpPutinSummit #Microexpression #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
1/ On Wednesday, US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding President Trump's Summit with Vladimir Putin last week in Helsinki.
2/ What follows is a partial nonverbal analysis highlighting a few key moments with Senator Bob Corker.
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Jul 25th 2018
👇🧠⚡Thread on new #InformationWarfare #narratives: Many are wondering about the latest development: #Helsinkisummit, #Putin’s visit, #Trump’s open support of #Russia, etc. Is he insane? No. Russian psychological war manuals are hard to find. The sum up of the latest strategy:
A new strategy: Brainwashing Trump’s base and the rest of the society into whitewashing and normalizing Putin’s Russia. The new narrative is “Yes, Trump works with Putin. It is perfectly normal. Russia is a friend. Putin is good. Thank you, Russia, for helping Trump.”
This is how it is achieved—in the broad daylight. (The silence of the press does not help.)
Read 31 tweets
Jul 22nd 2018
#Russia, #Israel, #US & #Jirdan eventually negotiated departure of 422 #WhiteHelmets & their families out of #Syria (initial number was reportedly 827).#Canada, #Germany, #UK also involved in talks, each agreed to host them. Some 3750 activists remain in SYR.
#Moscow reportedly didnt allow direct passage of #WhiteHelmets to #Jordan (hence evacuation thru #Israel)while #Amman agreed to temporarily accept 'em only after guarantees frm West states they'd host them.#Canada to host 250 (activists+families),#Germany -8 activists +?families
In #Moscow, #WhiteHelmets evacuation said to be a part of #HelsinkiSummit agreements on #Syria, #GolanHeights. The very operation was thoroughly coordinated by #Israel's Lieberman & #Russia's Shoigu as well as discussed by #Putin & @netanyahu in latest phone call.
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Jul 20th 2018
@KenDilanianNBC Some thoughts on the @ODNIgov @POTUS relationship: 1) @ODNIgov appearance at @AspenSecurity was likely cleared by @WhiteHouse as were his TPs. So no one should have been surprised
@KenDilanianNBC @ODNIgov @POTUS @AspenSecurity @WhiteHouse 2) Typically you would want to ask the DNI for analysis on how Putin would assess an invite based on his leader profile + based on collection and intel analysis to date.
@KenDilanianNBC @ODNIgov @POTUS @AspenSecurity @WhiteHouse 3) Plus, before making the policy decision to invite Putin, would have thought @POTUS would want @ODNIgov analysis of how Putin viewed the #helsinkisummit
Read 15 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
This is John Brennan:
CIA Director Once Voted For Communist Presidential Candidate..…
Foam Boy Narco couldn’t attack @realDonaldTrump fast enough over the #HelsinkiSummit, yet didn’t have the problem confirming Communist John Brennan as Director of CIA.
Songbird is another mother f**ker attacking Trump yet didn’t hesitate to confirm Communist John Brennan.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
Before joining @joshrogin at @AspenSecurity -- we joined @HalaGorani @cnni to talk #HelsinkiSummit If @potus had done any prep for this summit he would have known Putin would raise @McFaul and @Billbrowder (and what dip immunity is even tho these charges are literal nonsense)
.@realDonaldTrump wanting a second mtg with Putin doesn't surprise me. Putin, like KJU, is nice to his face/ flatters him - so of course he wants to hang out again.
And the polling on Trump's Helsinki performance, is, frankly inexplicable particularly because of the bipartisan support for confronting Russia and against this bozo McFaul for 12 GRU agents idea
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Jul 19th 2018
@RandPaul basically gets kicked off of @CBSThisMorning because he agrees with @realDonaldTrump and calls out the partisan absurdity of the #Mueller investigation, says @HillaryClinton is the one known to pay #Russian agents & called #JamesClapper a liar!
Full video:
@wolfblitzer and @RandPaul's interview also gets heated on @CNN the day of the #HelsinkiSummit
Rand Paul comes out swinging & calling it like it is!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
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Jul 19th 2018
It occurs to me the questions I'd have asked at the #HelsinkiSummit press conference were:
Mr. #Trump, you were just in the UK where PM May pressed the issue of #Novichok poisoning of 5 ppl on her soil, 1 Brit citizen having died. She & EU are clear: #Russia did this. [MORE]
[CONT2] And just weeks ago the Dutch govt released its final report saying w/out a doubt the #Russian military shot down MH17 over Crimea in 2014, killing all on board, mostly Dutch citizens. So 2 questions. First, Mr. Trump, do you agree with your close [MORE]
[CONT3] allies, the UK & Netherlands, that these two acts of heinous murder were committed by elements working for or in the Russian government? And 2nd, Mr. Putin, what on behalf of the Russian people do you have to say to the British & Dutch people regarding these incidents?
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Jul 19th 2018
1. In the absence of any US readout of the Trump Putin #HelsinkiSummit here is what Kommersant is reporting about three alleged proposals. Take with a grain of salt: The translation seems odd.
2. "The first proposal is to create a high-level working group, in which businessmen from the United States and Russia should leave."

I don't get that. Make business leave each country? Perhaps a Russian speaker can assist. Here's the rest:
3. "The second is to create an expert council of political scientists, acting and former diplomats and former military men of the two countries. The third proposal is to hold meetings of the US National Security Council (SNB) and the Russian Security Council."
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Jul 19th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4324: President Trump's Post-Helsinki Damage Control • #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #DonaldTrump #VladimirPutin #Helsinki #HelsinkiSummit #Would #Wouldnt #WouldorWouldnt #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert
1/ Yesterday, in response to his behavior with Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit press conference, President Trump made an attempt to control the damage.
2/ His explanation was based on the premise of misspeaking a single word, "would" - when he had meant to say, "wouldn't". What follows is a partial nonverbal and statement analysis of this exchange.
Read 43 tweets
Jul 19th 2018
A thread for my fellow libertarians on the #HelsinkiSummit:
We say diplomacy and dialogue are good. Few Americans would disagree with that. Peace and prosperity can’t be secured without communication and engagement.
For my part, I have urged presidents to meet with the leaders of Russia, North Korea, Cuba, and other countries to build better relationships. These interactions make it possible to change behavior, to turn foes into friends.
Read 19 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
From the great @JamesFallows re #HelsinkiSummit
"Those who could do something are the 51 #Republican senators and 236 Republican representatives who have the power to hold hearings, issue subpoenas, pass resolutions of censure, guarantee the integrity..."
[CONT 2]
"...of Robert #MuellerInvestigation , condemn the past #Russian election interference, shore up protections against the next assault, & in general defend their country rather than the damaged & defective man who is now its president.
[CONT 3]
"For 18 mos, membs of this party have averted their eyes frm #Trump rather than disturb the Trump elements amng their constituency or disrupt the party’s agenda on tax cuts & the #SCOTUS . They already bear responsibility for what Trump has done to his office.
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Jul 18th 2018
#President @realDonaldTrump's words, whether you accept his apology and his explanation, do not comport with his actions and his foreign policy toward #Russia. He has been one of the hardest presidents on Russia in recent memory.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion
Where was the outrage when @BarackObama told Medvedev to inform #Putin "After my election I have more flexibility,"? I think much of the outrage being expressed- especially by #Republicans- is politically motivated.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion #Russia
However, what @realDonaldTrump said was not right. It DID undermine our #IntelligenceCommunity, and it was a mistake. He has since corrected it and walked it back.

#Trump #HelsinkiSummit #Collusion #Russia #Putin
Read 5 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
#Russia's Amb to #US Antonov says #Putin, @realDonaldTrump reached some "important verbal agreements" at #HelsinkiSummit, spoke in favor of keeping START & INF treaties.
Antonov adds after return from #Russia he has a "clear resolve to go knovk on the door of @StateDept, NSC to have a sound idea of what we need to do together to implement these agreements." Antoniv conceded, however he "remains toxic" in the eyes of American public..
Antonov concludes "I cant guarantee, we, the diplomats in Washington, wont have any indulgences in terms of a more relaxed atmospherics until mid-term elections in Nov. And from that it's not too far until next Presidential elections."
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Jul 17th 2018
In September 2016, @KellyannePolls told Trump he couldn't get elected if he kept claiming @POTUS44 was born in Kenya--as he had 67x on Twitter over 6yrs. So Trump gave a press conference saying he believed Obama was born in the US, gave no explanation, took no questions.

Trump has since walked that back.

Remember at the Inaugural luncheon where he paid tribute to @HillaryClinton and all she has done for America and asked those in attendance to applaud her?

Trump soon walked that back as well & has directed his DOJ to investigate her again.
Everyone knows Trump lies, that he has always lied and that he believes his own lies.

Trump lied repeatedly at the #HelsinkiSummit presser. He also told his truth--that Russia didn't attack our 2016 election.There is videotape of the live broadcast which the whole world saw.
Read 20 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
If #Putin wanted a US president to do his bidding, it would look exactly like Trump, who puts migrant children in cages but shakes in fear before a dictator who attacked America.…
The lead-in to #HelsinkiSummit was Trump being mired in pro-#Putin rhetoric, as Gerson explains here.

The list is unsettling long and also speaks to Trump's jejune status. As evidenced during #TrumpUKVisit, he's unaware of basic geography or geographical terms.
"The president remains in total denial about Russian intentions and actions."

The fact that no one in Trump's inner circle has been able to adjust his mindset to accept this reality when he put this in motion July 27, 2016 with his shout-out to #Putin is alarming at best.
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Jul 17th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No.4323: Trump Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference • #Nonverbal & #EmotionalIntelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #HelsinkiSummit #TrumpPutinSummit #CompromisingMaterial #kompromat #DonaldTrump #VladimirPutin
1/ Today in Helsinki, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met for 2 hours and 15 minutes with only their translators present. Afterward, the two leaders held a press conference.
2/ A multitude of nonverbal dissections could be conducted regarding the pre-summit lead-up, the summit, and the presser. What follows is a partial nonverbal & statement analyses focusing on allegations of Putin's alleged "compromising material on President Trump or his family".
Read 39 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
Yes, we can. Whether we will is a different question, of course, but I don't think #HelsinkiSummit made that less likely, tbh. 1/
The thing is, what happened today was *entirely predictable.* Here is an excerpt from a piece I wrote, in December 2015.…
At the time, everyone thought I was being melodramatic or hyperbolic--and neurotic, in any case; it was still six weeks before the Iowa caucus.
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Jul 16th 2018
Many Americans are joking about today's events while my friends and colleagues abroad are stunned and horrified.

I have come close to tears while writing about today's events. One Brit friend said, "I hope this isn't the death of your democracy."

I hope not, either.
What concerns me is that Americans are already inured to Trump's outrageous behavior and thus are shrugging this off. Many on the left are making inane comments like "we knew, so what?"

This isn't just about America. This is about the free world versus dictatorship.
The FACT that the POTUS spoke out AGAINST our own government in defense of a foreign dictator who attacked our country as clearly as the 9/11 attacks should give every American a frisson of fear.

Two superpowers aligned today against the West.

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Jul 16th 2018
"If I were still an active CIA officer at the senior leadership level, I would seriously have to consider resigning ...."

"#HelsinkiSummit: A Time for Choosing"
By Rolf Mowatt-Larssen (@BelferCenter)…
Former senior CIA officer: "This is a time for choosing. Government officials, senior and junior alike, take an oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States, not to obey any single President...."
"...The calculus of whether to resign or stay must be based on whether one is able to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States from within or from without. Serving the interests of this president is not serving the country."
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Jul 16th 2018
So the key @WhiteHouse access reporter from the @nytimes doesn't see today's events as #BREAKING.

That is hard to fathom.

.@maggieNYT stood with @PressSec against @Acosta during the #TrumpUKVisit.

Haberman also supported SHS after the #WHCD and the #RedHen incident. In 2017, Haberman said the cast of #Hamilton was rude to @VP Pence and that it was unseemly, as he was VP.
.@maggieNYT was primary reporter on the Hillary Clinton email beat. MH was personally bylined on 53 stories related to Clinton's emails.

No newspaper or reporter had more detailed coverage--incl the front page after the #ComeyLetter which NYT's own Upshot said cost the election.
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Jul 16th 2018
As much as they might love Blimpy for being a Democrat-slayer, many of his most ardent supporters must sense now that something is very, very wrong about Trump’s relationship with Putin and Russia. #helsinkisummit
1/ It isn’t just that right wing commentators on Fox News and elsewhere are, without exception, criticizing Trump’s performance at Helsinki. I expect it will cut much deeper than that, to Trump’s deplorable base itself.
2/ The more this sinks in, the more convinced I am that the Helsinki summit was not just a disaster for the US: it will also prove to be a big political setback for Trump--even with his base. Not all of them, of course, but a LOT of them.
Read 5 tweets

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