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[Part re: Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie now being revealed?]
"Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm."…

Why now?
Think DECLAS.…
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1. @SenFeinstein you wanted an #FBI investigation, I think your going to get one, but just not in the way you wanted. You knew all along the #FBI would never due to jurisdiction and JC rules never go back 30+ years and investigate hearsay allegations #ConfirmKavanaughNow
2. @SenFeinstein you knew the statue has either run out & that no local police would give the claims credibility, you knew all four named witnesses don't collaborate #Ford and one is a "life long friend". You foisted a fraud against the JC for pure politics. #ConfirmKavanaughNow
3. @SenFeinstein you wanted an #FBI investigation, your going it but it's for #Collusion and #Obstruction (wow those words sound so so very familiar) foisted on the Judiciary Committee by YOU and YOUR current/ex staffer's. Sleep Well ... #KarmaIsABitch #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA
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🔥Cohen not only is voluntarily cooperating w/Mueller, he’s also cooperating with *NY state* authorities into the inner workings of the Trump family charity and Trump Org.😎

👋🏼Buh-bye, @realDonaldTrump and spawn, Don Jr, Kremlin🇷🇺Barbie, and Eric👋🏼…
Mueller’s grilling of Cohen has focused on ALL aspects of Trump's dealings w/#Russia🇷🇺—including financial & business deals, and #collusion by Team🇷🇺Trump to throw the election to Trump.

Plus, Manafort is squealing.😎

As I’ve been saying: Team🇷🇺Traitor is TOAST‼️
🔥@ABC says Cohen has been cooperating with *both* federal & state prosecutors WITHOUT any guarantee of leniency (no plea deal).

This means that Cohen knows that MORE charges are coming, and he is *desperate* to cut a deal. But Mueller isn’t.😎

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Just been leaked a BOMBSHELL document from a "well placed insider" that will halt the #KavanaughConfirmationHearings

*Caveat: I can't see behind all the redactions but @AshaRangappa_ assures me they are DEVASTATING. She used to be an FBI agent you know.

Pasta rights are human rights and we cannot allow a TV show to become America in 2018
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💣🔥💥🍿🐾#SamPatten is a starter on this menu. A thread on #Trump #Putin #Collusion: from pop-singers in Taj Mahal to weapons in Syria, plus what Satan, black cats, soccer, Patriarchs & judo wrestling have in common. Tarantino, it is not. Oh, plus #CambridgeAnalytica. 👇
1. #SamPatten admitted failing to register in the U.S. as a foreign agent for his work lobbying on behalf of a Ukrainian political party. Breaking. 👇
2. "The nature of his cooperation isn’t clear." (Yes, but the connections are telling.👇 ) . Patten worked with Manafort and & on microtargeting operations with Cambridge Analytica.…
Read 94 tweets
Carole asks Luke: when did Trump cross your radar?

Luke: summer 2016. When Manafort became campaign manager whom Luke had met in Ukraine who was consultant transforming Yavchenko. What was he doing in Soviet Empire?? He was best connected political lobbist in area. Pre-Steele!
.@lukeharding1968 was investigating Deutsch Bank. DB kept lending even after Trump sued DB for losses arising from #FinCrisis. Dec 2016 Luke met Christopher Steele who said, Follow the Money, Follow the Sex #BylineFest @BylineFest
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Sadder yet is that It's happening on @realDonaldTrump's watch, even w/mountains of proof, the fed agencies that oversee these resources do nothing! I hit the end of my rope last week in spite of crime reports to @TheJusticeDept & every OIG, I have been without food & medicine!
@realDonaldTrump @TheJusticeDept ...and I have asked for help with a Federal Agency @SocialSecurity Admin via the White House website twice and provided all proof of fraud! They're too absorbed with the #collusion against Trump to give a damn about what's being being undertaken against the lil guy #WhistleBlower
@realDonaldTrump @TheJusticeDept @SocialSecurity This is what the #MinnesotaDFL & their #Freemason (Good Men😏) counterparts do to disabled females who outed their trafficking in persons/children among other flesh peddling expenditures I PROVED they're involved in
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Number of times you have claimed a "smoking gun": 20+

Number of actual smoking guns: zero
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1) My thoughts on why our #MSM being called a #FreePress is...

Complete bullshit.

2) Our #FreePress never challenges Democrats on their talking points. Only Republicans get this 'privilege'.

@AdamSchiffCA is on TV all day talking about how their is proof of #Collusion, but we've yet to see ANY.

Anchors just sit back and listen to the narrative of the day.
3) Anyone anti-Trump gets to make the rounds everywhere spouting nonsense against @POTUS.

You'd think a #FreePress would of learned after Wolfe's book backfired, but instead...

Here's comes @OMAROSA who gets more insane with each interview.
Read 33 tweets

How often does the Presidential motorcade honk upon request?
Tampa Rally looking great!

“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
-John Adams


@TheJordanRachel @Jordan_Sather_ @therealroseanne @jennajameson @Annakhait @katiet121 @gehrig38 @kateordie @LionelMedia @LisaMei62
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#BREAKING right now:

Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting…
"Cohen alleges that he was present, along with several others, when Trump was informed of the #Russian's offer by Trump Jr. By Cohen's account, Trump approved going ahead with the meeting with the Russians, according to sources."
I'm sure more will be revealed in the next 24hrs, but I think we are headed into #collusion territory here.

Also, Trump claimed repeatedly that he knew nothing about that meeting.

But Trump did say "anyone" would jump on that offer. Forgeting it was from #Russia.
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#Minnesota #Cps #ChildTrafficking in #collusion w/state & co offices under the guise of human service/public aid ties 2 the grander #Elite #Pedophile Intl terror ntwk aided by #MasonicCharities #Freemasons #MinnesotaDFL #MNDFL #DFL #MN2018 #WalkAway…
Those responsibe 4 my "extreme poverty" have ties 2 those I've exposed as #Minnesota #humantraffickers/#childtraffickers. Those I'm appealing this @SocialSecurity decline 2 continue benefits after 15 yrs (age 54) are 1 & the same! #DeepState #Retaliation
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#FISA warrant application from Oct'16 for Carter Page released.

👉🏼calls Page a #Russian🇷🇺agent
👉🏼discloses Simpson/Steele ties w/"Candidate #2" (HRC)
👉🏼says #Russia coordinated w/Page & "perhaps others" to influence the election

🔥This is the *first* time that a #FISA application has EVER been released.🧐

The #FBI didn't mince words, initially identifying the target of the FISA application as, "Carter W. Page, a US person, and an agent of a foreign power, described in detail below." 2/


#FISA app alleges Page did "knowingly engage in clandestine intelligence activities"...involving "a violation of the CRIMINAL statutes of the US."

Page was "the subject of targeted recruitment by #Russia🇷🇺...undermine & influence the outcome" of the election. 3/
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Paul Erickson, the “boyfriend” of accused #Russian🇷🇺spy Maria Butina, recommended KT McFarland (Flynn’s “brain”) to serve as Deputy NSA.🤨

In Dec’16, MacFarland wrote that #Russia🇷🇺had “just thrown the USA election to him (@realDonaldTrump)”‼️

cc @ScottMStedman
Just *one day* after Obama imposed #sanctions on #Russia🇷🇺for hacking Democratic groups & state voting systems, McFarland ADMITTED IN WRITING that #Russia had THROWN THE ELECTION TO TRUMP‼️


*Mere hours* after Obama imposed #sanctions, McFarland wrote that Misha Flynn would be speaking to then #Russian🇷🇺ambassador Kislyak.🙄


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#President @realDonaldTrump's words, whether you accept his apology and his explanation, do not comport with his actions and his foreign policy toward #Russia. He has been one of the hardest presidents on Russia in recent memory.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion
Where was the outrage when @BarackObama told Medvedev to inform #Putin "After my election I have more flexibility,"? I think much of the outrage being expressed- especially by #Republicans- is politically motivated.

#Trump #IntelligenceCommunity #Collusion #Russia
However, what @realDonaldTrump said was not right. It DID undermine our #IntelligenceCommunity, and it was a mistake. He has since corrected it and walked it back.

#Trump #HelsinkiSummit #Collusion #Russia #Putin
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In September 2016, @KellyannePolls told Trump he couldn't get elected if he kept claiming @POTUS44 was born in Kenya--as he had 67x on Twitter over 6yrs. So Trump gave a press conference saying he believed Obama was born in the US, gave no explanation, took no questions.

Trump has since walked that back.

Remember at the Inaugural luncheon where he paid tribute to @HillaryClinton and all she has done for America and asked those in attendance to applaud her?

Trump soon walked that back as well & has directed his DOJ to investigate her again.
Everyone knows Trump lies, that he has always lied and that he believes his own lies.

Trump lied repeatedly at the #HelsinkiSummit presser. He also told his truth--that Russia didn't attack our 2016 election.There is videotape of the live broadcast which the whole world saw.
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This is what #CollusionGate looks like it’s documented in the library of Congress that @BillClinton and Yeltsin helped each other win re-election. If only @realDonaldTrump were a Democrat he and Putin could call out #fakenews and everyone would laugh and clap #TrumpPutin
Maybe Trump should’ve used this zinger from Clinton when everyone asked why he wasn’t more harsh on Putin🙄
You remember don’t you @TIME you did an extensive story about America meddling in the Russian election, guess #ClintonYeltsin is sexier than #TrumpPutin whole story here👇…
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1/ Let’s take a close look at these indictments handed down today, shall we? (…)
2/ Count One is Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the US. It is alleged that Russia, through its military intel agency (GRU) engaged in large-scale cyber intrusion operations and staged release of documents to interfere in the 2016 election.
3/ In paragraph 8, indictment alleges those charged “conspired with each other, *AND WITH PERSONS KNOWN AND UNKNOWN TO THE GRAND JURY*” —this implies there are *UNCHARGED CO-CONSPIRATORS*. Acts began in March, 2016. Releases began in June, 2016, continuing through November 2016.
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Add keep families together to the long list of ditched faux outrage🤣
Never forget the pussy hats #ditchedprotests
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Questions Concerning The #Collusion Investigation

This is the most comprehensive debunking of #Russiagate that I've seen, authored by Richard Levine.

#TrumpRussia #ElectionMeddling #Mifsud…
Levine points out that Alexander Downer waited for two months to alert authorities to Papadopoulos's alleged statements:

"This belated transfer of the Papadopoulos information created what appeared to be a causal link between the "DNC hack" and the Downer-Papadopoulos meeting. "
Levine writes: "The ruse is significant, for it is demonstrative of the FBI’s putatively beginning their counterintelligence probe with nothing as their predicate."
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Mueller is preparing to accelerate the #TrumpRussia🇷🇺probe and plans to produce conclusions & possible INDICTMENTS related to “#collusion” by fall (my read: likely by mid-Sept)‼️

As Sen @MarkWarner said, “BUCKLE UP.”😎

ht @visionsurreal…
Per my source, Bloomberg spoke with someone **on Mueller’s team** (not someone who was interviewed by Mueller) who provided this information.😎 2/

Mueller’s reported acceleration is consistent w/reports that Roger Stone & Michael Cohen soon will be indicted. Plus, Mueller wouldn’t want to interfere w/midterms, so this likely puts the timing btwn now and mid-September.😀 3/

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Back to the topic of this feed: #TrumpRussia.

Trump supporters and apologists MUST come to grips with the fact that their hero lied about Russia, over and over and over again.

If I'm wrong about #collusion, then WHY did he do this?

1/ Throughout the campaign, during the transition period, and after inauguration, Donald Trump and his surrogates vehemently denied meeting with Russians of any stripe, for any purpose. Every time, they shot it down.
2/ And the Trumpists were indignant about it. The response was always something along the lines of, “Russia? Us? How dare you accuse us of such a thing!”

They never offered an explanation of why they did it. They just denied it. As if they knew it was wrong.
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Suspicious approaches to Team @realDonaldTrump *before* @FBI probe began on Jul 31 2016

🇷🇺Mifsud >PapaD

🇷🇺Downer >PapaD

🇷🇺Millian >PapaD

🇷🇺Greenberg >Caputo/Stone

🇷🇺Goldstone/Veselnitskya >DJTJr

🇷🇺Halper >Miller & Page

🇷🇺"NSA" >Caputo

🇷🇺"Dark web" >Smith
That's a lot of double agents...

🤔Mifsud: linked to western intel

🤔Downer: Five Eyes, Hakluyt

🤔Millian: Steele dossier source

🤔Greenberg: 17yr FBI informant

🤔Veselnitskaya: Fusion GPS

🤔Halper: CIA/FBI asset


🤔"Dark web": TBC (prob GCHQ)
Good job the @FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane to investigate all of this #collusion!

By the way, did *any* of those approaches actually include anyone mentioning or handing over DNC or Podesta hacked emails? No? Weird.....
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Let's talk a little bit about Robert Swan Mueller III..
It has become apparent that Mueller was chosen as the SC for the actual purpose of COVERING up deep state intel community crimes during the 2016 election, with the extra incentive that his and RR were both balls deep in #UraniumOne ...
One might ask why was Mueller annointed with this task...common answer is he was former FBI director, comeys pal, kerrys bud, establishment trash et al... All valid points...
Read 17 tweets

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