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Sep 6th 2018
#Qanon #GreatAwakening #FakeNews #QArmy #QArmyTrain
#DrainTheSwamp #KAG #MAGA
#RedPill #WWG1WGA #MakeItRain
Reaction to EXPOSED Qanon Speaks...
As she said ~Q~ has been the best Get out the Vote for America we have ever seen for Trump...

MicroChip is the Person she is Talking about, and who was Interviewed.
Jack should listen to her and pay attention to what she's saying. She Offers some Great advice. Jack thinks like a Globalist as she said, If you know your Bible Globalism is a Danger to America. Think Borders
@NemoV8 just made a Video, I posted here yestreday about this very subject...
Jack is right about one thing, The Soap Box has a Hugh Team of Patriots from every walk of life doing Reseach...
Read 21 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
QDrops for September 5, 2018

Good Morning #QArmy! Having to switch things up today

as it seems some apps and sites are down at the moment.

Today we’ll be using for our updates.





Read 108 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
#QAnon @POTUS @realDonaldTrump

Confusion going on right now reg Qs drops (see pic). It is not known at this time if Kate is relevant/nonrelevant, if more than 1 planned attack and/or if fake anons were staged to make us look bad. I'll update as I find out.
#QAnon #WhoIsQ #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #QFDshadowban #TryHarderMSM #AskTheQ @POTUS @realDonaldTrump

Some digging from anons regarding "Kate"

Controlled opposition?
#QAnon #WhoIsQ #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #QFDshadowban #TryHarderMSM #AskTheQ @POTUS @realDonaldTrump

Some digging from anons regarding "Kate"

Strange pics from IG
Read 3 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections from domestic & foreign criminal actors?
#QAnon #POTUS #WWG1WGA #QArmy #WalkAway
#QAnon #POTUS #WWG1WGA #QArmy #WalkAway
Q !
Aug 3 2018 01:02:36 (EST)
How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections from domestic & foreign criminal actors?
How do you utilize the Russia Russia narrative to knock out decades old election corruption?
#QAnon #POTUS #WWG1WGA #QArmy #WalkAway
Senior Administration officials warn that Russia will try to undermine upcoming U.S. elections. “The president has specifically directed us to make the matter of election meddling . . . a top priority," ...
Read 53 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
1) We were so distracted yesterday with being called "unhinged" and "deranged" we almost missed something potentially big. Big thanks to @QProofs for making sure that didn't happen.

#TryHarderMSM #AsktheQ #MAGA #Qanon .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump
2) Yesterday, another FOIA dump of Hillary Clinton's emails was released here:
3) There are four emails that stood out immediately. All are between Hillary Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal. All have dates scrubbed. Date created shows 4/9/97 in properties and 8/1/18 for updated, but that's same for all of the emails. Almost all of the text is redacted in these.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 2nd 2018
QDrops For Thursday August 2, 2018

FISA‼️ FISA ‼️ FISA‼️Edition:

Overnight QDrops are reminding #QArmy to #re_read

#Breadcrumbs. So let’s just dive right into it.










Public disclosure.

Impossible to defend.



“Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.”

[[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.

What evidence to support?


[[RR]] @ WH.

Why was Rachel Brand removed?

Critical thinking.

Read 151 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
#QAlert 8/1/18 This will be my THREAD for all #QPosts for Wednesday, August 1, 2018. @johnpodesta impeach? These people are SICK! and more!

@POTUS #QAmy #QAnon #WWG1WGA #QFear #AskTheQ
#QAlert 8/1/18 Q1787
Please remove all posts across all boards re: last 2.
Reddit, Twitter, FB, etc will ban and remove.
Error made.
Article influenced drop.
Improper sequence.
@POTUS #QAmy #QAnon #WWG1WGA #QFear #AskTheQ
Read 30 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
!. #QAnon now drops: "FINALLY it is now in the public domain". So, #Q can now point out that [Rod Rosenstein] EXONERATED Manafort FOR THE SAME CHARGES (8) years ago! Judge Nap says Manafort's defense is going to try & put [RR] as 1st witness to explain.
2. Double Jeopardy: #QAnon points out that [Rosenstein] gave Mueller the OK to probe & indict Manafort on the same charges on which [RR]'d exonerated Manafort 8 years ago.… #Q: "locate the orig court docs"
3. #QAnon:
"Tampa Rally looking great!"

Read 19 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
Track last.
JA offline cause.

How often does the Presidential motorcade honk upon request?📁
Tampa Rally looking great!

Read 7 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
#QAlert 7/31/18 Q1776!!!!

“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
-John Adams

@POTUS #QAnon #QArmy #PatriotsUnited
#QAlert 7/31/18 Q1777

To the person holding the "Q" cut out:
Please post your pic/vid as POTUS specifically pointed at you moments ago.
We will scrub the web to find the source no matter where posted.

@POTUS #QAnon #QArmy #PatriotsUnited
#QAlert 7/31/18 Q1777

To the person holding the "Q" cut out:
Please post your pic/vid as POTUS specifically pointed at you moments ago.
We will scrub the web to find the source no matter where posted.

@POTUS #QAnon #QArmy #PatriotsUnited
Read 15 tweets
Jul 31st 2018

SPIRIT OF 1776 Edition.


#Qanon #Q #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheGreatAwakening #Qanon8chan #TheStormIsHere #TheStorm #Breadcrumbs #WorldWarQ #Qarmy #TRUTH
Let’s start out today’s thread with a
Shall we?


❌❌❌ 🎵 ❌❌❌

Pennywise - "F*ck Authority"

Read 114 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
New #QAnon #GreatAwakening @POTUS

Public DOMAIN.

[RR] exonerated Manafort FOR THE SAME CHARGES (8) years ago.
Can you locate the orig court docs?
Guess Who Cleared/Exonerated Manafort 8 Years Ago Of The Crime He's Being Charged With Now?

Paul Manafort's attorneys are probably going to put Rosenstein on the stand! Unbelievable!
Prosecutors: Rosenstein gave Mueller OK to probe, indict Manafort

The new disclosures come in response to a motion Manafort's lawyers filed asking to have the criminal charges pending against him thrown out…
Read 23 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
1. #Qanon post re Rosenstein exonerated Manafort 8 years ago for same charges he's in trial over right now! Q posts judge Napolitano interview on Fox and Friends; Q said Politico finally made public that Rosenstein gave Mueller the go ahead to probe and indict Manafort. #wwg1wga
2. Qanon asks whether we can locate the original court documents that RR filed exonerating guess is that this is a rhetorical question and those docs are sealed...More evidence for the public to see that RR and Mueller are putting squeeze on Manafort to get Potus
3. RR is put in kill brackets...3, 2, 1...."You're Fired"....#Qanon #wwg1wga @potus
Read 22 tweets
Jul 31st 2018

How often does the Presidential motorcade honk upon request?
Tampa Rally looking great!

“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
-John Adams


@TheJordanRachel @Jordan_Sather_ @therealroseanne @jennajameson @Annakhait @katiet121 @gehrig38 @kateordie @LionelMedia @LisaMei62
Read 9 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
!!New Q Drop!! Late night 7/30 23:52 & 7/31/18 00:14:44!! Q posts this DOJ link & asks if we’re tracking! This is one of the unsealed indictments!!… #WhereIsJA #WhoIsQ #Truth #QAnon #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #DarkToLight #WeThePeople @realDonaldTrump
Read 80 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
1. 18 Jun DOJ release is one of the unsealed indictments re: Schulte, Clown engineer arrested for CP & stealing/transmitting Vault 7 data to @wikileaks Evidence will reveal how Dems used Clown tools to frame Russia for DNC server "hacking" attempts.…
2. Here is an 18 Jun article about Schulte being indicted for the "Vault 7" data theft/transmission to @wikileaks revealing full Clown hacking capacity.…
3. @wikileaks dropped Vault 7 on 7 Mar 17. Q tells us to track Schulte case (last drop) as reason for JA going offline (witness protection?). Schulte charged in New York Southern District w/10K CP images. Was he a White Hat who hacked Weiner laptop?!
Read 18 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
QDrops July 31, 2018

Good Morning, Afternoon & Evening #QArmy. We have

two overnight Drops from Q. Today we have JA,

Vault 7 and an unsealed indictment.







Finds from the board.…


Unsealed indictment.

Read 45 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
#QAlert 7/31/18 This will be my THREAD for all of #QPosts for Tuesday, July 31, 2018. Tracking?, Unsealed indictment, JA offline cause and more!

Let's Go!

@POTUS #QArmy #QAnon #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited #WalkAway #FreeJA
#QAlert 7/31/18 Q1773

Track last.
JA offline cause.

@POTUS #QArmy #QAnon #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited #WalkAway #FreeJA
Read 16 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
Q! Thread for 7/31. #QAnon 🔥👊🏼
Unsealed indictment.

(Oh yeah.. & they got him on #PEDO charges😏)
Q! 7/31 🔥 #QAnon

Track last.
JA offline cause.

(On a personal note... I can't help but to get more excited as we get closer to post #1776. I hope its Yuge!😀)
Q! 7/31 #QAnon 🔥

Public DOMAIN.

[RR] exonerated Manafort FOR THE SAME CHARGES (8) years ago.
Can you locate the orig court docs?
Read 14 tweets

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