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Oct 2nd 2018
You are something else - yes, you, the one reading this tweet. You don't even know what you're doing, or the significance of it, but take a moment, read this thread, and pat yourself on the back.
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YOU have risen up to #resist. Without any centralized or organizational foundation, you helped grow a massive online movement. Through #FBRParty #FBR and other hashtag advocacy, you did this.
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YOU have created an international coalition, bringing together a diverse group of people who are raising up to demand change, not just here in America but across the world. You have inspired people to speak up.
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Read 8 tweets
Sep 10th 2018
. @SRuhle @MSNBC To sum up#DonaldNorcross & #BretStephens: #Trump is the same guy he was 2 yrs ago when #MikePence, #MittRomney, #LindseyGraham, #MarcoRubio, et al, ALL WARNED US that Trump is dangerous. A egocentric know nothing. A traitor. A criminal. & instead of sticking...1
@SRuhle @MSNBC what they know damn well to be true, they’ve elevated this piece of shit above the best interests of our country, our citizens, the world. Lest we forget the words of #TedCruz whose wife was viciously attacked by Trump & who is now supporting him. HOW CAN ANYONE VOTE...2
...for a politician who doesn’t have the moral fortitude to even defend his own family? Texans better think long & hard about having someone like that represent them. Because it’s clear: the GOP is no longer interested in what’s best for the country./3
Read 3 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
. @mitchellreports @MSNBC @jaketapper @CNN @CBSNews @abcnews @nytimes @washingtonpost

Hey-#TedCruz: Don’t you dare, for one second tell us what is motivating the Dems on the #JudiciaryCommittee. They’re just trying to do their jobs & they can’t do it when you & the chair.../1
@mitchellreports @MSNBC @jaketapper @CNN @CBSNews @abcnews @nytimes @washingtonpost ...are PURPOSELY standing in the way of them getting the 95% of the #Kavanaugh docs. You may be willing to do your job in the dark (& you’re also clearly willing to carry water for the guy who repeatedly dissed you/your family). So shut your face & crawl back in your hole./2
#BenSasse gave a great speech, one worthy of a high school commencement address. It’s quaint to think a guy like #Kavanaugh can put his predispositions aside & decide cases neutrally & fairly. But that’s not real world. #Gorsuch’s decisions that run counter to precedent prove it.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
The most hilarious part of this attack is that #BetoORourke and #TedCruz are the same age. Beto just seems so much younger, fresher, more fun and more electable.

Texas Republicans are trying to use Beto’s punk rock days against him…
So @BetoORourke was in a cool punk band AT THE SAME TIME that @tedcruz was...wait for it: A MIME.

Cruz is 47, Beto is 46.
I rest my case, folks.
Just remember that before @LindseyGrahamSC went over to the dark side, he famously said of @tedcruz's likeability: "If #TedCruz were killed on the Senate floor and the trial was held in the Senate, no one would convict."
Read 4 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
#BREAKING:When a reporter at the #TrumpPutinSummit, with the whole world watching, asked #Trump whether he believed U.S. Intel or #Putin's denial of election meddling, #Trump SHOCKINGLY sided with #Putin. WHOA!!

#TheResistance #TreasonSummit #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews #bbcnews
#BREAKING:Thats it folks. #Trump's right hand man Sen.@tedcruz who is also a MAJOR #Putin SYMPATHIZER has to be VOTED OUT this fall. Texas deserves a PATRIOTIC Senator-- @BetoORourke!!

#TheResistance #TreasonSummit #TedCruz #BetoForSenate #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews #bbcnews
Read 4 tweets
Jun 19th 2018
#BREAKING:After THE WHOLE WORLD expresses OUTRAGE over #Trump Admin's EVIL #ZeroTolerance policy, all of a sudden HIS RIGHT HAND MAN .@SenTedCruz is against the policy.Folks don't be fooled,VOTE #TedCruz OUT!!
#TheResistance #MigrantChildren #CNN #MSNBC…
#BREAKING:ALSO REMEMBER that the EVIL #ZeroTolerance policy of ripping #MigrantChildren from their parents HAS THE FULL BLESSING OF.@GovAbbott.VOTE FOR DEM.@LupeValdez for Texas Gov!
#TheResistance #WhereAreTheChildren #LupeValdez #GregAbbott #CNN #MSNBC #FoxNews #BlueWave2018
Read 3 tweets
Apr 25th 2018
#QAnon #MOAB


#ShellGame report, video, & documentation lay it ALL out...the whole enchilada...the key crimes, how it was reported, and how it ties into counter-coup run by #POTUS.
#QAnon #MOAB
- References 12/21/17 #EO for seizure of property at 27:43
- #UraniumOne pay-to-play
- #SAP selloff
- #USB & #HSBC launder $$$ to fund terrorists
- #DavidGuyatt (#DeepBlack plot)
- Punishment of whistleblowers
- #TrumpRussiaCollusion plot
- High #Treason
#QAnon #MOAB
#ScottBennett (#SC) = former military intelligence officer whistleblower behind these revelations, which go back years.

He uncovered this w/ #UBS whistleblower #BradleyBirkenfeld (#BB)when investigating terrorist financing.

They were targeted/framed for crimes.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 22nd 2018
"#ChuckAndNancy" #LimousineLiberals #Politics -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Genevieve Wood: Schumer Shutdown Makes Clear Democrats’ Real Priorities…

#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Soros #SJW #Antifa #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event…
| #tcot #PJNET
Read 107 tweets

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