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Oct 8th 2018
1) Columbus Day 2018 is half time at the 2018 Mid-Term Bowl. The score is GOP 17 and Democrats 16. Let’s recap the first half.

#BlueWave #RedWave #2018MidTermElections…
2) Going into the game the Democrats were riding their #BlueWave of enthusiasm. They were so confident America was tired of all the lies and sordid behavior of Coach Trump that the Democrats could win the game easily.
3) They laughed at their good fortune every time a GOP player would pledge to work closely with their coach; such easy pickings.

Read 23 tweets
Oct 4th 2018
(1) #PhotoThread for the #ConfirmKavanaugh process starting 10/3/18.
(2) Mitch laughing to himself about how absurd it is that he has to push his way through the crowd of reporters on 9/25/18.
(3) Sen Grassley is 85 years old. (Democrats have senators around that age, too.)

Today he had to hold onto a Capitol Police officer to reduce the risk of a reporter knocking him over. This has to stop. Senators must return to being able to walk around freely at work.
Read 35 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
"This is hell"

Breaking down SC Senator Lindsey Graham's turn to testify; a thread
First of all, was Lindsey Graham called to testify in the hearings? Of fucking course he wasn't, he has no more information than any of the other senators had. But he is ENTITLED you see! The same way a dude named Brett is ENTITLED to join SCOTUS!
3) (Btw these are the same people who rage against "entitlement programs" like, you know, food stamps and disability. We don't have a right to eat or to medical care. But they HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK OVER US AND BLAME US AND IGNORE OUR PAIN AND THREATEN US! Talk about entitled.)
Read 22 tweets
Sep 27th 2018
Is it me or has @LindseyGrahamSC become one of the most disingenuous, sycophantic, and loathsome Republican senators?
Can anyone guess what Trump/Putin have on #LindseyGraham? Even @mitchellreports just said that there is "talk" on Capitol Hill about how unwaveringly devoted he is to Trump.
Do us all a favor, @LindseyGrahamSC, and Google #MerrickGarland. Now stop hectoring us about how Democrats are dealing with the #KavanaughHearings.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 10th 2018
. @SRuhle @MSNBC To sum up#DonaldNorcross & #BretStephens: #Trump is the same guy he was 2 yrs ago when #MikePence, #MittRomney, #LindseyGraham, #MarcoRubio, et al, ALL WARNED US that Trump is dangerous. A egocentric know nothing. A traitor. A criminal. & instead of sticking...1
@SRuhle @MSNBC what they know damn well to be true, they’ve elevated this piece of shit above the best interests of our country, our citizens, the world. Lest we forget the words of #TedCruz whose wife was viciously attacked by Trump & who is now supporting him. HOW CAN ANYONE VOTE...2
...for a politician who doesn’t have the moral fortitude to even defend his own family? Texans better think long & hard about having someone like that represent them. Because it’s clear: the GOP is no longer interested in what’s best for the country./3
Read 3 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
Lindsey Graham is in deep trouble.
What that trouble is, we don't know.
But this is a man who has sold out his best friend just two days after his death and divested of his own integrity.

He's also stating quite clearly that if HE were AG, he would send #HillaryClinton to jail.
“Lindsey Graham, in a very unfortunate way in my opinion, has decided to carry water for Trump – for whatever reason, he thinks it’s the right thing to do, he wouldn’t mind being in the Trump cabinet – who knows why,” @BillKristol says.
#JohnMcCain was a staunch opponent of Russia. Just days after his death his best friend, #LindseyGraham has gone from defending the Russia investigation to attacking it. Graham gave his eulogy to McCain and now has gone from defending #JeffSessions to saying he should be fired.
Read 3 tweets

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