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Oct 7th 2018
To #metoo advocates:
1. should Miranda Rights (right against self incrimination) be overturned?
2. Should police no longer be required to obtain judge’s order to wiretap or search

By removing these rights we can put more Guilty in prison.

Rights > mob rule

2/ we’ve built a just society where parents of murdered child see confessed murderer walk free because confession obtained w/o administrating Miranda Rights and DNA evidence thrown out for lack of warrant — these parents leave court room alone heartbroken w/o mob at court doors.
3/ the point of my above 2 tweets is that #Metoomovement must be supported and must be robust but never, never, never at the expense of the Bill of Rights or trampling on one’s individual rights — nothing is greater than those rights is a free and just society.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 6th 2018

Nanci Pelosi offers instruction about a political smear which closely resembles the #KavanaughHearings

"You smear somebody w/falsehoods, then you merchandise it, the press reports it, and then you merchandise the coverage.

It's called a "wrap up smear"
1/5 Background on Nancy Pelosi's Political 'Wrap Up' Smear…
Read 7 tweets
Oct 5th 2018
☦️☦️☦️💥💥💥💣BOMB: How the Kremlin uses a network of the agents of influence to stack courts with #KavanaughConfirmation and stop the investigation into the global organized crime, money-laundering and political machinations of Putin and Trump. #Kavanaugh #KavanaughHearings
The article shows how conservative religious groups and networks like the Federalist Society, the National Prayer and Chabad were infiltrated and/or manipulated by the Kremlin to support critical decisions like Kavanaugh's nomination. 👇…
This thread+article show that, willingly or not, the Federalist Society, Fellowship Foundation, The National Breakfast Prayer, Russian Orthodox Church, and Chabad movement are being instrumental in lifting the economic sanctions against the Russian oligarchs & officials.
Read 55 tweets
Oct 5th 2018
1/ There are many nonverbal signs indicating relative levels of confidence. During last week's hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford exhibited contrasting examples of one such signal.
2/ When a person raises their right hand to be sworn-in before testifying, if their fingers and/or thumb are spread apart - it signals low levels of confidence.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018
Thread: Connections - Katz (Ford Atty)/Weinstein/NXIVM

1). On Sep 27, #Q posted @TracyLynn128 's tweet showing #Kavanaugh accuser Ford's atty, Debra Katz, w/ HRC.

And said "The truth is right in front of you"...

2). The truth is, Katz also represents Irwin Reiter, SVP of Accounting @ Weinstein Co. As the SVP of Acct, Reiter would have first hand knowledge of where & to whom payments went to. He also knew of Weinstein's crimes but didn't report them.

3). As many know already, HRC is friends w/ Weinstein. Weinstein has been a major donor to her and the Clinton Foundation.

Read 11 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018
Like many in US, I've been watching the #KavanaughHearings closely. I don't know what happened or didn't happen 36 years, but I do know what I'm seeing now & quite frankly, it's not good.
As a conservative woman, I've spent the last couple of weeks agitated, uncomfortable, & confused. I couldn't put my finger on it. I support both survivors & due process, but something's been off.
Yesterday, I finally found words for my agitation & then I read this article this morning & it confirmed what I've been struggling with.…
Read 22 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
1/ The following is my second analysis of a portion of Brett Kavanaugh's testimony during his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on 27 September 2018.
2/ JOHN KENNEDY (beginning at 3:45:39): "I’m — I’m sorry, judge, for what you and your family have been through. And I’m sorry - for what Dr. Ford and her family have been through. It could have been avoided [long pause] Do you believe in God?"
Read 59 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
#ConfirmKavanaughNow ⚖️🇺🇸 @senatemajldr speaking from the well of the Senate. The #KavanaughHearings reminds everyone of the #McCarthyHearings
"The Democratic administration has greatly lost the confidence of the American people by its complacency to the threat of communism and the leak of vital secrets to Russia through key officials of the Democratic administration.
There are enough proved cases to make this point without diluting our criticism with unproved charges.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 29th 2018
Thanks to #KavanaughHearings, I've heard from a number of men this week who are terrified that they'll be falsely accused of rape. Good news, men: Kavanaugh hasn't been falsely accused, and you won't be either. Don't believe me? Let's look at the evidence.
How hard is it to get someone to falsely accuse a man of rape? In the last week of the 2016 election, Democratic donors Susie Tompkins Buell and David Brock decided to find out. They offered $700,000 to any woman who would say Donald Trump raped her.…
So these women had whatever normal incentives women have to lie about rape, plus added fistfuls of cash. The result? "It was not productive. One woman requested $2 million, Bloom said, then decided not to come forward. Nor did any other women."
Read 29 tweets
Sep 29th 2018
Do a little searching and you will find the words & images of Mark Judge, the close friend of Kavanaugh

Like Kavanaugh, Judge is a far-right, fringe, Republican operative.

Many of his images are young girls who look dead or passed out. This one has propaganda against Obama
Mark Judge images from his Facebook page & now removed videos include very young girls who often have the appearance of being passed out.

Kavanaugh has a very troublesome eyewitness / alleged accomplice.

The @senjudiciary should subpoena Mark Judge.

More Mark Judge images
Read 16 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Flake-y FBI Thread - 1
A. At first glance I was discouraged by (what a) Flake's appeal for FBI to investigate for 1 week.
B. I thought "No...No more delays" vote, asap
C. I realized rushing it through is what u have 2 do if u r afraid, if u r afraid something else will come out
Flake-y Thread 2
D. Ford supplied no real or tangible evidence that can be investigated
E. But she did testify under oath, so what could the FBI find.
F. They could find who paid 4 lie detector test, who leaked her story, They can also search Ford's phone, email, &social media
Flake-y FBI part 3
G. After Kavanaugh testimony I believe him & I dont think any additional false accusers or claims is going 2 do any damage bc they wont be "credible"
H. Dr. Fords testimony & accusations aren't credible either. The only reason we r hearing about it is politics
Read 8 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4347: Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings - Part I • #Nonverbal #Emotional #Intelligence #KavanaughHearings #ChristineBlaseyFord #BrettKavanaugh #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage
1/ In case you hadn't heard, on Wednesday 27 September 2018, both Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
2/ This hearing could supply a year's worth of nonverbal teaching examples and it would close to impossible to analyze the entire event in one session. Thus, what follows is the first of several analyses of this historic exchange.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Dr. Ford’s assault was extraordinarily similar to mine more than 20 years ago. I remember the feeling of being terrified while held down & feeling his tremendous weight. I remember the light rain and that the grass was damp beneath me. I remember what he said—it was disgusting 1/
I clearly recall how I escaped the situation & how clueless he was of my fear. He was happy & laughing and not understanding why I wouldn’t come home with him. He even called me weeks later to ask me to lunch. I didn’t know who he was because I’d blocked his name from my mind 2/
What’s I do not remember is exactly who was at the party we’d just left. I recall two people. I do not remember whether I heard anyone talking nearby while I was attacked. I do not remember how loud the music was or wasn’t at the party. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
THREAD: Since I published a secret recording last week of the Bergen County Sheriff going on a racist rant I've fielded several tips about shocking remarks made by public officials in Bergen County, NJ. In this thread I'll highlight two that recently aired in public meetings.1/7
"I'd like to kill her, but I can't do that. I look at the 'Shawshank Redemption' and say, 'Hmmm.'" - Englewood Cliffs Police Chief Michael Cioffi on Englewood Cliffs Council President Carrol McMorrow. 2/7
That remark was made on a tape recording made by Cioffi and played by McMorrow at Thursday night's council meeting. The tape was released as part of a lawsuit that both are embroiled in. Hear the tape at 12:45:… 3/7
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Sep 28th 2018
Watching #AnitaHill speak at #GraceHopper celebration. You can live stream you go to their site.

Needed this community, this speaker, after witnessing questioning of Dr Ford and Kavanaugh.
no female up for supreme court justice would be able to be vulnerable in the same way" -talking about Judge Kavanaugh being able to cry and be angry in a way we would never allow a woman up for the job. #gracehopper2018 #GHC18 #GHC #AnitaHill #Keynote
Women need to have authenticity (emotions, personality) in how we do our work, and we are in a system that does not allow us to have it, but does for men. -#AnitaHill #gracehopper2018 #Ghc #GHC18
Read 9 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
You voted for those people, America. They represent you.
-The majority of white American women voters vote GOP —> Grassley and the all-male Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
-There has never been a woman GOP Senator on that committee. It is 2018. #KavanaughHearings
It is 2018. These are the GOP Senators on the Judiciary Committee.
- Old white men - average is 62, Grassley is 85.
- A majority of white American women voters vote GOP. They are footsoldiers of the white supremacist patriarchy that hurts us all.
It is 2018.
- Regardless of how you vote, as a white American, white supremacy works in your favour.
- But if you’re a white woman, patriarchy does not.
I urge all white American women to remember that and to fight it by fighting gendered racism. #KavanaughHearings
Read 5 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Feeling drained after the #KavanaughHearings? I've been thinking about why. Objectively, there are far worse injustices going on even as Kavanaugh spoke.

Sure, there's the out of sight out of mind factor. Most injustice goes unreported; yesterday's hearing was not that.
But there was something distinctive about the hearing. It was a rare exposure of several different vectors of underreported injustice, concentrated into one episode.
We hear stories of sexual assault all the time. Or oppression. Abuser protection. Entitlement. Privilege. Character assassination. Lip service to the oppressed. Trauma. Legalized discrimination.

Rarely do we get to see it all in one day, before hundreds of millions of people
Read 10 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Looming for GOP are imminent charges by SC’s ofc & others referred to State AGs on intl & dom corruption, NRA-Russia, Russia-treason, etc makes clear Lindsey Graham’s collapse into hysterics during #KavanaughHearings & urgency to seat BK.

Gamble vs. United States..
#SCOTUS will hear arguments to overturn the “Dual Sovereignty Doctrine” which currently allows both federal and state prosecutions. Overturning the “Dual Sovereignty Doctrine” would tie the hands of states to prosecute that which has already been prosecuted under federal law...
Read 9 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
Ok Leute, ich muss ein paar Gedanken zu den #KavanaughHearings loswerden. Keine Ahnung wie lang das wird, aber ich bin so, so wütend. Auf einfach alle und alles. Also, let's go, denn was da passiert, ist ein absoluter Tiefpunkt für alle Beteiligten.
Was passiert da? Die Republikaner wollen einen Obersten Richter auf Lebzeiten ernennen. Die Demokraten wollen das natürlich verhindern. Wer gewählt wird, bleibt da, auch wenn der Präsident wechselt. Trump hätte so noch lange Einfluss, auch wenn er abgewählt wird.
Seit Juli weiß man um Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Dass die Anhörung erst nun stattfindet, ist in meinen Augen kalkuliert. Kein Senatsausschuss kann versuchte Vergewaltigung untersuchen. Beide Seiten haben zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten eine Untersuchung durch das FBI verhindert.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
.@nycsouthpaw: When career prosecutor Rachel Mitchell asked #Kavanaugh about his drinking & the July 1 party where Judge and Smyth were in attendance – a key date that aligns with Ford's account – Republican senators then came to his rescue and benched her…
American Bar Association: delay #Kavanaugh confirmation vote until an FBI investigation is completed into the sexual assault allegations against him #KavanaughHearings…
Read 30 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
1/ Last thing, & then bed bc #selfcare: I talked w my 10 y/o son about the #KavanaughHearings tonight. I told him what Dr Ford experienced & why it matters that she spoke up. I told him that as a white male, he was growing up w privilege that women & minorities don’t experience
2/ It was a strange sensation, speaking to him this way, realizing that he was growing up w more opportunities than I ever did - than his sister will. I told him that he would be able to walk into a store & not think twice about it bc he is white. His credibility is assumed.
3/ I told him that if his skin were a different color, he might have to think about where his hands were, about whether he was wearing a hoodie, about eye contact. This is white privilege, I told him.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
We know two things for certain: That she told the truth as best she was able, and he lied without compunction. Most of the rest of what we know flows from those two facts. #KavanaughHearings
Ford spoke carefully, thoughtfully, forthrightly, even where doing so undermined her current rhetorical point. Kavanaugh issued flatly preposterous untruths without blinking. #KavanaughHearings
Kavanaugh said the party couldn't have been on a weekday, because he worked weekdays. Later he admitted he drank on weekdays, and his diary shows one drinking gathering on a Thursday. A stupid, obvious lie. #KavanaughHearings
Read 9 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
@Der_Eisenhans I logged out at 24:30 & listened to Bach - Much better.

#Kavanaugh did not impress me: Comes across like a guy who wants to become Sheriff of a small town in #Texas, not #SCOTUS-Judge.
Losing his cool, stories about promoting women, prayers by junior & more, ALL irrelevant!
@Der_Eisenhans 2. #Ford does not always make sense (recalls only one beer 35 years ago, but not documents to the #WaPo a month ago) - Her timing also shows that she has a clear political motive: Prevent #Kavanaugh from becoming #SCOTUS-Judge.
She did not impress.
@Der_Eisenhans 3. But even if we accept that #Kavanaugh is innocent (which he remains in any case until found guilty by a court), his non-performance shows that he is not made out of the stuff a top judge & decision-maker is made off: Presented his case poorly (as a top judge!). TBC
Read 7 tweets

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