"#ChuckAndNancy" #LimousineLiberals #Politics -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Genevieve Wood: Schumer Shutdown Makes Clear Democrats’ Real Priorities

#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #LiberalFascism -- #FreeSpeech #Faith #ProLife #EPluribusUnum
Democrat Shunned By Own Party After Speaking At March For Life
| #MarchForLife #IL03 #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Soros #SJW #Antifa #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event
| #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #Racism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum
K_Whiteman: Racists attack #MaliaObama for dating a white guy

| #tcot #PJNET
#ChuckSchumer #SchumerShutdown #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats

M_Cleveland: 6 Events That Prove Democrats’ Government Shutdown Over DACA Is A Fraud
(written before confirmation of Dems caving)
| #tcot #PJNET
#ChuckSchumer #SchumerShutdown #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats

... when Dems having little to bind them beyond 'resist', when going beyond that there are foundations of sand, a feature being Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi not being likable, even with their base...
#ChuckSchumer #NancyPelosi #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats

... and if that natural affinity for leadership is not there distrust can rapidly bubble to the surface, as it has done today. Libs need constant distractions, there is nothing much to bind them together.
#ChuckSchumer #NancyPelosi #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats
Arthur Schaper (analysis/op): Will The #SchumerShutdown Shut Down Democratic Hopes For 2018?
| #tcot #PJNET
#NeoMalthusianism #Eugenics #SJW #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #Humanity
M_Bilger: Abortion Activist Uses Image of Couple’s Disabled Daughter to Promote Abortions
| #tcot #PJNET
#WomensMarch #Vulgarity #Insanity #FakeFeminism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum
(UNCENSORED) Foul Mouthed Libs Fart, Spit & Throw Fists at Reporters
| #tcot #PJNET
#WomensMarch #Vulgarity #Insanity #FakeFeminism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum
C_Menahan: Women's Marchers Leave Garbage All Over The Streets
| #tcot #PJNET
#ChuckSchumer #NancyPelosi #BaitAndSwitch #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats | #SchumerShutdown

FLASHBACK: 2008 Democratic Party Platform Calls For More ‘Infrastructure’ On The Border, More Agents
| #SecureTheBorder #HomelandSecurity #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #Radicalism #Lawlessness #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Assimilation #EPluribusUnum #Prosperity

‘We Are Outraged:’ Illegal Alien Activists Turn on Democrats After Amnesty-or-Shutdown Fail
#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
"#WomensMarch" #LimousineLiberals #SJW #FakeFeminism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | #HarrietTubman
Black Americans Aren’t Happy That Women’s Marchers Slapped Pink Hat on Harriet Tubman Statue
| #Hotep #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #LowIQ -- #DemExit #Sanity #EPluribusUnum | #SchumerSurrender
A_Griswold: Democratic Activist Lectures Others Not to Use Term ‘Spineless’ Because It’s ‘Ableist’
| #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #AntiHumanism -- #DemExit #Faith
This Is Not Hyperbole: Democrats Now Refuse To Oppose #Infanticide
| @FDRLST #tcot #PJNET
#DNC #TomPerez
T_Meads: Where's the Cash? DNC Has Yet to Give $10 Million Promised for Party Rebuilding Efforts
| #tcot #PJNET
#ChuckSchumer #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass #SchumerShutdown #SchumerSurrender -- #DemExit #Prosperity

#SJW #PoliticalIslam #AntiSemitism -- #DemExit #NationalSecurity #EPluribusUnum
WA_Jacobson: Increasing partisan gap in support for #Israel reflects 15-year leftist shift in Democratic Party
| #tcot #PJNET
#FakeFeminism #AntiHumanism #Infanticide #SJW -- #DemExit #Faith #ProLife #Trumpocrats
Kelsey Harkness: We Asked "#WomensMarch" Attendees If They Support Any Limits on Abortion. Here’s What They Said

| #tcot #PJNET
#Soros #SJW #Lawlessness #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit
What Dems Enable - Illegals Emboldened To Show Entitled Disruptive Behavior, Fearing No Consequences:
| #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EconomicGrowth #Trumpocrats

J_Charters: #PaulRyan Calls Out Nancy Pelosi After #Verizon Offers Stock to Employees — And It's Too Perfect
| #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #PoliticalIslam #Antisemitism -- #DemExit #Israel #NationalSecurity
Anti-Israel Leftist Mourns "Mutual Lovefest" Between America and Israel
| @fpmag #tcot #PJNET
"#WomensMarch" #LimousineLiberals #TheyAllKnew #SJW #FakeFeminism -- #ThinkDifferent #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

V_Richardson: Women’s March crowds drop by half as left-wing group struggles with political divisions
| #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EconomicGrowth #Trumpocrats

Double Down: Pelosi Repeats 'Crumbs' Dismissal, as Number of Workers Receiving Tax Reform Bonuses Tops 3 Million

| #TaxCutsandJobsAct #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #DWS #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EconomicGrowth #Trumpocrats
Caleb Hull:
Wasserman Schultz 'Not Sure That $1,000 Goes Very Far for Anyone' — Now She's Hearing From Workers
| #TaxCutsandJobsAct #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals #LeftistHypocrisy #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EconomicGrowth #Trumpocrats

Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes
| #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EconomicGrowth #Trumpocrats

Fred Lucas: Liberals Are Ripping Tax Reform Bonuses. But They Celebrated $40 Under Obama Tax Cut.
| #PelosiCrumbs #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals #LeftistHypocrisy #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EconomicGrowth #Trumpocrats

Joy Pullmann (op):
No, Nancy Pelosi, A Thousand More Dollars In My Pocket Isn’t ‘Crumbs’
| @FDRLST #PelosiCrumbs #tcot #PJNET
#SchumerShutdown #TomSteyer

... am a bit skeptical regarding this, he likely will jump back in at a later point.

Steyer Says He Won’t Donate to Democrats After They Caved on Shutdown
| #tcot #PJNET
#AdamSchiff #LiberalFascism -- #FreeSpeech #RebootLiberty

Adam Schiff & Dianne Feinstein Send Threatening Letter to Social Media Giants Demanding Suppression of ‘Memo’ Hashtags
[based on a lie that has been debunked]
#NotABot #ReleaseTheMemo #tcot #PJNET
#CrookedHillary #SJW #LeftistHypocrisy #FakeFeminism -- #DemExit #Sanity

Political correctness only applies to political 'enemies'....

Hillary Snaps, Calls Social Justice Warriors “Bitches” (but they'll just give it a pass)
| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Scott Greer: Trump Provokes Democrats Into Showing Their True Colors On Immigration
"#DACAdeal" | #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #Racism #LeftistHypocrisy #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #AjitPai

Brian Darling: When the Left Crosses the Line into Harassment and Dangerous Rhetoric
| #EPluribusUnum #tcot #PJNET
#ChuckSchumer #NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #LawAndOrder #Prosperity

...icymi: Dem radicalization over illegal immigrants does not rub well w/ many legal immigrants

"#DACAdeal" | #SybeleCapezzutti #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats

... Dems have enough troubles over "#PelosiCrumbs"... but they go to another lib elitist Kennedy for the #SOTU response. lol.
| #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #LowIQ #Unhinged -- #IStand #EPluribusUnum
Leftist Culture:
Liberal California Councilman And Teacher Tells Students Military Are ‘Dumbsh*ts’ And ‘Lowest Of Our Low’ [VIDEO]
| #tcot #PJNET
#Gillibrand #SJW #Antihumanism -- #DemExit #Faith #ProLife
'Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand seems to assume all women support late-term abortion
| #Senate #PCUCPA #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #Lawlessness #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | "#DACAdeal"
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #Lawlessness #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | "#DACAdeal"

Dem Rep. Yvette Clarke: ICE ‘the Gestapo of the United States of America’
(... and she said that on holocaust remembrance day...)
| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #Lawlessness #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | "#DACAdeal"

FACT CHECK: Senator Murphy (#CTsen) Claims "#ChainMigration" Invented by Immigration Opponents
| @fpmag #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals - #SJW #LowIQ #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #CriticalThinking #EPluribusUnum

Maxine Waters ... what enables so many people to make poor choices to vote against their interests?
#MaxineWaters #CA43 | @TheFederalist1 #Hotep #tcot #PJNET
#Grammys #HillaryClinton #LimousineLiberals #WarOnWomen #SJW #LeftistHypocrisy -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Adviser shielded by Hillary Clinton after sexual harassment complaint continued inappropriate behavior later: Report
#BurnsStrider | #tcot #PJNET
#Grammys #HillaryClinton #LimousineLiberals #WarOnWomen #SJW #LeftistHypocrisy -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Nikki Haley tears into Clinton, Grammys for 'Fire and Fury' segment
(Michael Wolff has demonstrably lied in smearing Nikki Haley)
| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Fauxcahontas #WarOnMiddleClass #SJW -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Cherokee Woman TORCHES Fake Indian #ElizabethWarren ‘We’ve Asked Her to Stop’ Claiming Our Ancestry (VIDEO)
| #MAsen #Shiva4Senate #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #BernieSanders #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #EconomicGrowth

Bernie Sanders Goes Silent When Asked If He’s Glad About Workers Getting Tax Cut Bonuses (VIDEO)
| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #KamalaHarris #SJW #Antisemitism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

(From Last Year's Holocaust Remembrance Day:)
Democrat Kamala Harris Compares US Treatment of Muslims to Holocaust Victims on Holocaust Memorial Day
| #tcot #PJNET
#FredericaWilson #FL24 #LimousineLiberals - #SJW #FakeFeminism -- #DemExit #CriticalThinking #EPluribusUnum

Dem. Congresswoman Is Completely Clueless About #HillaryClinton Staffer Sexual Harassment Allegations [VIDEO]
#BurnsStrider | #Hotep #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #AntiHumanism -- #DemExit #Faith #ProLife #Trumpocrats
Extremist Senators: This Proposed Sixth-Month Abortion Ban is Dangerous, Immoral and Anti-Women
| #Congress #PCUCPA #tcot #PJNET
#CTsen #StolenValor #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum #RebootLiberty

Senator #RichardBlumenthal Encourages Dems to ‘Reveal and Shame’ Trump’s Judicial Nominees
| #Senate #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #Sanity | #SOTU

Dem Carnival Barkers - Noise Providing Zero Value For Americans

Democrats And Leftists Will Be Giving At Least Six Separate Responses To Trump’s State Of The Union Address
| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass #SJW #LowIQ -- #ThinkDifferent #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | "#DACAdeal" | #SOTU

Dems redefining scholar’s 1964 ‘#ChainMigration’ phrase as racist to attack Trump immigration plan
| #tcot #PJNET
#Gillibrand #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass #SJW #LowIQ -- #ThinkDifferent #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | "#DACAdeal" | #SOTU

Dem Sen Gillibrand: ‘Trump’s Rhetoric Is Racist’ — Term ‘#ChainMigration’ Is a ‘Racist Slur’

#tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass #SJW #LowIQ -- #ThinkDifferent #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | "#DACAdeal" | #SOTU

Todd Starnes (op):
If Pelosi Brings Illegals to SOTU, Trump Should Bring ICE Agents
| #tcot #PJNET
#DNC #TomPerez - #Disarray
DNC CEO Quitting After Less Than a Year
| #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals -- #DemExit #Truthseeking | #ReleaseTheMemo

Nancy Pelosi meltdown after GOP votes to release FISA memo - snaps at lib media lapdog #ChrisCuomo
| #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #Sanity | #SOTU

Dem Rep: Varied Responses to Trump’s SOTU Address Show Democrats Don’t Have ‘Single Unified Leader’

| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #ThinkDifferent #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | "#DACAdeal" | #SOTU

Far-Left (#Soros CAP) Immigration Advocate Tells #Tucker: ‘I Haven’t Spent a Lot of Time Thinking’ About How Much Is Enough
| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #AntiHumanism -- #DemExit #Faith #PCUCPA #tcot #PJNET

For Ref:
The U.S. Is Only One of Seven Nations That Allows Abortions on Babies After 20 Weeks
| #ProLife #DefundPP #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #AntiHumanism -- #DemExit #Faith #PCUCPA #tcot #PJNET

M_Bilger: All But Three Democrats Voted to Allow Unlimited Abortions Up to Birth
| #ProLife #DefundPP #Trumpocrats #tcot #PJNET
#Gillibrand #LimousineLiberals #SJW #FakeFeminism -- #DemExit #CriticalThinking #Sanity #EPluribusUnum

Three Minutes: Watch Kirsten Gillibrand Go From Demanding Zero Tolerance For Sexual Misconduct To Stammering About #BillClinton
| #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #JoeKennedy #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #RebootLiberty | #SOTU

The "Attack Trump" Curse Strikes Again....

Before SOTU:
Pelosi tells Democrats not to disrupt ‘slobbering’ Trump during SOTU
| #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #JoeKennedy #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #RebootLiberty | #SOTU #PresidentTrump

The "Attack Trump" Curse Strikes Again....

GROSS. JOE KENNEDY SLOBBERS Down His Face in Democratic SOTU Response (VIDEO)
| #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #JoeKennedy #LimousineLiberals #SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU

Left Blasts ‘Tone Deaf,’ ‘Inexcusable’ Joe Kennedy Pick—Privileged White Man Who’s Not Progressive Enough
| #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #JoeKennedy #LimousineLiberals #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU #PresidentTrump

VIDEO: Sour Pelosi refuses to applaud Trump call for unity

| #tcot #PJNET
#IL04 #LuisGutierrez #SJW -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU
VIDEO: Luis Gutierrez triggered by ‘USA!’ chants, flees House chamber
| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #LawAndOrder | #MS13
Dems Boo When Trump Notes Illegal Immigrant Crime, Get Quiet When He Points to Grieving Parents in Balcony [video]
"#DACAdeal" | #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #LimousineLiberals #SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum #RebootLiberty | #SOTU
Amber Athey:
LIST: 5 Things Democrats Refused To Applaud During SOTU [VIDEO]
| #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #Entitlement #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #LawAndOrder #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU #PresidentTrump | "#DACAdeal"

The Culture Dems Create (Cynical Politics)
Radicalized "DREAMERs" at SOTU Watch Party Hang ‘Dream Act’ Poster of POTUS Being Violently Attacked
#AmericanPravda #LimousineLiberals #SJW #LeftistHypocrisy -- #DemExit #Sanity #IStand #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU #PresidentTrump

"Trump is so Divisive!" they said, with no self-awareness whatsoever.
| (InstaPundit) #tcot #PJNET
#NancyPelosi #ChuckSchumer #LimousineLiberals #SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU

George Neumayr: The Sound of One Aisle Clapping
- The radicalism of the Dems was on display at the State of the Union Address.
| @amspectator #tcot
#ACLU #LimousineLiberals #SJW -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU
ACLU Complains: "Trump Used the Word 'America' More Than 80 Times"
| @cnsnews #tcot #PJNET
#DNC #TomPerez #Disarray -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats | #SOTU #RNC

Matt Vespa:
Oh, So That's What The DNC Tried to Bury During Trump's State Of The Union
| #RedNationRising #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #LawAndOrder #Prosperity | #SOTU

"Moderate" Dem?
Rep. #TimRyan (#OH13) Is Forced to Explain Why He Honored a Deported Man Instead of His Legal Constituents
| @cnsnews #OHpol #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #LowIQ #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU

Scott Greer: Patriotism Offends Liberals During Trump’s State Of The Union
| #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #SJW #WarOnMiddleClass -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #EconomicGrowth #EPluribusUnum | #SOTU

RdG: In 16 Reactions, How the Left Responded to Trump’s First State of the Union
| @DailySignal #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #AntiHumanism -- #PCUCPA #ProLife #Faith
M_Bilger: Ted Cruz Slams Democrats: They are So Radical They Support Unlimited Abortions Up to Birth
| @LifeNewsHQ #TedCruz #TXsen #DemExit #tcot #PJNET
#SJW #AntiHumanism #LiberalFascism -- #EPluribusUnum #Faith

Bernie Sanders Surrogate (#JonathanTasini) Cheers Crash of Train Carrying Republicans
| @fpmag #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #HillaryClinton #JoeKennedy #LeftistHypocrisy -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #RebootLiberty

Maureen Callahan: Dems offer us a Clinton and a Kennedy — will they ever learn?
| @NYPost #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #HillaryClinton #JoeKennedy #LeftistHypocrisy -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #RebootLiberty

... so from an opposing viewpoint, I am pushing E Pluribus Unum and criticizing the Dem base for this? No, Dems are the ones who are fighting day in and day out....
#LimousineLiberals #HillaryClinton #JoeKennedy #LeftistHypocrisy -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #RebootLiberty

... on a platform of identity politics, and yet this is what they end up slavishly following after their pointless fight, i.e. if they were honest, by their own...
#LimousineLiberals #HillaryClinton #JoeKennedy #LeftistHypocrisy -- #DemExit #Trumpocrats #RebootLiberty

... labeling, what they would identify as perfect examples of white privilege and elitism. What is the identity politics fight for? What is the point of the Dem Party?

• • •

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More from @OverTheMoonbat

Jan 21, 2018
Dems have really put themselves in a tough spot with this shutdown. The overwhelming majority in the country do not want to see a government shutdown for resolving DACA....
... but the Dem base has been so radicalized that inevitable Dem backtracking will result in tantrums among the base, which is pretty weak in terms of anything binding it together beyond "resist".....
... if the roles were magically switched and I were an immoral Dem I would love to see the "opposition" squirm with a shutdown that went on for a week or two, but that would be if it were purely about politics, and not other things, incl. military....
Read 22 tweets
Sep 30, 2017
... has become very clear to me over the last couple of days from observing pockets of Conservative Inc. media and elsewhere we are....
... going to be up against NeverTrumpers and some semi-NeverTrumpers as much as Dems, in ensuring Roy Moore wins the #ALSen seat...
... and this is where
"some semi-NeverTrumpers"
... is important in terms of nuance. Most real conservatives who backed Cruz have...
Read 14 tweets

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