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Oct 9th 2018
!! Nikki Haley resigns as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations…
Trump has accepted Nikki's Haley's resignation, per @axios.…

Intriguing point here from @waltshaub. There is no member of this kleptocratic regime who has not gorged at the trough.
Anti-corruption watchdog @CREWcrew has requested an investigation into whether #NikkiHaley followed ethics regulations when she accepted flights on luxury private aircraft…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 9th 2018
CAUTION: Don't expect anything anti-Trump from #NikkiHaley's departure. No one in the Republican Party has the courage to oppose him in any meaningful way.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 23rd 2018
"The United States is the only country in the world that has not ratified the Convention on the Rights
of the Child, which protects the economic and social rights of children"
"At the end of the day, however,
particularly in a rich country like the United States, the persistence of extreme poverty is a
political choice made by those in power"

"The cornerstone of American society is democracy, but it is being steadily
undermined, and with it the
"human right to political participation protected in article 25 of
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The principle of one person, one
vote applies in theory, but is increasingly far from the reality."
Read 5 tweets
Jun 14th 2018
The #UnitedNations still has an unfulfilled promised to🇵🇸#Palestine, a commitment that was adopted 70 years ago at the General Assembly & has not materialized yet: the creation of its free & sovereign State.-🇧🇴#Bolivia's Amb. to the #UN, @SachaLlorenti
"70 yrs ago the #UN made 2 promises to the world
1st was to create a free & sovereign state of #Israel,the promise was fulfilled
2nd promise was to create a free independent & sovereign state of #Palestine
We're talking of more than 70yrs of an unfulfilled promise"#Bolivia UN Amb
"One of the parties has built checkpoints in occupied #Palestinian Territories,
an annexation wall along the #WestBank, illegal settlements,responsible for preventing the return of more than👉#6MILLION👈Palestinian refugees to their homes,..."@SachaLlorenti,#Bolivia's Amb. to #UN
Read 9 tweets
Jan 22nd 2018
"#ChuckAndNancy" #LimousineLiberals #Politics -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Genevieve Wood: Schumer Shutdown Makes Clear Democrats’ Real Priorities…

#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Soros #SJW #Antifa #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event…
| #tcot #PJNET
Read 107 tweets

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