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Oct 1st 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 10/1/18 14:28 EST
[THEY] call in threats prior to each rally in an effort to diminish reach of message.
When one shirt is not enough..
TWO becomes the solution. #QAnon Q ❤️’s you Maria!@MariaWall93 @POTUS
Latest Q.
On the clock. Mirror to today. Q is talking to us.
Learn to read the clock Anons. From the board!! #QAnon #QClock @realDonaldTrump
Read 40 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
The traitors are fucked Four Ways to Friday.
I have #Faith in the Four F’s:
-Foreign Agents Registration Act
-Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
-Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
-Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
FARA = oopses we forgot to register as agents of a foreign power = PRISON TIME & FINES
FATCA = oopses we forgot to tell the @IRStaxpros about our money that we hid in offshore accounts = PRISON TIME & BIGLY FINES…
Read 10 tweets
Sep 22nd 2018
Thread: The slippery slope of undercover atheists
I begin with the Name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
“Were they created by nothing? Or were they the creators (of themselves)?” Qur’an 52:35
Read 50 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
There are many spouses, children & families who patiently, faithfully & silently support the brave warriors defending our country & life itself from these cannibal animals. Their sacrifice & suffering is mostly silent & rarely do #WeThePeople recognize this. Choose to see them.
To all the military parents, spouses raising your children while your other half protects our freedom, & all the young ones missing their parents, I am with you. I see you. I recognize & appreciate YOUR sacrifice to our great nation. #WeThePeople are forever indebted to you.
To the operators, strategists & those who support their efforts, you already know what's at stake. You already know the importance of what you are doing. I will make it my life's work to ensure that everyone else knows too. You are not alone. We are with you #WWG1WGA #QAnon #MAGA
Read 35 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
We keep imploring the guilty to just come out & #SayBraveThings. Have we considered that maybe the reason they remain so silent & never speak truth is because the whole point is for humanity to CHOOSE good/God through free will with #FAITH (which requires an element of doubt)?
If the guilty were to just out with it all, it would remove the element of doubt. Then everyone would just know, and the opportunity to exercise/demonstrate #FAITH would be immediately removed, along with our free will to choose good/God over evil based on faith, not knowledge.
Instead of harboring resentment & frustration that the guilty always lie & don't admit the truth, why not thank them for helping us come to understand our own purpose in life & free will to choose God/good here on Earth in this lifetime, even & especially in the face of doubt?
Read 8 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
For me, so far in my memory reconstruction, it seems like everything was just mind control; Pavlovian response conditioning through torture. But I remain open to the possibility that "demons" & "Evil entities" may exist. Per the Bible, ALL DEMONS SUBMIT to the power of CHRIST.
And whether these 'Demons' are objectively real ethereal entitles or simply subhuman people doing nasty sh*t to kids here on Earth, either way, invoking the name of Jesus & following Christ is THE WAY to escape this hell on earth. I know because I did it. Thank you God!
If I am ever feeling doubt, wondering if these "witches" are cursing me at any given moment, knowing that they target me on ritual dates with focused malice, I simply say aloud "Demons have no power over me. I am protected by Christ. In the name of Jesus, take a blessing & leave"
Read 39 tweets
Aug 5th 2018
"#OrganDonation is an altruistic act that should be celebrated..." (p6)

So why not do that, and devote more resources to making donation easier - an approach that has delivered measurable results - instead of a regressive move to #OrganHarvesting?…
Describing a *significantly narrowing* shortfall (cf. graph, also p6) in available organs is not a justification for a change to #OrganHarvesting; nor are emotive appeals. This reads like #PolicyBasedEvidenceMaking.
"We want... to change the culture around organ donation in this country in the longer term." (p7)

Stopping it being a gift, freely given, and instead the State 'deeming' you to have given permission will certainly change that! Presumption ain't 'donation' and will erode trust.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
Lots of typos today. I despise touchscreens & auto-NOT-correct. Glad Twitter doesn't allow edits but definitely realizing this week has taken a toll, mentally & physically. I won't be able to sustain posting like this for much longer. But it's such a BIG week, it's hard to stop.
Honoring my body, it's needs & limitations, is what led me out of the darkness of my old life into the healing I am enjoying now. Remaining true to myself & uncompromising in my commitment to #SelfLove & #SelfCare got me away from all who were harming me Thank God #SayBraveThings
My body is the only part of me that experienced EVERYTHING. I refuse to make it endure anything it doesn't want to now. So if you see less of me for a bit don't worry, I'm here. Just realizing I've overdone it the last few days. It's all worth it though! What a time to be alive.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 13th 2018
I had lunch with my Pastor yesterday. We discussed many things, including my growing scepticism about the traditional structure of physical churches.
I also mentioned that I was no longer attending church regularly, as I was taking some personal time to deconstruct the nature of Christ's relationship with humans, outside church walls.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 21st 2018
Remember y'all, it's a ritual date, so the #hivite shills are likely going to be more active here on Twitter. Plus, Q warned us "attacks will intensify" and "riots being planned" so just keep all of this in mind when you interact with people today. PROTECT YOUR SOVEREIGNTY & MIND
A bad actor can only steal your PEACE & POWER if you LET them. YOU are in control of YOU. Your critical mind & the TRUTH are your weapons, you have to guard them so the enemy can't hijack them. YOU are in the best position to protect YOURSELF. Stay RATIONAL & LOGICAL in all ways.
We have EVERYTHING on our side. The truth, the law, time, majority opinion, morality, logic, & the evidence. We cannot lose. Truly we cannot lose. The #Hivites already LOST on 11/6/18 & they knew, on that day, they were FINISHED. #ItEndsNOW #ByePhoenicia #HivitesGetLit #QAnon
Read 9 tweets
Jun 19th 2018
by Bertrand L. Comparet

"Most church goers will say they believe the #Bible, but the question is what #Bible?
"If pinned down to specific answers, they will discount the #OldTestament about 90%. They are skeptical of its history & they give no credence to its #miracles. They know only utter confusion as to its #prophecies and they reject its laws as being repudiated by the #NewTestament.
"For their beauty of language, they will accept the #Psalms, those which are not controversial. Any verse is accepted which could not offend even the most #wicked, but they reject all the others which sternly call the #Christian to the duties he wants to evade.
Read 52 tweets
Jun 12th 2018
1) Hard times are often blessings in disguise. Let go and let life strengthen you. No matter how much it hurts, hold your head up and keep going. This is an important lesson to remember when you’re having a rough day, a bad month, or a crappy year. Truth be told,
2) sometimes the hardest lessons to learn are the ones your spirit needs most. Your past was never a mistake if you learned from it. So take all the crazy experiences and lessons and place them in a box labeled “Thank You.''

#ThoughtLeader #Influencer #DailyInspiration
Read 3 tweets
Jun 12th 2018
#NewQ ALERT!!!! 🚨🚨🚨
"This is the English version of the video "trailer" that President Donald J. Trump showed Chairman Kim Jong Un during their historic summit on 6/12/18."

Jun 12 2018 11:08:47EST
"No. 100
Dark to Light.
1:07 [Marker]

Do you believe in coincidences?
"Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit?
He did not have his updated phone number.
(3) NK Generals [released] closed the pathway for bad actors.
Post 1465
Jun 12 2018 12:02:24 (EST)

Reminds me of "Elian's Revenge" by Leikeli47:
Read 105 tweets
Jun 4th 2018

"Many years ago, the then president of The National Council of Churches warned that the danger of the great religious awakening taking place in our country, might become fanatical and be carried into our political and business life!
"Perhaps this was a fair assessment, that is, if you conflate #Christian #Zionism with religious awakening. Unfortunately, these "fanatical" #Evangelicals have 0 faith in the #Christian religion to which they give empty lip service--while paying homage to those who hate #Christ.
"For lack of faith in the actual #Bible, #Evangelicals make Scofield’ Notes, (Scofield! A drunkard and a con-man allied with the Satanist, Darby) --#Evangelicals have turned Scofield’s NOTES into a DIABOLICAL FORCE in our #national life.
Read 177 tweets
May 15th 2018
Here's a guaranteed way for #Writing Contest Jurors to ruin an #emergingwriter's day: tweet to your followers (some of whom have to be thinking of entering the contest you're judging) that you're not a fan of certain kinds of stories, so maybe it's best if they "skip this one..."
...bc being an #emergingwriter isn't hard enough. It isn't hard enough that there already is a magical/frustrating subjectiveness and unpredictability to contests, and that entering one is an act of #faith, yet maybe your surprising story will be the one to enchant the jurors...
...nor is it a challenge to come up with the contest fee, which is usually significant, because you think your story's great and might have a shot, even though it's got #scifi or #specfic elements, because you've been inspired in the past by unexpected and genre-bending work...
Read 12 tweets
May 12th 2018
1) We are each a spark of the Divine. Worthy as ever. And yet, sometimes we lose sight of our inherent value. That inner voice can become muffled by the narratives we play over and over in our mind. What are the messages that wear us down? In this moment, let’s challenge them.
2) What has caused us to forget that we are deserving? In this moment, let’s remind ourselves that our capacity for growth and strength is incredible. How can we reframe our experiences and begin viewing our lives from a more elevated perspective?
3) Are we ready to stop buying into old thoughts patterns and start trusting more empowering ones? Know this – there is so much more in store for you. The more we begin to believe this, with God’s help, the sooner we will receive what we hope, pray, and strive for. #believe
Read 5 tweets
May 12th 2018
(THREAD) 1. MEET Estela and Nicolas. Today they got married. For anyone else this would be just a picture of a normal wedding day, but for these two, there is much more than meets the eye. For them, this is a story of the triumph of love and hope.
2. 3 weeks ago I was approached by someone at my parish.
-“Father, there is a couple who wants to get married.”
-“I am glad to hear that. Tell them to call me & we will set up a meeting.”
-“Well” she said, “this is the thing. They are in the hospital. Could you come please?”
3. I went to visit them, only to find out that Estela, a beautiful 26 year old woman, had cancer that spread all over her body. Doctors give her a limited time of life. I saw her husband to be, by her side, with a sad smile in his eyes, asking me for hope and a miracle.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 22nd 2018
"#ChuckAndNancy" #LimousineLiberals #Politics -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Genevieve Wood: Schumer Shutdown Makes Clear Democrats’ Real Priorities…

#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Soros #SJW #Antifa #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event…
| #tcot #PJNET
Read 107 tweets
Nov 14th 2017

01] A Message From Father #God for Sunday November 12, 2017

Establish My Kingdom On Earth Before #Jesus Returns…

To all My Beloved Children, so few of you ask what is on My heart for Mankind on Earth? I seek to close out this age.

02] All My prophecies will fulfill themselves automatically, but the how of what happens is up to My will together with your collective wills.

In My Word, in the Bible, My plan is revealed. I plan to come Myself, yes, I Father God shall come to My Overcomers and ...

03] hand the Kingdom to them to begin establishing it before My Son returns. In the books of Isaiah and Daniel, everything is laid out. Isaiah Chapter 60 informs you all that I plan to fill you with My glory which will ...

Read 31 tweets

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